

  • LovingLife_Erin
    LovingLife_Erin Posts: 328 Member
    Oh man... I walk to the gym so sometimes am close to sweating when I get there so usually I'm sweating within minutes of being actually at the gym. My back gets super sweaty as does my face (armpits will be dry though... I'm odd lol) so I pretty much rock a wet shirt the whole time. I just use my towel to wipe my self down as I go, and wipe off the equipment when I'm done with it. I figure if anyone cares that I'm sweaty, then they are in the wrong place.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include these items:

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting.This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

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    Topics or posts which are started with the intent to belittle others, either directly named or through enough descriptive commentary to be possibly identified, are prohibited. This includes stalking a poster through the forums, posting about past events gone sour, divulging personal information, or spreading gossip or rumors. At our discretion, any post referring to the behavior or posts of other users of the site will be removed.

    In many cases we are able to edit out the posts that violate this guideline, but unfortunately this particular thread has become too volatile to moderate efficiently, especially since it was already cleaned up once.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,

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