200+ (Week 34) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Trace - I generally don't worry about protein level. I often go over. Many discussions have been on the threads that MFP protein level is low especially if you are working out. You can manually reset the % level. Your body needs extra protein to rebuild muscles. I also don't worry about the sugar level because I eat tons of fresh fruit and very little "dessert" type foods. Again the thread talk is, if the sugar is from a natural source, don't fret when going over. How can an apple be bad for you? Have you considered making your own peanut butter by putting fresh peanuts in a food processor until mixed together? It's one of my favorite snacks - speaking of which, I need to make more. An ounce (28 gr) of fresh ground peanuts is 166 cal and doesn't have the sugar or other crap... It goes great on apples and celery. My peanut mix is chunkier because I get tired of holding the grinder button down. I bought a bag of bulk chopped peanuts at GFS for a reasonable price. Now I'm off to make some peanut butter for breakfast.
  • my2loves04and06
    I never thought of making peanut butter. Just grind the peanuts? Nothing else to add?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Grinding the peanuts is all I do. You could google making it to see if others add salt or oil.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Taking some time to share some photos this morning...well, shoot guess it is noon now :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Grandkids are on thee way out...but wanted to share photos of Victoria and I

    before our run...
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    after our run, cleaned up and pampered with breakfast and great conversation!!

    I need to get outdoors, I've been having a lazy Sunday....we all need one of those right?! Hope all of you are enjoying the day, we have tons of sticks to pick up from the storms last night!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hi ya'll ! i was wonderin if i could join u guys? altho i didn't start losin weight until this month lol
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    had problems resizing the pictures to get them to a decent size....sorry....and yes, I'm still walking around the house in my halloween costume :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It feels so much more comfortable than it did all those months ago

    October 31, 2009
    254 Pounds

    June 13, 2010
    226 Pounds
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey ladies. Checking in real quick! We got home yesterday afternoon from dropping kiddo off with grand parents for the week.

    Today we cleaned the house and are now out back doing yard work. It's finally sunny and warm! Well 75 to 80. Yeay!

    Ive got major allergies even with claritin and sinus pills but it feels so good outside I can't help but get out there!

    I see some beer and time in the hammock later this afternoon.....ahhhhh

    I'll catch up on the posts later. I know there are a few new people I have yet to welcome. Love all the pics too!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I love your pictures and the dress!!! I'd still be wearing it too. I can see a big difference in your face and chest area and just in how the dress fits. Great Job!!!

    Debra - thanks for posting the pictures:flowerforyou: We look awesome!!!

    Welcome GooBeGone - just jump in and post away. We a pretty friendly group.

    Lacey - beer plus hammock = heaven. I'm jealous. I decided that I needed to cut back on alcohol again if I want to start losing so I don't see any beer in my near future:sad: :sad:

    I to am having lazy Sunday trying to catch up on yard work and paperwork. I did manage to squeeze a 20 min strength training video. The day isn't over yet. Maybe I'll still get a run in...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Picture day!! hehe.

    Victoria, Debra, and Kendal- you are all looking super fabulous! SO proud of you all!

    Here's my check in for yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1585 eaten/ 240 burned/ -1062 day/ -2407 week
    did my walking group for work and 20 min on the bike.

    I don't know how much I'll be able to check in this this, and it's shame since it's the last week of the challenge. I went over to the condo to go over some last minute items with the owners. things look great. very excited! they'll call me tomorrow when the locks have been changed and it'll be all mine! Took an ikea trip today to look at stuff again... think i've decided on the couch/sofabed and dining table/chairs. I remeasured the room and the couch will fit- will just be cozy. I have tons to do this week- would like to paint before getting my bedroom furniture in on Thursday. Going to be a busy Kristina!! ACK! *pulls out hair*
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Monday Morning Super Pals!!! I'm on a biker's high - that's what happens when a crazy 50+ year old friend makes you get up for an hour long power bike ride. It's no leisurely stroll with her... She is 140 pounds dripping wet, has a 13 year old daughter and 2 young granddaughters that she keeps up with. She's my role model. We keep talking about driving to the high school to lift weights but can't seem to find any time. Whew - at least exercise is out of the way for the day. Unfortunately, I have a long day of clients with lots of driving...

