But I don't have TIME to exercise!



  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Wooow... I suddenly remembered why I stopped coming on here. This whole, "OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME!"

    I'm a single mother to a toddler with autism who works not 2, but THREE freaking jobs to care for that precious baby. I get MAYBE an hour of peace and quiet. Do I want to use my only hour to run laps around our apartment? No. I want to sit down and relax.

    I often skip out on eating because 1. We can't afford it and 2. I don't have the time to bother with it.

    Tell me again how I don't give a rip about losing weight because I don't have the time?

    In the future, maybe you should be a smidge less judgmental and mind ya business.

    My original post did not say OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME". You have taken it completely out of context. As it turns out, I have an autistic daughter. She is now 32 years old. I was not overweight until I was 51 and stopped smoking. Regardless, even though I didn't realize it as exercising at the time, to try to reach her, we danced a lot together to Beatles music. We went to the free zoo and walked and walked. She loved to be lifted up in the air (I'll never understand why) so I did that a lot. She required a lot of time and patience, and after not being able to find child care for her, I placed her in a nearby residential environment and brought her home on weekends. She's been in a group home ever since, with me still picking her up on weekends, and now we're exercising together. She got her GED a little over a year ago, and is now taking classes in the local community college on Early Childhood Education.

    Never underestimate yourself or your child.
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Just got out of the hospital on Wednesday, exercise isn't a priority right this minute and probably won't be until I recover and even then it may be an iffy thing.

    but if you can, enjoy it. If you don't do it, that should be ok too. everyone is different.

    No judgments coming from here either way you go with it.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Just got out of the hospital on Wednesday, exercise isn't a priority right this minute and probably won't be until I recover and even then it may be an iffy thing.

    but if you can, enjoy it. If you don't do it, that should be ok too. everyone is different.

    No judgments coming from here either way you go with it.

    Take care of yourself first, and best of luck to you in your recovery.
  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Ok I have a serious question - do people really work out while watching tv? Not like, they just have the tv on to keep themselves from jumping off the treadmill. But I can't imagine doing squats while I'm watching my favourite show (if I had one, I don't right now, but say I did). That to me would be relax time.

    I do because I have trouble sitting still. After I've been sitting at a desk all day, it's usually (not always) more relaxing to me to move my body around than to sit some more and pay for it the next day in soreness and creaky joints from disuse. So I do yoga, kettlebell exercises, try to do chin-ups, etc.

    No way am I judging people who don't, though. I've been there too when times were really tough and I was working multiple jobs. If you want to rest, rest. Rest is important. You might lose weight by running yourself into the ground, but being skinny and unhealthy isn't really a worthwhile goal.

  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Too late for a run, but not for a couple of flags :)

    why? he's right, for weight loss, exercise isn't necessary.

    I completely disagree. Exercise is necessary to keep your body functioning properly, increase your metabolism, and, believe it or not, it burns calories!!!

    Exercise is wonderful and my life, but you don't need it for weight loss. I'm a real advocate of not taxing the body too much when it's in deficit. There's plenty of time for exercise when your body is in maintenance and a healthy low BMI weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - why are you telling people what to do?

    I'm not even close to telling people what to do. Some people (as evidenced in this thread) don't consider exercise a priority because they simply don't like exercising, and I respect that. But the ones who say they want to exercise but don't have time to do so could have done three jumping jacks in the time it took them to say they don't have time to exercise. Just sayin . . .

    so you are telling them what do with THEIR time…got ya...
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    my deficit was 550 to start with i could not lose weight until i added more deficit through exercise. i assumed move more to lose weight?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my deficit was 550 to start with i could not lose weight until i added more deficit through exercise. i assumed move more to lose weight?


    so you lost no weight on 550 deficit but added in exercise and burring another 150 to 200 was the key???
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited March 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    my deficit was 550 to start with i could not lose weight until i added more deficit through exercise. i assumed move more to lose weight?


    so you lost no weight on 550 deficit but added in exercise and burring another 150 to 200 was the key???

    She didn't say how many calories she was burring (sic). She said when she started exercising, which surprisingly burns calories and increases metabolism, she then started losing weight. Weight loss which comes from CICO doesn't require exercising, as your body burns plenty of calories just to keep you alive. You merely have to eat a lot less if losing weight without exercising is your intention. It happens a lot faster with exercise, although many people have health or other issues which makes being able to exercise very limited.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    my deficit was 550 to start with i could not lose weight until i added more deficit through exercise. i assumed move more to lose weight?


    so you lost no weight on 550 deficit but added in exercise and burring another 150 to 200 was the key???

    She didn't say how many calories she was burring (sic). She said when she started exercising, which surprisingly burns calories and increases metabolism, she then started losing weight. Weight loss which comes from CICO doesn't require exercising, as your body burns plenty of calories just to keep you alive. You merely have to eat a lot less if losing weight without exercising is your intention. It happens a lot faster with exercise, although many people have health or other issues which makes being able to exercise very limited.

    what does 550 deficit mean then?
  • Mikolinz
    Mikolinz Posts: 23 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - why are you telling people what to do?

