How do you do 1200 Calories?



  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    Thanks @4leighbee and @Nony_Mouse, for the support. I've been hearing concern from people who are aware of how much I exercise but don't eat enough. I think I also get tripped up by certain macros going into the red, like sugar/sodium so I just stop eating if I get too close. But the more I read on these forums, the more I should keep a more lenient eye on those two. And @Nony_Mouse, I joined that group. :)
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Thanks @4leighbee and @Nony_Mouse, for the support. I've been hearing concern from people who are aware of how much I exercise but don't eat enough. I think I also get tripped up by certain macros going into the red, like sugar/sodium so I just stop eating if I get too close. But the more I read on these forums, the more I should keep a more lenient eye on those two. And @Nony_Mouse, I joined that group. :)

    Awesome, I'll look forward to seeing you there :)

    And yep, ignore the sodium and sugar. I actually swapped mine for more useful things, in my case fibre and iron.
  • catherinecadoo
    catherinecadoo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm minimal carbs, focusing mainly on vegetables, including sweet potatoes, as my main carb source daily and grains on workout days, but still find it hard to do my set base of 1600 calories. How do those of you doing 1200, not give up or kill someone because of hunger? Not judging, genuinely curious!

  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    edited March 2015
    honestly, I really don't think 1200 calorie diets work. This is from my own experience of course, basically you should work out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight based on your height, weightloss goal, age and a few other factors. I found I actually hold onto weight if I eat less than 1600 a day and can't lose weight at all. I highly recommend working out your calories using a calculator such as this
    it could make your life a whole lot more enjoyable and successful
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited March 2015
    4leighbee wrote: »
    Also, I eat Lifesaver peppermints at work (when I start getting antsy for chocolate or whatever) - usually three or four a day - it takes a while and the mint stays with me, too. I feel like I've had a treat. Nothing wrong with chocolate, btw, but I will eat the whole Pounder bag, so best for me to avoid it.
    I would eat the whole bag of Lifesaver mints! I love those things.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Personally, I don't. Never have, never will. I'm at 1800 calories right now to lose a pound a week, before exercise. I actually lost over 2 pounds this week, because I didn't eat back all my exercise calories, but I usually eat at least the 1800. I'm perfectly fine with slow and steady, as long as I get there, and keep it off!
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member

    Mitzimum wrote: »
    honestly, I really don't think 1200 calorie diets work. This is from my own experience of course, basically you should work out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight based on your height, weightloss goal, age and a few other factors. I found I actually hold onto weight if I eat less than 1600 a day and can't lose weight at all. I highly recommend working out your calories using a calculator such as this
    it could make your life a whole lot more enjoyable and successful

    It really does depend on the person. I think 1,200 calories diets do work, it just may not be for everyone.
  • catherinecadoo
    catherinecadoo Posts: 2 Member
    I'm minimal carbs, focusing mainly on vegetables, including sweet potatoes, as my main carb source daily and grains on workout days, but still find it hard to do my set base of 1600 calories. How do those of you doing 1200, not give up or kill someone because of hunger? Not judging, genuinely curious!
    Sticking with 1200 calories a day is challenging, particularly now that I have lost 15 pounds. This is what has helped: I drink a lot of water; I'm gluten free; an apple (or orange) a day helps with weight loss and regularity (don't laugh); I buy tasty foods that I can grab when in a hurry; I bring my own food to social gathering; and when I record everything I am more successful. Good luck.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Good question.

    Oh, wait. You asked "how", not "why." I have no idea.

    But plenty of people on MFP apparently do it, so I'm sure you'll get a lot of really great answers.
  • jmichaelminton
    jmichaelminton Posts: 47 Member
    edited March 2015
    P.S. Since there's no finish line, why does everyone want to lose 2 pounds per week? That's a good way to lose muscle mass with your fat loss. Do you want to be skinny fat? If not, slow down and work on your body composition! Is your goal just to be smaller and not leaner? If so, 2 pounds a week is a great way to go!

    I don't think losing 2 pounds a week is too much. Hell, there are people on here who have lost 100 pounds in a year to get to their ideal weight, and it looks like they didn't lose a significant amount of muscle mass at all. Just incorporate strength training into your workouts instead of doing straight cardio.