    Yesterdays check-in 1769 consumed and over by 139 with only 20 min of exercise. I did spend 2 hours weeding but didn't count that.

    I finally got around to making juice this morning. Strawberry, grape, apple - YUMMY and only 200 cal.

    Good luck packing and moving. It doesn't sound like fun but in the end you will love being at the new place.

    Anyone want a cat? I'm going to stop feeding mine. It's bad enough that they catch critters and bring them to me dead (they think I want the treat - YUCK) but come on guys - let's not let the live mice go in the house. It was comical watching them chase it and DH kept opening the screen door hoping it would run out. I haven't seen it yet this morning (*sighs*)... This is a NO MOUSE HOUSE!!! If only I could get them to understand that.

    I'm off to shower and get on with the day. Catch you later.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mr. Scale said 225.6 this morning. I think I might have found myself a new boyfriend! Today it has been 6 months since I left Joey.

    I've been having a lot of omlettes for dinner. Veggie omlettes mostly...occasionally I'll throw a hot dog in there too. Low cal for the most part.

    I really didn't want to take off my Alice costume yesterday. And at the end of the day, I was tempted to put it on again lol. It felt so good to put that dress on and not have it roll up into my fat rolls. Dont get me wrong, I still have fat rolls, they just aren't as big anymore. :bigsmile: 5 more pounds and I'll be at my typical college weight (I would fluxuate 5 pounds either way, but 220 was the middle)
  • my2loves04and06
    Cute pictures by all!

    Yesterday's check-in: 1668 consumed -- 59 cals under goal

    The scale today said 223.4. I'm happy with that! I'll have to post some pictures when I find some post worthy. Or take some new ones I suppose.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Yesterday's check in:

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1396 eaten/ 208 burned/ -1219 day/ -3626 week
    The calories I put in for moving- but no other cardio. This is just going to be a bad week for that, other than the calories burned from moving.

    Morning everyone. I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 187.0- my goal weight for this challenge, so if I can just maintain that (losing more of course would be a bonus), I will be one happy camper! Today will be hectic- really wish I didn't have group to run tonight. Ugh.

    Kendal- doesn't it feel great to put something on and have it fit SO much better?? Congrats on the continued downward trend on the weight loss. Fab! Oh, and I like to have eggs sometimes for dinner- it's a nice protein boost and low calorie (I use egg whites on slimwiches with a slice of low-fat cheese. yum!). I'm always trying to find some more protein sources, as I don't eat meat. Keep up the great work sweetie!

    Victoria- eww for live mice in the house. *shudders* way to go with the bike ride! Way to start off the day!

    Trace- thanks for checking in! You did well yesterday :) Keep it up!
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm back from my vacation. So this will be day one back at my diet. I have to say I ate pretty badly on vacation but I think I got it out of my system, lol. I ate what I wanted when I wanted to and really really enjoyed myself. In doing so I did get to see that I really don't feel any better when I eat like that so it does feel good to get back at things and start to work towards my goal again. I had some really GOOD good in CA. I did gain 2 lbs but all in all when I consider what I ate and how much of it. Not too bad at all, I was expecting a 10 lb gain to be honest.

    We had a great time as well, we went to the beach several times, Six flags in Vallejo (formally Marine World), a wedding, The Exploratorium in SF as well as other various activities. It was a lot of fun but I now remember why I moved AWAY from CA. Too busy for my liking and common courtesy and respect for other human does seem to be lacking. But some of the conveniences that exist there are nice. And of course, it's beautiful there.

    I hope everyone had a good few weeks while I was gone, I still need to go back and read up, but I will do that later. I see we have a few new people, welcome!

