gym = embarrasing



  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.

    That's a pretty arrogant judgement to make. How do you know that one or two or several of those "fat people waddling" aren't doing something to lose weight and maybe they were just out with their family. My family and I stop at Dennys when we're on a road trip..or Cracker Barrel, or do you know I didn't order an egg white omelette and black coffee??!

    People like you making judgments like that are the reason overweight people DO feel embarrassed when they go to the gym. My friend told me her husband often makes remarks about "look at the fattie" if they see someone overweight trying to walk or jog along the road. I had a huge fear of being judged when I first got my bicycle and was riding out in public for everyone to see me.

    What if I had just finished a 20 mile bike ride, went home, got changed into regular clothes and stopped at the diner on my way to work for a cheeseburger because I was starving and needed the protein and energy? Yeah, you'd probably sit there in judgement of me.

    You should be ashamed. You don't know the stories of random strangers.

    Would it have been less arrogant had he said "when I see overweight people at Denny's eating an order of Moons over My Hammy, with 2 sides of pancakes and a plate of bacon", or if he would have said "when I see overweight people eating a big mac from McDonalds". I think you missed the point completely because you were so quick to jump on the defensive. Losing weight and being healthy is a lifestyle change, so when I, you, he or anyone for that matter sees an overweight person walking out of the gym that is awesome as that person clearly is trying to better themselves. Should he have said waddle? Probably not, but he was giving a compliment to people that are trying. That is all, no need to over think it.

    Oh and if someone is in need of Protein and energy I can think of much healthier alternatives than popping into Dennys for a cheeseburger after a run. Don't get me wrong, I eat all the food, cheeseburgers, cheese cake, pizza etc. but in Moderation and because i am far enough along in my journey to do so without comprimising my "lifestyle change" for a person new to that journey Denny's cheeseburgers aren't really the greatest source of protein.

    IIFYM and it's NYOB. Period.

    Err..NOYB. ;)

  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    edited March 2015
    There's a reason why Planet Fitness is routinely bashed here and in other fora. Sure, every gym has its problems. Planet Fitness, however, actively spreads misinformation, exploits and fosters its members' insecurities, and actively prevents people from doing the things that will help them the most.

    No gym is perfect, but the vast majority of them do operate in a way that's consistent with the general mission of fitness. Planet Fitness is one of the few that actively works against that goal. Can you get in shape there? Sure, but it's DESPITE their methods, not because of them.

    They are a unique case. There's no excusing this on the grounds that "every gym has its problems."

    What's more, consider the nature of the OP. The original poster expressed concern about feeling intimidated in the gym. The vast majority of posters here have affirmed that there's no real reason to feel intimidated. In that light, It's only fair to point out that Planet Fitness actively promotes such insecurities by saying "Oh, don't go to those other places! You'll just experience gymtimidation there. Come to our place where it's safe."
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    It will pass the more you go and the more comfortable you get there. I thought when I first started everyone was saying "what the heck is that fat girl think she is doing here?" Come to find out no one really paid me any attention and then ones that did...well they have been coming up to me lately and saying what an amazing transformation I have made and they love my dedication.

    Keep going! :smiley:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited March 2015
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.

    That's a pretty arrogant judgement to make. How do you know that one or two or several of those "fat people waddling" aren't doing something to lose weight and maybe they were just out with their family. My family and I stop at Dennys when we're on a road trip..or Cracker Barrel, or do you know I didn't order an egg white omelette and black coffee??!

    People like you making judgments like that are the reason overweight people DO feel embarrassed when they go to the gym. My friend told me her husband often makes remarks about "look at the fattie" if they see someone overweight trying to walk or jog along the road. I had a huge fear of being judged when I first got my bicycle and was riding out in public for everyone to see me.

    What if I had just finished a 20 mile bike ride, went home, got changed into regular clothes and stopped at the diner on my way to work for a cheeseburger because I was starving and needed the protein and energy? Yeah, you'd probably sit there in judgement of me.

    You should be ashamed. You don't know the stories of random strangers.

    Would it have been less arrogant had he said "when I see overweight people at Denny's eating an order of Moons over My Hammy, with 2 sides of pancakes and a plate of bacon", or if he would have said "when I see overweight people eating a big mac from McDonalds". I think you missed the point completely because you were so quick to jump on the defensive. Losing weight and being healthy is a lifestyle change, so when I, you, he or anyone for that matter sees an overweight person walking out of the gym that is awesome as that person clearly is trying to better themselves. Should he have said waddle? Probably not, but he was giving a compliment to people that are trying. That is all, no need to over think it.

