But I don't have TIME to exercise!



  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I hear and read this all the time. Whenever someone says, "I don't have time to (fill in the blank)', it just means it's not a priority. Exercise isn't a priority to those who don't make it a priority.

    Do you have time to watch television? You can exercise while watching it instead of sitting on the couch. Do you have time to play computer games? Play a game, then do a bunch of jumping jacks or whatever, then play another game. Do you have time to time to talk on the phone? Take a walk while you're talking. Do you or your neighbor have a dog? Walk the dog. They love it, and you don't look silly just walking around aimlessly.

    Make a list of all the things that you DO have time for, and then figure out how you can substitute and/or supplement them with exercising. You'll be surprised at what a difference it will make.

    Of course if you aren't committed, you're never going to have time to exercise, weigh your food, stop eating junk because you worked hard one day out of seven and "deserve" a treat for the next ten days, or whatever. We're all in this together.

    If we just make time a priority for planning our meals, weighing our food, and exercising even if it's only ten minutes here and ten minutes there, we will succeed.

    Sorry but no. I am in this for me and me alone. Someone else's weight loss, stall or gain does not effect me in the slightest. There really is no we.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Cardio is a good appetite suppressant. :smile: Running is exhilarating, when I can do it. I make time to walk. It helps give me a little wiggle room in my deficit. It's not bad. People who can't exercise can still lose weight, but usually when people want to lose weight, it's because they want to be healthy, and exercise is involved in being healthy.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Exercise also helps lower bad cholesterol.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's necessary for cardiovascular health.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Exercise is necessary for bone health.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's pretty great for brain health and mental acuity as we age too.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Not to mention that exercise is fun and often social.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I could go on and on.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I could go on and on.

    But not weight loss
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    I despise the anti-exercise attitude here. It is so idiotic and short-sighted.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Ok I have a serious question - do people really work out while watching tv? Not like, they just have the tv on to keep themselves from jumping off the treadmill. But I can't imagine doing squats while I'm watching my favourite show (if I had one, I don't right now, but say I did). That to me would be relax time.

    I do sometimes. I pull my bike out and watch a few episodes of something while going at a nice clip. Usually it's because I've over done it on dinner and need to get back under lol. I don't do it every time though. I do a lot of just relaxing. Trust. ;)
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I despise the anti-exercise attitude here. It is so idiotic and short-sighted.

    But I really don't like it.

    Seriously though. You don't need to exercise to lose weight. That's all about being fit. Two different things. One not more important than the other.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited March 2015
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Ok I have a serious question - do people really work out while watching tv? Not like, they just have the tv on to keep themselves from jumping off the treadmill. But I can't imagine doing squats while I'm watching my favourite show (if I had one, I don't right now, but say I did). That to me would be relax time.

    I do sometimes. I pull my bike out and watch a few episodes of something while going at a nice clip. Usually it's because I've over done it on dinner and need to get back under lol. I don't do it every time though. I do a lot of just relaxing. Trust. ;)

    Lol, ok, I do :) I don't know, I'm not a multitasker like that. I am mostly trying not to hurt myself when I'm working out, which involves a fair amount of concentration. I wouldn't get the most out of a good show, which is a shame, because they went to all that trouble to make it etc.

    (Music is different, helps me get more into what I'm doing. Although sometimes that gets me into trouble, because I'm trying to keep up with a beat and maybe ignoring little pain signals that I need to be paying attention to [because, accident & injury prone. Ok probably not everyone has this problem, lol.])
  • choligeetu
    choligeetu Posts: 22 Member
    As long as you have time to eat, you should have time to exercise, that's what I believe.
    I work 70+ hours per week, and still have time to exercise, practice my instrument, etc.
  • sinfulsweetie
    sinfulsweetie Posts: 3 Member
    Wooow... I suddenly remembered why I stopped coming on here. This whole, "OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME!"

    I'm a single mother to a toddler with autism who works not 2, but THREE freaking jobs to care for that precious baby. I get MAYBE an hour of peace and quiet. Do I want to use my only hour to run laps around our apartment? No. I want to sit down and relax.

    I often skip out on eating because 1. We can't afford it and 2. I don't have the time to bother with it.

    Tell me again how I don't give a rip about losing weight because I don't have the time?

    In the future, maybe you should be a smidge less judgmental and mind ya business.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Wooow... I suddenly remembered why I stopped coming on here. This whole, "OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME!"

    I'm a single mother to a toddler with autism who works not 2, but THREE freaking jobs to care for that precious baby. I get MAYBE an hour of peace and quiet. Do I want to use my only hour to run laps around our apartment? No. I want to sit down and relax.

    I often skip out on eating because 1. We can't afford it and 2. I don't have the time to bother with it.

    Tell me again how I don't give a rip about losing weight because I don't have the time?

    In the future, maybe you should be a smidge less judgmental and mind ya business.

    You dont get assistance for costs and medical care/therapy???
  • sinfulsweetie
    sinfulsweetie Posts: 3 Member
    Wooow... I suddenly remembered why I stopped coming on here. This whole, "OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME!"

    I'm a single mother to a toddler with autism who works not 2, but THREE freaking jobs to care for that precious baby. I get MAYBE an hour of peace and quiet. Do I want to use my only hour to run laps around our apartment? No. I want to sit down and relax.

    I often skip out on eating because 1. We can't afford it and 2. I don't have the time to bother with it.

    Tell me again how I don't give a rip about losing weight because I don't have the time?

    In the future, maybe you should be a smidge less judgmental and mind ya business.

    You dont get assistance for costs and medical care/therapy???

    Assistance here is a joke. We do get some help, but most of the money we get goes towards rent and then we cover therapy for my son, and if I'm lucky, I can get to and from work. He gets some medical help, but doesn't cover therapy.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Wooow... I suddenly remembered why I stopped coming on here. This whole, "OMG. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU DON'T HAVE TIME!"

    I'm a single mother to a toddler with autism who works not 2, but THREE freaking jobs to care for that precious baby. I get MAYBE an hour of peace and quiet. Do I want to use my only hour to run laps around our apartment? No. I want to sit down and relax.

    I often skip out on eating because 1. We can't afford it and 2. I don't have the time to bother with it.

    Tell me again how I don't give a rip about losing weight because I don't have the time?

    In the future, maybe you should be a smidge less judgmental and mind ya business.

    You dont get assistance for costs and medical care/therapy???

    Assistance here is a joke. We do get some help, but most of the money we get goes towards rent and then we cover therapy for my son, and if I'm lucky, I can get to and from work. He gets some medical help, but doesn't cover therapy.

    Wow. Come to Az. Occupational therapy for small children is free and so is healthcare for parents who make below poverty level. Huzzah Obamacare.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Why is the last post I view have bars over it???
  • vbenoit81
    vbenoit81 Posts: 22
    Well diet matters more than exercise for weight loss. However, some people do have issues working out based on time, sometimes you can't make exercise a priority. I unfortunately have to work over 10 hours a day and then I am a mother of 3. So, when you work over 10 hours a day and have to take care of children, then it is not always easy to workout. However, why I cook I do some push ups or something else while waiting for something to finish and that helps. However, my diet does help me a lot and is the reason I continue to lose weight when I can get a consistent workout in.