200+ (Week 34) Let's Get Moving in May!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Trace how wonderful that you'e being such a good role model for your daughter. Unless you wear a HRM, I'd add cal for pulling the extra weight.

    Good morning super pals!!! I'm being lazy and skipped my morning run. I'm still in bed (*blushes*). I have to leave in an hour so I better get up soon. I have 2 more new evals today - that makes 4 in the last week. Why do I pay for advertising? I don't need any more clients. I'm busy enough. Oh well.

    Tonight will be busy with more mowing (yes I'm praying for rain), scubbing the hot tub out, and weeding flower beds. I at least want the back yard in good shape before Monday's company arrives. Where is the summer gone? It seems to be flying by.

    Good luck painting Kristina!! Kendal - any word on the house viewers???
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- nope, haven't heard anything from the people who saw the house Saturday. I sent an email to my realtor on Sunday and she said she's planning on doing an open house on the 26th.

    And by the way, Victoria, I totally stole your boyfriend. Mr. Scale and I are falling madly in love and I don't see an end in sight. I was 224.4 this morning. :bigsmile: I am on a roll!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Trace- that's some serious biking! VERY impressed. I don't think I could have done that. Talk about some killer leg workout! Sucks about not having a moving company! Yes- packing horrible, moving is horrible, unpacking isn't QUITE as bad. I'm doing it mostly on my own, but have a bit of help from the current roomies with the big items.

    Victoria- love that your updating on MPF from bed. Sounds like another busy day around the yard! Once I get settled a bit at the new place, I want to work on my little backyard I have. Some of the peeps in the neighborhood have some SUPER impressive gardens.

    Blombie- you hussy!-- actually the scale is a bit of a manwhore- jumping from superhero to superhero. That's amazing- hope the weight stays off and it continues on that downward trend. I was down another pound this morning as well, but I also know that I didn't really eat dinner last night, so I don't expect it to stick- was still nice to see. I was lower in weight than I was at my physical for undergrad. Woo. Keep us updated on the house situation.

    I slept like crap last night. My brain was just going and going and going. I wanted to b**chslap myself. So I got very little sleep over the night, which is really going to add up. Dropped by the new place this morning (love that it's so close to work), dropped off my 2 suitcases and unpacked the trunk. Plan is during my lunch hour to head over to Target and get some needed items and then leave work after my last appointment today (3ish) and get cracking on the place again. Need to work on the kitchen and would like to at least get the bathroom ceiling painted this evening. If I have time, I'd like to do the bedroom as well (it's all taped off already). Have to leave around 630ish though to pick up the roomie from the airport, and then we're picking up my TV, so I don't know if the room will happen today. Perhaps tomorrow.

    Hope everyone's Tuesday goes well. My first appointment should be here any minute, though I'm on a roll with no shows (it's the nature of the population, but still... sucks), so who knows if I'll end up seeing anyone today!
  • my2loves04and06
    Unless you wear a HRM, I'd add cal for pulling the extra weight.

    I don't have an HRM. I scoured the web for some sort of ballpark calculation to figure out cals burned. A few sites had this one:

    (my weight (including shoes/clothes) + bike weight + trailer weight +kid weight) x 0.28 = cals per mil burned -- then I just multiplied that by the miles I rode

    Of course that doesn't take into account how fast I was going (avg moving speed was 5-6 mph) or the hills we had to ride. I haven't decided if I should invest in a HRM yet.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - girl I feel you. That has been my life for about four months now. Can't fall asleep and wake up at night constantly. And my brain is thinking about stupid **** too...nothing important. I wake up thinking about some snipet of cartoon I watched with my daughter that night...a song I heard on the radio, a tv show. Random. Stuff. I mean, I could understand if my brain was working overtime thinking about bills, the house, my job, etc. but nooooooo....

    I'm having one heck of a time with chest congestion today. I'm laboring to breath a bit and its frustrating to say the least. I want to do some yoga tonight but if it doesn't get better there is no way in heck I'm going to even attempt working out.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Wow quiet today aren't we?

    I went and did yoga and zumba tonight. The yoga class is no relaxation class thats for shiz...its a real *kitten* kicker. Which is good. I feel really good when I walk out of there. The zumba class? Well I don't think its for me. I am not coordinated enough and I can't pick up the steps fast enough. It was fun enough and I certainly sweated like a mad woman...but I think I will stick to the yoga for now and keep it in mind if I need another change.
    I have to say that the teacher of the class is super energetic and is very welcoming and encouraging which was nice. She noticed I was new and made a point like three or four times to make sure I was having good time. And that was really cool because that is the first class teacher, aside from the yoga instructor, whose ever done that. Very cool!