    Also for people with significant weight loss goals (>50 lbs), I believe it is MUCH better to lose 2 lbs/week as opposed to 1 lb/week.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    There's a fair bit of 'why would you?' in this thread. To those who can eat more and lose weight, that's awesome!! Seriously, I would love to be in your camp. Yes, some people choose to do 1200 for faster weight loss, but there are a whole host of other reasons as well, including medical. For some of us, this is just what it takes. Personally I'm willing to make that sacrifice in order to not be overweight.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    I get 1200 when I check 2lbs, 1.5lbs, and 1lb loss, so I figure it doesn't particularly matter. It only goes up 90 calories if I pick .5 weight loss. I figure I can just earn more calories back through my workouts. Though when I check the maintenance number, it's 1500 calories and change, which is crazy to me!
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    I track calories every 7 days, not daily. Allows for high and low days. Works better for me. Feel free to check my diary. I had pie, ice cream and bacon today; 12 of 18 pounds lost in 9 weeks.

    How do you track weekly? Is there an option for that?
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I get 1200 when I check 2lbs, 1.5lbs, and 1lb loss, so I figure it doesn't particularly matter. It only goes up 90 calories if I pick .5 weight loss. I figure I can just earn more calories back through my workouts. Though when I check the maintenance number, it's 1500 calories and change, which is crazy to me!

    That is because MFP won't go below 1200 and you are already very lean to start with. Your ticker says something like 4 lbs left to lose. .5lb a week is pretty much what you should be aiming for. And it is also because MFP doesn't include exercise. You are active (I saw you post in a half marthon thread), so at .5 lb a week plus exercise, most days you should be over 1200.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited March 2015
    rayw89 wrote: »
    sushi4days wrote: »
    How can people do Kale?? Its so great for you but hot damn I can't seem to make it work for me!! Any advice?

    I tried Kale in a smoothie once, and it didn't get blended properly, which made me very nausea(think drinking kale chunks). :/ But Kale has redeemed itself with me now. I make a Kale and Pinto bean soup(with carrots, red bell pepper, onion, veggie stock, and seasoning), and I love it!
    jt880 wrote: »
    He only offered advice and didn't diagnose anything other than my hashimoto's thyroid condition which I just found out the other day is still cancer free yay.
    Yay indeed! (*)
    Ellaskat wrote: »
    I track calories every 7 days, not daily. Allows for high and low days. Works better for me. Feel free to check my diary. I had pie, ice cream and bacon today; 12 of 18 pounds lost in 9 weeks.

    How do you track weekly? Is there an option for that?

    Click on nutrition, then click on weekly. It's easier on my phone then doing it on the PC

  • welchbriauna
    welchbriauna Posts: 16 Member
    Smaller portions. Eat slowly.
    This. I put my fork down between bites and drink lots of water before and after my meals
  • glutenfreechic
    glutenfreechic Posts: 57 Member
    I absolutely could not stick to 1200 when I tried that. but i do a lot of exercise so that might account for it.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Mitzimum wrote: »
    honestly, I really don't think 1200 calorie diets work. This is from my own experience of course, basically you should work out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight based on your height, weightloss goal, age and a few other factors. I found I actually hold onto weight if I eat less than 1600 a day and can't lose weight at all. I highly recommend working out your calories using a calculator such as this
    it could make your life a whole lot more enjoyable and successful

    What? You were likely eating more than you thought you were than.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    edited March 2015
    I guess I could do 1200, but often I stuck with a range instead of 1200-1500. If I were to do 1200 tomorrow, this is what it would look like:

    Breakfast (321 cals): Egg white muffin - 165 cals
    Two Weetablix - 130 cals
    1/2c unsweetned almond/coconut milk - 17.5 cals
    1/2c boiling water
    1-2 packets of Truvia
    14oz black coffee 1pkt Truvia, 2oz almond/coconut milk - 8.5 cals

    Lunch (348.5 cals): Two Weetablix - 130 or one packet of Quaker reduced sugar oatmeal
    1c boiling water
    1-2 packets of Truvia
    14oz black coffee 1pkt Truvia, 2oz almond/coconut milk - 8.5 cals
    1/2c 2% cottage cheese - 90 cals
    Pure Protein pre-mixed shake 23g protein - 120 cals

    Dinner (545 cals): Spinach, feta and mushroom casserole -375 cals
    7 squares of Cadbury's Dark Chocolate - 170 cals

    I'm in maintenance now, on 1400-1900 calories a day, but if I needed to cut again, I'd go back to this. I'm not a vegetarian, despite this meal plan.
  • VixenLips
    VixenLips Posts: 17 Member
    Well, I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.
    It's very easy for me to keep under 1200 or eat that exact amount.
    I also exercise daily.
    If you want to add me and see what I eat (I promise I'm not starving], it could give you an idea or two.
    If I stay up past 10:30/11PM I get hungry. I need to be in bed early.
    Right now is 12:00AM. I am hungry.