How do you do 1200 Calories?



  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    jt880 wrote: »
    ^ Thats awesome I hope to be running next year after I fix the rest of me!

    Awesome?? It sounds like a recipe for burnout to me. But each to their own, if a person is happy AND healthy I ain't gonna judge.

    I'm not about to sum up her story in one post either. Running in something like that is a lifelong goal for me and to see someone else doing it just makes me want to push harder. So that this time next year I can post how I ran my first 5k or whatever something the pushing 300lbs me never thought he could do.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    jt880 wrote: »
    jt880 wrote: »
    ^ Thats awesome I hope to be running next year after I fix the rest of me!

    Awesome?? It sounds like a recipe for burnout to me. But each to their own, if a person is happy AND healthy I ain't gonna judge.

    I'm not about to sum up her story in one post either. Running in something like that is a lifelong goal for me and to see someone else doing it just makes me want to push harder. So that this time next year I can post how I ran my first 5k or whatever something the pushing 300lbs me never thought he could do.

    That's a great goal to have :smile:
    I was commenting more so on her calories plus exercise...

  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    jt880 wrote: »
    ^ Thats awesome I hope to be running next year after I fix the rest of me!

    Awesome?? It sounds like a recipe for burnout to me. But each to their own, if a person is happy AND healthy I ain't gonna judge.

    I like the running. It's just the eating part. I'm just so terrified of being big again that I just don't eat. :( I'm working on it this week, though. I got a migraine today after a year of being free of them, so I know I'm starting to push it.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    P.S. Since there's no finish line, why does everyone want to lose 2 pounds per week? That's a good way to lose muscle mass with your fat loss. Do you want to be skinny fat? If not, slow down and work on your body composition! Is your goal just to be smaller and not leaner? If so, 2 pounds a week is a great way to go!
  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    jt880 wrote: »
    ^ Thats awesome I hope to be running next year after I fix the rest of me!

    Awesome?? It sounds like a recipe for burnout to me. But each to their own, if a person is happy AND healthy I ain't gonna judge.

    I like the running. It's just the eating part. I'm just so terrified of being big again that I just don't eat. :( I'm working on it this week, though. I got a migraine today after a year of being free of them, so I know I'm starting to push it.

    You have to listen to what your body is telling you I've found it will send you clear signals when you are overdoing it. For me last week I didn't get enough sleep so I actually missed dinner one night because I slept through it.
  • rosnigetsfit
    rosnigetsfit Posts: 569 Member
    Make your goal 0.5-1lb a week.
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm minimal carbs, focusing mainly on vegetables, including sweet potatoes, as my main carb source daily and grains on workout days, but still find it hard to do my set base of 1600 calories. How do those of you doing 1200, not give up or kill someone because of hunger? Not judging, genuinely curious!

    check out my journal... i've been down to 1200 calories per day for a while now... and i eat ALL the time... it's all about the quality of the food you eat... veggies have so little calories you can have your fill of them...
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    P.S. Since there's no finish line, why does everyone want to lose 2 pounds per week? That's a good way to lose muscle mass with your fat loss. Do you want to be skinny fat? If not, slow down and work on your body composition! Is your goal just to be smaller and not leaner? If so, 2 pounds a week is a great way to go!

    1. My body, my business.
    2. Doctors orders.

    Body comp will be closer to my weight goal. This is easier for me as I adjust my lifestyle and eating habits.
  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm minimal carbs, focusing mainly on vegetables, including sweet potatoes, as my main carb source daily and grains on workout days, but still find it hard to do my set base of 1600 calories. How do those of you doing 1200, not give up or kill someone because of hunger? Not judging, genuinely curious!

    check out my journal... i've been down to 1200 calories per day for a while now... and i eat ALL the time... it's all about the quality of the food you eat... veggies have so little calories you can have your fill of them...

    Your diary is awesome btw. I'm the same way veggies, I just need to get off my PB as fill calories at the end of the day.
  • kitchensolo
    kitchensolo Posts: 38 Member
    If you're vegetarian, here are some good choices:

    I'll second Tempeh as a great choice - very versatile, tastes great (adapts to sauces and marinades), keeps long in the fridge (unwrapped) and is a probiotic. Can't beat that!
  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    I was excited to try Tempeh till I found out it was soy based I can't have soy at all for me its an inflammatory food which my body immediately rejects bummer.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    What makes it work for me is finding satisfying alternatives to the food I love. For example... I love starbucks lattes but they are too high in calories. So I experimented for a while until I came up with my own that is only 64 calories. It's very filling and delicious. It's the same with everything I eat. There are so many options to have something similar that taste as good but is healthier and more filling. Tons of ideas on sites like pinterest. Also adding a bunch of veggies to any meal will always make it more filling with little calories.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I do 1200 calories usually from breakfast through lunch...
  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    I also found that when you eat more veggies and the "cleaner" food you start to dislike over sweetened things. I saved up a bunch of calories one day to have my favorite drink as a reward for a long week of workouts. It was so sickenly sweet I couldn't finish it.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    1200 is lunch for me. When I go for a long run or ride, I'll enjoy over 1400 calories of yummy milkshake.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I don't. I would end up eating someones face if I tried that.
  • kitchensolo
    kitchensolo Posts: 38 Member
    Hi @jt880, have you spoken with your doctor about Tempeh? While a soy product, there are some significant differences that *may* (under the advice of a physician) be open to you. Fermenting is a powerful advantage. Might be worth a chat, if you haven't done so already. Indeed it stinks not to be able to eat things good for us, my mom loves grapefruit, but with high blood pressure medicine in her routine each day, it's a no-no. Here is some reading on Tempeh:
  • marlenecather
    marlenecather Posts: 2 Member
    Lots of salad, fruit, veggies, egg whites, turkey, and lots of water (with lemon, mint and cucumbers).
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    1200 is half my daily intake. I could not survive on 1200 a day, well I could, but no one else would.
  • jt880
    jt880 Posts: 163 Member
    Hi @jt880, have you spoken with your doctor about Tempeh? While a soy product, there are some significant differences that *may* (under the advice of a physician) be open to you. Fermenting is a powerful advantage. Might be worth a chat, if you haven't done so already. Indeed it stinks not to be able to eat things good for us, my mom loves grapefruit, but with high blood pressure medicine in her routine each day, it's a no-no. Here is some reading on Tempeh:

    My endo says no to anything soy based I may experiment with it though as long as i'm close to a bathroom :)