    The allegra D I took is making my chest constrict a bit at times and makes it harder to breath. Its a really interesting feeling that I cannot quit explain. I don't think I will be taking it again thats for sure.

    I hope you all are having a good week! Yeay for Wednesday!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh and...

    WELCOME goobegone and my2loves to the group!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay ladies - you cusred me!!! It's 4:30 am and here I am wide awake. Check-in for yesterday 2366 consumed and over by 263. 30 min of low impact aerobics plus 1 hour 40 min on the riding mower. At least I finally finished mowing the yard. Now - pouring rain so I'll probably have to mow again Sunday. I broke down and had frozen pizza plus beer 2 days in a row. Tonight should be better since my bookclub gals are going out to eat. The hot tub is cleaned and refilled. We need to order new covers - ours are water logged and soooooo heavy even DH has trouble lifting them.

    Yes, it is quit here. Have any of you heard from Beth? She had that date and disappeared.

    Deb - I think when fall comes, your life will slow down and you'll get back into the swing of logging and have more time. I may be responding to what you posted on another thread. I better try to get some sleep.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    D@mn cheating men (*winks*)... I guess if Mr. Scale is going to step out on me, it should be with a friend. If he overstays his welcome, send him back my way!!! Great job on the losses Kendal!!!

    Lacey - at least you tried Zumba. I love it but then again I don't have to keep up with others and my cats don't care if I'm uncoordinated. I bet your missing Gracie.

    Kristina - hope the moving went well.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey Super Pals....just a quick posts to say HELLO!!!!!
    Kendal, great job with the loss...please consider sending Mr Scale my way in another couple weeks, not being able to weigh in is just killing me, I took it out of the closet yesterday.....but then gave myself a talk and put it away....
    Lacey, I do hope you get to feeling better, summer colds are the worse, or do you think it is more allergy related. I have always had good luck with musinex when I have been congested, it's over the counter, not sure if I spelled it right, but I usually feel better after a day of doses.....
    Hello to everyone, we are really in the thick of the baseball season, 4 regular games this week, 2 next week and then we start playoff tourneys...hoping I can be a better superpal after that!
    Victoria, I hear ya on the mowing again, it has done nothing but rain here seems like for a couple weeks now.....we need to start all over again too!
    Kristina...Hugs on your sleeping patterns...I bet it's cus you have so many changes coming up...once your tucked into your new place I bet it will get better!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Oh Kendal - I soooo forgive you for stealing Mr. Scale away from me. I have a new love. Please sit down for this. "Mr. Treadmill." After cursing the rain this morning since I had to cancel my bike ride, I am now blessing it. I achieved one of my long time goals this morning... Drum roll please >>>>>>>>

    I actually ran a 10 min mile on the treadmill!!! That's 10 full min at 6.0 mph. I slowed down to 12 min (5 mph) for the second mile. New goals: 2 miles in < 20 min and an 8.5 min (7mph) mile.

    I'm so proud of myself right now. Have a great day...
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- holy crap girl! A 10 minute mile is FABULOUS!! I still can't even fathom that yet. Great job hun! So proud of you!

    Lacey- glad you were able to attend not one, but two classes last night! The instructors seem fab!

    Debra- hope the baseball season is going well!

    Checking in from yesterday:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1559 eaten/ 301 burned/ -1149 day/ -6085 week

    Just estimated my calories burned. I was certainly sweating up a storm. Moving some boxes, but I painted the first coat in the bathroom ceiling and my bedroom walls. That roller was flying.

    I'm aching today though and don't know how I'm going to make it through the week. Even though I have a lot of stuff on the mind, I slept pretty hard last night- no surprise after all the work I did, plus the lack of sleep the night before. A lot to do again today! Eep!

    Have a client this morning, and then I'm hoping to head over to the new place for a couple of hours and work on getting the kitchen together a bit more and organize a bit before heading over to see another client this afternoon at the other office (will probably swing by the current apt. and pick up more crap). Then, have a client this evening to see (argh), so I'll get a late start to my evening activities at the condo. Goal is to do the second coats of paint that I started yesteday, especially in the bedroom, cause tomorrow is the big furniture move in day. Eep. So much to do! *pulls out hair* will be super excited once everything is in, and then I can start personalizing and settling in. Yeah, the rec center isn't going to happen this week, but I'm certainly not lounging around. Scale continued to be pretty friendly to me this morning... only up a wee bit from yesterday, but I ate a very late dinner last night (a no-no, but I would have been way under calories otherwise), so that's no surprise.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- HOLY COW WOMAN!!! Look at you go! Thats AHHH---MAAAAAAZZZZING!!!

