Attn: WOMAN what birth controls are effective without rapid weight gain?



  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Pull out

    LOL...I have a 12 year old daughter thanks to this method. ;)

  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    I have had a Mirena IUD for the last two years and have lost almost 70 lbs in the meantime. I also appreciate the rare and light period it provides as well as few PMS symptoms.
  • jezebellle23
    jezebellle23 Posts: 36 Member
    ughbrit wrote: »
    Paraguard is a non-hormonal IUD that lasts up to 10 years. It's amazing and I couldn't recommend it more highly. Also, some OBGYNS believe in the old theory that you must've had a kid in order to have the IUD inserted, but I never have and know others who never have given birth and have had it inserted just fine.

    I have pcos and tried the non hormonal route with paraguard and it was 2 yrs of misery, pain and spotting.I was at one point put on continuous bc to stop my periods all together and that was not effective. It was not a good choice for me (non child bearing up to that point). It was a big ordeal to have it removed but after I did it was back to pills
  • sdonovan96
    sdonovan96 Posts: 46 Member
    triciab79 wrote: »
    All the hormone varieties made me act like a psycho and eat like a horse. I finally just got the Essure procedure done. Its nice, no surgery just a couple little wires placed in the tubes and the scar tissue blocks them off. Took the doc like 10 min and I have been free of birth control (and additional babies) ever since.

    Please be careful with this method. I am 30 years old and just had a total hysterectomy to get Essure out. If you start noticing changes (pelvic pain, bleeding, rashes, weight gain I mean the list goes on and on) It almost killed me. It perforated out of my fallopian tube and was almost to the point of migrating. There is a whole facebook page with about 15,000 women who are having issues with it. We are working with Erin Brockovich to have it taken off the market. Just in case you start having problems. I hope you don't! I gained 70 lbs in the 4 years I had it. Had my surgery 3 weeks ago and I've already lost almost 20 lbs. I could not lose weight to save my life with Essure in. So just keep an eye out. It took about 6 months before I started noticing problems. Feel free to add me if you want more info.

  • Chrystal_Raven8
    I feel that oral contraceptives made me gain and retain more water. The Depo Provera.... same thing.
    I have the regular IUD (copper) for 6 months and so far, so good.
  • SuzetteB007
    SuzetteB007 Posts: 4 Member
    Definitely Paragard as it is hormone cramps are terrible but still worth it to me