Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D.)



  • jessicaliong1
    jessicaliong1 Posts: 24 Member
    @fr3smyl yea~ and when I couldnt find the brand anywhere, I would get anxious and depressed and will just keep wandering around till I find anything similar but I wont get satisfied so I ended going somewhere else, even though it may be far to get it. It seems overboard but I cant help it:(
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    @fr3smyl yea~ and when I couldnt find the brand anywhere, I would get anxious and depressed and will just keep wandering around till I find anything similar but I wont get satisfied so I ended going somewhere else, even though it may be far to get it. It seems overboard but I cant help it:(

    Me too! :D
  • Edpayne09
    Edpayne09 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm so glad to have found this thread. I can so relate to everything said on here and I feel less alone now. I have been BE for several years now. I've always joked around with certain people saying that I'm the type of person that can't eat just a few cookies, I have to have the whole bag. If they only knew the extent of it! I've chowed down several thousands of calories at one sitting. Usually this has taken place at night when there's peace and quiet, I'm the only one up and there's nobody around to see the ridiculous amounts of food I would consume. How many times I have bought a truckload of junk food, fooling myself into believing that it was supposed to be used as special treats for the kids...deep down I always knew I was really buying it for myself. How many times have I stashed treats away in the deep recesses of my cupboards or drawers (just so that the kids wouldn't get at them....wink...wink). Sure....when everyone was asleep out of hiding they came only to never be seen again....except on my thighs! I have felt so ashamed about this for so long and have never admitted my secret BED life to anyone. I am hoping that by coming on here I'll get some insight into what causes me to do this. I started MFP almost 3 weeks ago (for the second time) and have not binged since. The temptation is still there but I am fighting it every day. I want to lose weight and be healthy and not be obsessed about food all the time!

  • Edpayne09
    Edpayne09 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for posting this truth about yourself. You are telling my story. I guess I hadn't realized that I had BE until I read through all the stories on this feed. I work retail and get off work very late only to find myself eating tons of junk food because "it's too late to cook" or "I'm starving" or "I didn't eat dinner". Whatever the excuse I binge eat at night and then feel horrible the next day. Sadly my husband tells me that he doesn't care what size I am as long as I'm happy....... but I'm not happy.... I'm just fat and I want to stop being this way.
  • amn619
    amn619 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, and sharing stories. It is helpful to know I'm not the only one. I've done much better since my post a couple of weeks ago. I would definitely say I've over-eaten a few times, but nowhere near what I've done in the past. I'm hoping to get this under control somewhat so I can focus on losing weight. Right now I'm trying my best to just watch portions and not binge.
  • tmwebster1
    tmwebster1 Posts: 4 Member
    I belong here too! I can't get rid of the final 25 pounds because I can't stop eating. I'm even in a food issues group.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited June 2015
    WOW! I'm so very sorry not to have gotten back to this thread to respond to questions directed toward me. I have it bookmarked but apparently it's not been bringing it up for me when someone new posts here. :(

    anyhow, Great to see everyone and I'll check back in when I have a bit more time, on the way out at the moment.