    Also now that I'm back and things will be stable for a while I'm going to go out and get myself a gym membership. Looking forward to it but at the same time a little nervous. I am also going to try and slowly train myself to run. All and all I'm just really happy to be back home. The good thing about vacations is it makes you appreciate what you have and where you live a little more. The vacation was fun but only for a temporary fix.

    Anyways gonna go do a few things and finish unpacking, I'm still pretty tired from driving the 16 hours it took us to get home. My husband was feeling sick and had a migraine so I had to drive all the way home with only 2 half hour stops. Did I mention i have a 4 year old and a 2 year old, lol, it was fun drive.... :noway:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    welcome back kimmr! Glad to hear that you had a great trip and that you only gained 2lb! Thats fantastic!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    non-lbs goal: 2 do yard work this wknd for several hours & i ended up burnin approximately 3400 calories (i was wearin my hr monitor) altho there was no way 4 me 2 eat almost 6000calories that day! HAHAHA

    also i wanted 2 become more aware of my eatin & log my foods in2 MFP everyday, no matter what it is i put in my mouth. i need 2 b accountable.

    i lost 5lbs my 1st wk!! YAY ME!!! lol

    i'm still learnin, but i think with ya'lls help i can do this. wtg every1!! :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for today: 2245 consumed and under by 198. I was uber busy today between work, emptying the hot tub, mowing the grass and life. I'm off to bed and will back tomorrow.

    goobegone - those sound like great goals. Holy Cr@p that's a phenomenal on the calorie burn. Can you come do my yard next:laugh:

    Kim - welcome back. Glad you had a great time. Those 2 pounds may come off in a day or two - it still could be water weight.

    Trace - good job on the calorie count.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey everyone- just checking in quickly. Today was completely crazy- no surprise. Group went well, and then went to the new place and unpacked a bunch of kitchen stuff, ran the dishwasher and taped off the bathroom in order to paint the ceiling later and taped off the whole bedroom to paint later. Yeah... busy gal, especially after a late evening. Just got home a little after 10, where I too empty boxes in, refilled them. and put them in my trunk.

    I'm definitely under calories for the day. I'm always a bit out of whack when I have evening groups, but I didn't eat anything after really, so yeah... need to eat more tomorrow.

    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1298 eaten/ 201 burned/ -1310 day/ -4936 week

    Yeah. definitely too low. I just estimated the calorie burn- could have been more, could have been less.

    Tomorrow is a less busy day at work. A couple of people possibly to enroll in the study, have to do my group notes from last night. Am taking 2 suitcases over to the place in the morning and then will probably leave work early tomorrow to do some more things around the place. Probably hit up Target for some needed items, and maybe get some painting done. And the roomie and I are picking up my new TV in the evening (belated grad school graduation gift from the parents from last year)- so yeah. I'm going to crash like WHOA once I'm in my place. Lovin' it so far!

    Hope everyone is doing well! *mwah*
  • my2loves04and06
    I'm beat tonight. Biked 8 miles (60 mins) today while pulling the trailer behind with my 32 lbs son in it. The trailer itself weighs 24 lbs. My tush is aching! Must commend my 5.5 yr old daughter for making the ride with me though. She's a trooper! I had myself all talked out of doing my 30 DS tonight, but when it came down to it I just couldn't skip.

    2216 eaten - 203 under goal

    Kristina - I dread moving! Actually I just dread packing and loading/unload. I don't mind unpacking. I told my husband that the next time we move (we've already moved 2x since married) that I was hiring a moving company to pack all our crap...err, stuff....up for us. Low and behold, we're moving AGAIN. And guess what! No moving company. :ohwell:

    Sian - That is some crazy calorie burning! I need to get out and mow (push mower) our yard some time soon here.

    Kimmr - I think only a 2 lbs gain while on vacay is great! I'm pretty sure I'd gain a bit more.