    Oh and if someone is in need of Protein and energy I can think of much healthier alternatives than popping into Dennys for a cheeseburger after a run. Don't get me wrong, I eat all the food, cheeseburgers, cheese cake, pizza etc. but in Moderation and because i am far enough along in my journey to do so without comprimising my "lifestyle change" for a person new to that journey Denny's cheeseburgers aren't really the greatest source of protein.

    IIFYM and it's NYOB. Period.

    The probability of someone new to this journey having a clue what IIFYM is small, and I think you meant "it's NOYB" because NYOB doesn't make sense. And it is my business because you posting things on a public internet forum makes it not only my business but everyone elses business as well, so if you do not want other peoples opinions on your misjudgements please keep your opinions to yourself. Have a lovely day!

    What I EAT is NOYB. What anyone eats is NOYB. I am very new to this with 90 lbs to lose and I know what I I FYM means. You really are full of assumptions about people. And I apologize for my typo with NOYB.
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    I have found myself embarrassed in the past. But I always think of it this way: All these great looking, fit, muscular people started where I started. No one is judging us. You're only wrong if you don't go to the gym/stay active.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    edited March 2015
    I did, but got over it real quick. Actually one of my fave places now and I consider myself on the shy side.
    Smile a lot, go in with a positive attitude and things will take care of themselves
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.

    That's a pretty arrogant judgement to make. How do you know that one or two or several of those "fat people waddling" aren't doing something to lose weight and maybe they were just out with their family. My family and I stop at Dennys when we're on a road trip..or Cracker Barrel, or do you know I didn't order an egg white omelette and black coffee??!

    People like you making judgments like that are the reason overweight people DO feel embarrassed when they go to the gym. My friend told me her husband often makes remarks about "look at the fattie" if they see someone overweight trying to walk or jog along the road. I had a huge fear of being judged when I first got my bicycle and was riding out in public for everyone to see me.

    What if I had just finished a 20 mile bike ride, went home, got changed into regular clothes and stopped at the diner on my way to work for a cheeseburger because I was starving and needed the protein and energy? Yeah, you'd probably sit there in judgement of me.

    You should be ashamed. You don't know the stories of random strangers.

    Would it have been less arrogant had he said "when I see overweight people at Denny's eating an order of Moons over My Hammy, with 2 sides of pancakes and a plate of bacon", or if he would have said "when I see overweight people eating a big mac from McDonalds". I think you missed the point completely because you were so quick to jump on the defensive. Losing weight and being healthy is a lifestyle change, so when I, you, he or anyone for that matter sees an overweight person walking out of the gym that is awesome as that person clearly is trying to better themselves. Should he have said waddle? Probably not, but he was giving a compliment to people that are trying. That is all, no need to over think it.

    Oh and if someone is in need of Protein and energy I can think of much healthier alternatives than popping into Dennys for a cheeseburger after a run. Don't get me wrong, I eat all the food, cheeseburgers, cheese cake, pizza etc. but in Moderation and because i am far enough along in my journey to do so without comprimising my "lifestyle change" for a person new to that journey Denny's cheeseburgers aren't really the greatest source of protein.

    IIFYM and it's NYOB. Period.

    The probability of someone new to this journey having a clue what IIFYM is small, and I think you meant "it's NOYB" because NYOB doesn't make sense. And it is my business because you posting things on a public internet forum makes it not only my business but everyone elses business as well, so if you do not want other peoples opinions on your misjudgements please keep your opinions to yourself. Have a lovely day!

    What I EAT is NOYB. What anyone eats is NOYB .

    Again, no one was saying anything about what you eat or what anyone eats. The general statement was made that someone overweight leaving the gym is a much more inspirational thing to see than someone overweight leaving a Denny's. Is that wrong? I don't think so but clearly you have a problem with it so maybe agree to disagree? Carry on!

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    DerekVTX wrote: »
    There are a lot of people in there in your state, and a lot of fit people in there that used to be overweight. When I see very overweight people in the gym I think "AWESOME FOR THEM", they are taking the first steps. When I see overweight people waddle out of Dennys I think...."DISGUSTING....they don't have to be like this". Be more embarrassed about not being in the gym :smile: The hard work will pay off, if you honestly put your all in.....I promise it will pay off.

