i just made awful cookies/ share your recipe failures



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I tried to make chocolate meringue cookies once. If I can imagine what poop tastes like, that would be it.

    OTOH, the only way I eat brownies any more are the black bean brownies!!! Maybe it's the mix or brand of beans we use, but they are so much more moist and delicious than regular brownies! I went to make a batch last weekend, and we were out of beans, so I made them according to the box and found myself wishing we would've had beans!

    waht do you do, just add beans to the boxed mix?

    all the oens I have had (good and bad!) have been from scratch!

    Yep. Take a box of brownie mix, stick it in your mixer. Take one can of black bean, drain and rinse them. Put the beans back in the can, and fill the can to the brim with water. Put beans/water in BLENDER, and puree. Add to brownie mix, beat. Cook according to directions. So. Delicious. When you first beat them together, you can kinda see little bits of bean that didn't puree. However, once baked I have never noticed them. We even make them like this to take to outings and such, and everyone raves about them.


    I make them from scratch. They are SOOOOOOO tasty! ^_^

    Haha! The only way to get me to eat healthy is to make it as easy as baking a pizza. I rarely cook from scratch just because it's harder than turning on the oven. But, share your recipe and I'll give them a try!
  • baileyq217
    baileyq217 Posts: 6 Member
    The first (and only) thing I ever made from a Pinterest recipe was the lemon angel food cake concoction where you're supposed to combine lemon pie filling/lemon curd with an angel food cake mix and bake. 15 minutes into baking it began overflowing like lava all over my oven. The lemon curd was a bit expensive, so I tried to salvage it, but to no avail.

    That was the first and last time I ever took a "blogger's" word for anything. Now when I see something that looks good on Pinterest, I immediately pull up allrecipes and find something similar that has actually been tested and reviewed.

    Like you, I avoid any recipe with "skinny" or "healthy" in the title. They generally taste bland and have a texture similar to sawdust. I'll just budget a few more calories for the real deal.

    I had the same problem. I was trying to make a pina colada angel food cake. I put coconut flavoring in the angel food cake batter. I filled the pan a little over halfway. When I went to check on it, it was like a volcano in the oven. I was sooo mad! . I tried to salvage it. Then I made a pineapple frosting for them and also a pnieapple filling for between the layers.

    I was disappointed and only a peice or two out of the whole thing. :(
  • EmilyMcD84
    EmilyMcD84 Posts: 46 Member
    Before I got married, I had to live with my mom for a bit. The first night, I decided to make breakfast for supper (she rarely cooks). I salted everything from the salt shaker by her stove. I am not sure how old it was, or what happened to it, but it was like I had dumped sand on everything. Supper ruined.

    On another cooking adventure at mom's, I decided to make hamburger helper. There was no pam so I decided to use butter to brown the ground beef. It turned out to be sweet cream. I felt so dumb, but HH with a sweet kick is edible!

    Edited to say: it could've been sweetened butter, if that exists. Whatever it was I do not recommend!