    Hearts <3
  • JessiLynnFit
    JessiLynnFit Posts: 41 Member
    @Scott_Baldwin I've been a binge eater since I was 10 years old so that's 18 years. Over the past 18 years I've had periods of normalcy but mostly struggled with being slightly overweight, yo yo dieting and binge eating. It didn't get really, really bad until 2 years ago. I heard about the book you mentioned and I read it in April... it has literally saved my life. I regularly use the technique the author mentioned- AVRT. It's literally the only thing that has gotten me to stop binge eating. I'm still struggling to lose the 28lbs I gained over the past 2 years but if it wasn't for that book id still be in a very dark place. I wish more people would consider reading it but they see a book and they're like oh just another useless book meanwhile this is the one book that could actually help them.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    @JessiLynnFit what is AVRT? Which book U talking about?
  • JessiLynnFit
    JessiLynnFit Posts: 41 Member
    @sothgo AVRT is a voice recognition technique used by alcoholics, drug addicts, binge eaters etc. to stop their addictive behavior. I used to binge so hard that there were several times I thought I needed to get my stomach pumped. It was a serious problem. Literally since the DAY I began practicing AVRT, I've barely binged and when I do it's nothing like in the past. The book is Brain Over Binge do yourself a favor and download it now... I think it's 8.99 at for an instant download. That's what I did... as soon as I heard about it I downloaded it immediately. I was tempted to just skip the woman's personal story and skip straight to how she did it, but I'm SO happy I decided to start from the beginning because everything makes a lot more sense. Please read the book.
  • JessiLynnFit
    JessiLynnFit Posts: 41 Member
    edited June 2015
    @sothgo also just a side note... I've almost stopped binge eating since I read the book but I've definitely had ups and downs and found that AVRT is a skill that improves over time. It's been about 6 weeks since I read the book and I'd say I'm almost a "normal" eater now (I'm still trying to lose the 28lbs I gained from binge eating). It's so weird and so amazing at the same time.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited June 2015
    @sothgo AVRT is a voice recognition technique used by alcoholics, drug addicts, binge eaters etc. to stop their addictive behavior. I used to binge so hard that there were several times I thought I needed to get my stomach pumped. It was a serious problem. Literally since the DAY I began practicing AVRT, I've barely binged and when I do it's nothing like in the past. The book is Brain Over Binge do yourself a favor and download it now... I think it's 8.99 at for an instant download. That's what I did... as soon as I heard about it I downloaded it immediately. I was tempted to just skip the woman's personal story and skip straight to how she did it, but I'm SO happy I decided to start from the beginning because everything makes a lot more sense. Please read the book.
    Thank you for explaining :) I just quickly Googled the above link but look forward to reading the actual book shared to learn more.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    @JessiLynnFit ok I'll check it, thanks for the explanations
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    What helps me is this website. The moment I got "permission" to eat anything I want, just stay within my calories, the allure of a cheat day or binging totaly subsided.
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    Oh, and open up your diary. Log 100%. There is something to be said about "the world" seeing your wacky disgusting eating.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    i'm so ashamed about what I eat....
    when I'm in a bad day i usually eat everything I want but try hard to stay Under my calories goal, but I binge sometimes, even if I feel less frustrated about thing I can eat or not.
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    I order the book 'over the binge' I prefer to have the paper version
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited June 2015
    slimbettie wrote: »
    What helps me is this website. The moment I got "permission" to eat anything I want, just stay within my calories, the allure of a cheat day or binging totaly subsided.

    That method of 'eating anything you want' doesn't work for everyone. Some of us got here because of that. But glad it's working for you :)
    slimbettie wrote: »
    Oh, and open up your diary. Log 100%. There is something to be said about "the world" seeing your wacky disgusting eating.

    Hm, again doesn't work for all of us. I prefer to keep it to myself, I think one can be completely honest in their food logging if they know others won't judge them. Yes, some ppl DO judge on this site what they feel is 'not what another should be eating'.
  • nichole8605
    nichole8605 Posts: 19 Member
    saladfairy wrote: »
    I began binge eating around the age of 14, when I first tried to diet (i.e. starve myself). I would cycle days barely eating and days where I couldn't control myself. it turned into bulimia about 2 years ago, which got progressively worse until a few months ago. I hardly ever purge anymore, but the bingeing is a daily struggle! Slowy, *slowly* growing past it.

    I became balimic in High school. It took a lot of help and support from my friends to finally pull me out of it. I'm glad to hear that you are getting better. I wish you all the luck in the world. Ik it's not easy. But you can do it! I've always been the fat girl in my mind. I'm 5'8 and started this long dreadful journey at 216 lbs. Now 6 days later I'm 208.8. Exercise and small portions ( eat what you want just in smaller portions) and the weight is just falling off. Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people! Good luck. :-) "I can do all things through christ who strengthens me"
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    saladfairy wrote: »
    I began binge eating around the age of 14, when I first tried to diet (i.e. starve myself). I would cycle days barely eating and days where I couldn't control myself. it turned into bulimia about 2 years ago, which got progressively worse until a few months ago. I hardly ever purge anymore, but the bingeing is a daily struggle! Slowy, *slowly* growing past it.

    I became balimic in High school. It took a lot of help and support from my friends to finally pull me out of it. I'm glad to hear that you are getting better. I wish you all the luck in the world. Ik it's not easy. But you can do it! I've always been the fat girl in my mind. I'm 5'8 and started this long dreadful journey at 216 lbs. Now 6 days later I'm 208.8. Exercise and small portions ( eat what you want just in smaller portions) and the weight is just falling off. Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people! Good luck. :-)

    So true... keeping positive ppl around us makes a world of difference!