    Kristina- I fully believe moving is a work out so don't beat yourself up about getting to the rec center this week.

    Deb- great will power to NOT weigh yourself. I know I wouldn't be able to stand it.

    Lacey- Good job hitting 2 classes in one day! My sister tried zumba once and hated it. Its a lot of fun, but it doesn't work for everyone. I'm glad you like yoga! I've been to that class a couple times.

    I burned 976 cals last night in zumba. Not sure why I burned more last night than I have been normally, but oh well. I made myself eat a bowl of off brand Cocoa Puffs right before bed so my cals wouldn't be too short. I was still like, 300+ cals less than I should have had (well, accounting for eating my 1.5 lb/week deficeit plus eating my exercise cals). Mr Scale said 224.6, so I'm up .2 from yesterday. It should hopefully fall off tomorrow.

    anyways, I need to get to work....right after I take my break :laugh:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Gracie is getting tired of being passed back and forth between the family members. Poor baby. She called last night and this morning all teary. She will make it two more days and then dad will get her and bring her back home to me. I miss her but have enjoyed the quiet week at the house too. It will be good to get her home though so I can snuggle her.

    Deb - yeah its allergies. I am NOT taking that Allegra D again. Yeesh that stuff scared me. I'm going to call the doc today and see if they will perscribe me another nasal spray since the one she Rx'd me is on back order right now. I'm sure everyone else is needing it too. Although its back to rain today so maybe I will be okay.

    Victoria -you go girl!!

    Kristina - yeay for moving and decorating!! I keep looking at our living room and thinking about paint, but its an open concept style and so the paint has to go all through the huge room that holds the living room, dining area and kitchen. Its almost overwhelming to pick a color because its not like its one small room to repaint if we hate it. Its like 5+ gallons of paint!!

    Kendall - I think if I did the class more and learned the dances so I could do it right it would be funner for me (funner...haha. Not even a word!), but right now I will stick to the yoga class and weights and cardio.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I need to get on the Zumba train- that's a lot of calories to burn! Cocoa Puffs, eh? I can't even remember the last time I had those!

    Lacey- have you thought about just painting an accent wall? I have one really large room and so will only paint one of the walls to give it a pop. Just a thought!

    Today has gone well so far. Took a long lunch, organized the kitchen a bit. My client no showed this morning, one of my afternoons no showed, but the other came. Still have another appointment in a bit, then back to the condo. My happyness of the day: decided to get a latte on my way back to the office, even though it's later in the day (knew I would be up for quite a while tonight doing stuff, so it's okay), and it was happy hour at Caribou. All specialty drinks were $3. YES! The simple pleasures in life...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    OMG!! Are you ladies watching Deadliest Catch?! I just finished watching last night's episode!!! OMG!!! I don't want to spoil it in case any of you haven't seen it but OMG!!!

    omg omg omg seriously?!?!?!?
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm so out of it, I didn't even think about the fact that so you think you can dance was on tonight. That's when I know my minds on other things! Wowsas... will need to see if I can find a place to download it.

    Checking in for the day:
    2407 calories needed to maintain
    1103 eaten/ 201 burned/ -1505 day/ -7590 week

    yeah yeah yeah. WAY under calories for the day.... it was super busy and when I finally got off work, all I wanted to do was finishing up my painting so I could get my butt home. Stopped mid-way through the bedroom and had a yogurt, but that was it for dinner. I'm hoping that eating less this week won't completely *kitten* up my metabolism- once I"m settled I"m back to the grind.

    Tomorrow will be a busy busy day. Don't know when I"ll check in.

    Favor to someone- if there's no post up by Friday morning, can someone else post it? Volunteers? I should be hooked up with internet at the new place tomorrow, but if something goes wonky, I might not get on here tomorrow to start a new thread. Thanks!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - make time to eat!!! You're doing great with moving - that is exercise.

    Check-in for yesterday 2192 consumed and over by 81. Ran in the morning and did 30 min with Kettle bell in evening. I'm enjoying the kettle bell DVD.

    Great job working out Kendal and Lacey.

    Today is another long work day for me. I guess I should be thankful that I have a good job that I like. But, I want some days off to stay home. Note to self: do not plan to go away during the spring/summer weekends next year!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I start the thread in the morning if I don't see one posted. Good luck getting stuff moved.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I've been under calories all week by quite a bit. But not sodium. And it caught up to me this morning. UGH!! :grumble: I will be drinking lots of water today. I REALLY want to see a good weigh in tomorrow.