First Outdoor Run of the Year



  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I used the winter weather as a challenge to myself. I didn't get out and run as often as I'd have liked but I learned I love to run in the cooler weather. My favorite temps are 20-25, the spitting snow adds a sense of calm to the run. If the streets are rough I run in quiet suburbias, you know those big housing developments, they always have clear streets and usually very little traffic.

    I did find running in snow that had built up was something I didn't care for, like running on the beach you don't go far for the effort but it's still a good workout. I do however like to run the beach but that's a rare treat.

    I even tried running in freezing rain, oddly I liked it, dangerous yes but no traffic so with careful footwork it was actually almost fun. Like a kid jumping in puddles.

    Treadmills bore me, I thought about it a few times during the really cold snaps when it wasn't safe to be outside but in the end knew my heart wouldn't be in it so I just did other indoor exercise.

    To each their own, inside or out but yes if you're going to run 5k's - marathons and want to have decent times then I'd suggest you brave it a little and get in that outdoor run.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    gobonas99 wrote: »
    I do not understand this "running inside" thing of which you speak. :wink: I've run exactly 1 mile on the treadmill in the past year, and I did that only because it was for a VO2 Max test. I've been running outside ALL winter (my first outdoor run of the "year" was on January 1st) - including 0*F with a windchill of -16*F (granted, on the super cold days, I kept my runs to 30 minutes or less), I've run in snow, I've run in 20mph wind (35+mph gusts), I've run on hardpack/ice....I've had icicles form on my eyelashes during numerous runs. I've NEVER had an issue with being cold. The key is to wear appropriate clothing. :)

    LOL you are a better woman than I!!! No way in h#ll will I run outside in that god-awful cold! LOL
    Just thinking about you running out in that kind of weather makes me cold. LOL :) just need the right clothing! :) Layers are everything! :) Especially at night (90% of my running this winter was in the dark). I will say though, that on the coldest days that I ran, my workout was actually a brick, so I was already really warm from the bike before I went outside for the run. :)
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    There is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing (not quite true, I run outside all year 'round and it gets cold here but I won't run when there's been freezing rain......)

    I agree with this.....I also stay inside when I see lightning :)