Body Wraps please stop the insanity



  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    I actually sell body wraps and I have noticed a big difference. It depends on the type of body wrap that you get. I agree some are just gimmicks and just make you loose water weight and only works temporarily. I sell the it works wraps. We actually don't claim that you should use it to lose weight. I have lost a good amount of weight but I contribute most of that to diet and exercise. However, the wraps are a good way to help. It does going into your system and breaks down the fat cells. However, its big benefit is to firm, tighten, and tone your skin. After a wrap people will lose inches. Not everyone, but most. I often have lost inches when I do them. It is not water weight! You are required to drink at least a full bottle of water while wearing the wrap and continue drinking for another 3 days. My parents have had it done on their chin to reduce the sagginess and they noticed a big difference. Not all body wraps work and I don't claim that my wrap works on everyone. However, my wrap does work on many people who have seen a difference. Check out to see how they work.

    While I am glad that you understand that it isn't for weight loss, it doesn't "go in and break down fat cells" either. I think the It Works wraps do soften and tighten your skin. So would Preparation H, because it's the same thing. I also have no reason to distrust their supplements, but I feel that people who sell the product should try to know what they are talking about if they don't want it to look like a gimmick.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I think I may buy some cling film in bulk and go find me some suckers.


    Since this thread was my idea you have to split your profits with me.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I think I may buy some cling film in bulk and go find me some suckers.


    Since this thread was my idea you have to split your profits with me.

    Deal, and you get your first body wrap on the house!
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    I think I may buy some cling film in bulk and go find me some suckers.


    Since this thread was my idea you have to split your profits with me.

    Deal, and you get your first body wrap on the house!

  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I think I may buy some cling film in bulk and go find me some suckers.


    Since this thread was my idea you have to split your profits with me.

    Deal, and you get your first body wrap on the house!

  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    I have several friends who are selling these but they don't market it as a miracle and say they work best with diet and exercise - it's more of a boost than a solution. It might be something I'd try if I wanted to fit into something nice for an event but they are too expensive for me to want to use any other time.