    That's a pretty arrogant judgement to make. How do you know that one or two or several of those "fat people waddling" aren't doing something to lose weight and maybe they were just out with their family. My family and I stop at Dennys when we're on a road trip..or Cracker Barrel, or do you know I didn't order an egg white omelette and black coffee??!

    People like you making judgments like that are the reason overweight people DO feel embarrassed when they go to the gym. My friend told me her husband often makes remarks about "look at the fattie" if they see someone overweight trying to walk or jog along the road. I had a huge fear of being judged when I first got my bicycle and was riding out in public for everyone to see me.

    What if I had just finished a 20 mile bike ride, went home, got changed into regular clothes and stopped at the diner on my way to work for a cheeseburger because I was starving and needed the protein and energy? Yeah, you'd probably sit there in judgement of me.

    You should be ashamed. You don't know the stories of random strangers.

    Would it have been less arrogant had he said "when I see overweight people at Denny's eating an order of Moons over My Hammy, with 2 sides of pancakes and a plate of bacon", or if he would have said "when I see overweight people eating a big mac from McDonalds". I think you missed the point completely because you were so quick to jump on the defensive. Losing weight and being healthy is a lifestyle change, so when I, you, he or anyone for that matter sees an overweight person walking out of the gym that is awesome as that person clearly is trying to better themselves. Should he have said waddle? Probably not, but he was giving a compliment to people that are trying. That is all, no need to over think it.

    Oh and if someone is in need of Protein and energy I can think of much healthier alternatives than popping into Dennys for a cheeseburger after a run. Don't get me wrong, I eat all the food, cheeseburgers, cheese cake, pizza etc. but in Moderation and because i am far enough along in my journey to do so without comprimising my "lifestyle change" for a person new to that journey Denny's cheeseburgers aren't really the greatest source of protein.

    IIFYM and it's NYOB. Period.

    The probability of someone new to this journey having a clue what IIFYM is small, and I think you meant "it's NOYB" because NYOB doesn't make sense. And it is my business because you posting things on a public internet forum makes it not only my business but everyone elses business as well, so if you do not want other peoples opinions on your misjudgements please keep your opinions to yourself. Have a lovely day!

    What I EAT is NOYB. What anyone eats is NOYB .

    Again, no one was saying anything about what you eat or what anyone eats. The general statement was made that someone overweight leaving the gym is a much more inspirational thing to see than someone overweight leaving a Denny's. Is that wrong? I don't think so but clearly you have a problem with it so maybe agree to disagree? Carry on!

    Making rude assumptions about people you don't know...yes I'm sorry I do have a problem with it.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    theres a lot of replies so maybe you said, but why do you feel embarrassed?

    i go to zumba every friday. the rest of the women have been going MONTHS (maybe more lol) longer than I have. they know all the moves and effortless float between songs without missing a beat. Meanwhile, im in the back, making up my own moves half the time cause im an uncoordinated wanna be dancer. LOLOL but it doesnt bother me. the ladies are nice, and we chat before and after class, and im getting my workout in (no matter how much i laugh at my inability to jumoandtwirlandtwistandbend all at the same time)

    at the GYM.... im there to work out, just like everyone else. Some might have been at it longer than me and look better than me, others are newer and look ' worse'. it doesn't matter and I don't put any thought into anything, other than how long I'm going for on the machine :) And... I don't really think other people do, either.

    you do you. don't worry about other people.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    That must be hard for you to feel shame or embarressment about the gym. I believe some of these fears are a product of our childhood and the feedback we got growing up about "self" so you aren't alone in trying to work out issues with feeling shame that aren't reasonable as an adult.

    I have the same sorts of issue when I go to the Dr and try to verbalize pain or discomfort...I feel embarressed and the feelings aren't always reasonable. I'm over 50 and avoiding the Dr when I'm sick isn't just crazy making.

    I have learned that if I kinda pretend that I'm an "adult" taking my 7 year old "self" to the Dr and reassuring myself that I'll always be there to love and take care of myself it seems to help.

    If you have kids- What would you say to them to set them at ease about going to the Gym?