    I'm not even close to telling people what to do. Some people (as evidenced in this thread) don't consider exercise a priority because they simply don't like exercising, and I respect that. But the ones who say they want to exercise but don't have time to do so could have done three jumping jacks in the time it took them to say they don't have time to exercise. Just sayin . . .

    So you like exercising. Yippee for you. We get it.

  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    edited March 2015
    Why was I flagged for putting up a derailed pic? I was just pointing out the obvious, not being unkind, abusive or offensive. This thread had obviously become derailed.

    Are we flagging people for stating the obvious in a humorous manner now?

  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    I could go on and on.

    But not weight loss

    How not? Weight loss is ci vs co. You can either reduce the first or increase the latter. Or both. Exercise is certainly a weight control option.
  • no such thing as " NO " time..... its a cheap way of getting out of something !

    Starts in the kitchen then if you add alittle extra workout your body will reward you down the road.
  • walterm852
    walterm852 Posts: 409 Member
    I get way further into your goal before Id post blasting messages like this one. You would have more credibility and possibly a better perspective
  • TCO76
    TCO76 Posts: 242 Member
    OP I totally get your point. It's funny to me how defensive people get about demanding that no one force feeds them that "EXERCISE" word. God forbid they actually do something that might increase their overall feeling of wellbeing. No instead they think they found some ancient secret loophole of how to lose weight using just math and willpower. Yes it works... we KNOW.
    But to the ones who are so uptight about this being the wrong forum, and how dare you hold your head down on others, blah blah blah......just look at yourselves. What are you defending? Humans were not designed to sit around and count calories. Imagine what life would be like if from the beginning of time man starred at his phone.. or laptop. Haha. If everyone had the I don't wanna mentality.

    You might get a few of your online buddies to join you in your crusade against exercise, posting hilarious gifs and meme's, but at the end of the day you know your just mad.

  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    TCO76 wrote: »
    OP I totally get your point. It's funny to me how defensive people get about demanding that no one force feeds them that "EXERCISE" word. God forbid they actually do something that might increase their overall feeling of wellbeing. No instead they think they found some ancient secret loophole of how to lose weight using just math and willpower. Yes it works... we KNOW.
    But to the ones who are so uptight about this being the wrong forum, and how dare you hold your head down on others, blah blah blah......just look at yourselves. What are you defending? Humans were not designed to sit around and count calories. Imagine what life would be like if from the beginning of time man starred at his phone.. or laptop. Haha. If everyone had the I don't wanna mentality.

    You might get a few of your online buddies to join you in your crusade against exercise, posting hilarious gifs and meme's, but at the end of the day you know your just mad.

    If that is directed at me (yes I post humorous gifs and memes) and since I am the only one to post memes in this thread I would dare say you are directing that at me. Here are some facts for you.

    Firstly I am not "mad" I use humor to bring joy to peoples lives not because I am "mad"

    Secondly I exercise practically everyday and people who are familiar with my routine know that I workout pretty damn hard and consistently.

    Thirdly nowhere did I discredit or argue against any of the responses I only voiced a grievance when I was flagged for abuse for an innocuous meme that merely stated that this thread had become derailed.

  • TCO76
    TCO76 Posts: 242 Member
    TCO76 wrote: »
    OP I totally get your point. It's funny to me how defensive people get about demanding that no one force feeds them that "EXERCISE" word. God forbid they actually do something that might increase their overall feeling of wellbeing. No instead they think they found some ancient secret loophole of how to lose weight using just math and willpower. Yes it works... we KNOW.
    But to the ones who are so uptight about this being the wrong forum, and how dare you hold your head down on others, blah blah blah......just look at yourselves. What are you defending? Humans were not designed to sit around and count calories. Imagine what life would be like if from the beginning of time man starred at his phone.. or laptop. Haha. If everyone had the I don't wanna mentality.

    You might get a few of your online buddies to join you in your crusade against exercise, posting hilarious gifs and meme's, but at the end of the day you know your just mad.

    If that is directed at me (yes I post humorous gifs and memes) and since I am the only one to post memes in this thread I would dare say you are directing that at me. Here are some facts for you.

    Firstly I am not "mad" I use humor to bring joy to peoples lives not because I am "mad"

    Secondly I exercise practically everyday and people who are familiar with my routine know that I workout pretty damn hard and consistently.

    Thirdly nowhere did I discredit or argue against any of the responses I only voiced a grievance when I was flagged for abuse for an innocuous meme that merely stated that this thread had become derailed.

    No that was not directed toward you. Just a general statement. People can take it how they want. It happens in all forums. Yours WAS FUNNY.

    carry on
  • Drewlssix
    Drewlssix Posts: 272 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - why are you telling people what to do?

    I'm not even close to telling people what to do. Some people (as evidenced in this thread) don't consider exercise a priority because they simply don't like exercising, and I respect that. But the ones who say they want to exercise but don't have time to do so could have done three jumping jacks in the time it took them to say they don't have time to exercise. Just sayin . . .

    so you are telling them what do with THEIR time…got ya...

    No, that is plainly NOT what she is doing. She is calling people out on their excuses and citing examples. Stop putting motives behind people's clear words.