    Of course other's aren't judging you harshly in any way at the gym. Lots of people see the gym as where they go to make friends and socialize so they are more likely to want to be your friend than judge you.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    i always feel embarassed. im short and plump with a belly and double chin to one has ever said anything to me to make me feel this way, but its just my own inner battle and insecurities. But then i remember, i work so hard at the gym. everyone does and chances are they havn't even noticed me bc they are working out too. and even if they do notice me, they may not be thinking about how i look. and if they are thinking about how i look, i am guessing their thoughts are along the lines of, "hey if fat girl can do this, so can i!" lol or possibly, "good for her! she is getting healthy" so i try to think about that. and if for some reason they think "wtf is a fat chick doing here", then *kitten* them! i will probably never know them anyways...of course reminding myself of these things, is a constant struggle, but i think with time it will leave. pplus id rather spend a few months of my life insecure at the gym and getting fit, than staying home and getting fat. in the long run, this is such a small part of the greater picture :) it is worth any short term embarrassment to have lifelong health
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    It can be embarrassing at first, I still have moments of not wanting to break out from cardio to weights because I feel intimidated. But honestly, you just do you and no one is going to bother you. Most people are pretty busy focusing on their own workout.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I am pretty focused on my workout and often am in my own world. Sometimes I'll look at other people, but I don't put a lot of thought into it. I really don't care what other people think and I work out at my employer's gym, often as one of the only women that does it on a very consistent basis. It is pretty much only dudes when I go in. I've never gotten any kind of negative feedback period about it. On the contrary, other co-workers straight up told me they wish they had my motivation. A couple have asked to work out with me. The ones I see in the gym regularly have become more open with me. It's done nothing but positive things and I'm glad I got over my initial nervousness and just did it and stuck with it.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    When I first started at the gym, I wore full-body covering clothes and sunglasses throughout my workout, it was my "disguise".

    After dropping 50 pounds of fat and adding 30 pounds of muscle, I now wear tank-tops with shorts and no shades. I like what I see in the mirror.
  • ScorpioJack_91
    ScorpioJack_91 Posts: 5,241 Member
    edited March 2015
    That's what I need to remember and I'm sure the more I go the better I will feel about going! Thanks for the response @BlackScorpio91‌
    Oh and btw sorry if I was mean to you yesterday....I should have said my previous comment in a message. I noticed my comment...and several others were deleted...probably because of what I said. Anyway I'm sorry. Sometimes I have a habit of being too blunt.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Nope. Though I'm a little self-conscious on deload week because I feel like less of a beast.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    When our tax refund comes thru we are joining an aquatic center. It has a fitness room, a lap pool, a warm pool, and small hot tub...I am excited but also uneasy because I bought a new suit....but hey it holds in all my bawdy bits sooo...Im gonna swim laps like I know what the heck I am doing :-)!!!

    The hardest thing about my whole new life was the first time I put a swimsuit on and went to a water aerobics class. There was all my fat hanging out for all to see! One of the best moments was one year (and 70 lb. lighter than I weighed for my first class). I wore a new suit and was a little later than usual so almost every one of the regulars was already in the pool. As I started down the steps into the water, there were tons of "OMG, you look great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't realize it was you." comments. They were used to seeing me with most of my body under water.

    In other words, as uncomfortable as it may be in the beginning, the rewards far outweigh everything.

    That is quite inspirational :-) Thanks for your imput!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nope. Though I'm a little self-conscious on deload week because I feel like less of a beast.

    heh- I have a hard time deloading- I'd rather just go take a week off and go running than show up at the gym and deal with the comments of - what you on the rag?

    Because yeah- that's how that works LOL
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Nope. Though I'm a little self-conscious on deload week because I feel like less of a beast.

    heh- I have a hard time deloading- I'd rather just go take a week off and go running than show up at the gym and deal with the comments of - what you on the rag?

    Because yeah- that's how that works LOL

    I often miss my bench and OHP that week, not gonna lie.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    I once showed people this great blog post about the myth of gymtimidation. I can no longer find it, but it eloquently elaborated on much of what has been said here -- how intimidation at the gym exists almost entirely in one's head. Such concerns are certainly understandable, but they have little basis in reality.

    The following is the next best one that I've seen. I didn't want to share this one at first, since it focuses on Planet Fitness and I didn't want to make this sound like another PF bashfest. However, it does artfully explain why we should stop fostering this notion that the gym is a scary place where the newbies will be horribly out of place.