Unknown factors in your diet.



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    drgeorik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You know, taking this seriously for a moment, and completely directed @drgeorik‌

    The only time trying to lose weight has ever worked for me over the last couple of decades is when I threw out all that guff and just focused on accurately counting calories to my calorie defecit and moving more

    Try it

    Yep, but without changing your body habitus.
    What I've listed above is copy /paste of some article .
    It could be right as it could be wrong.

    Enjoy your diet :)

    Are you aware that the bold part above probably means you are violating some copyright laws? At least provide a link to the article.

    Exactly so we can laugh at the article and not OP.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    drgeorik wrote: »
    Hi everyone .
    Although my low calories diet I kept gaining weight , I was pretty sure something is going wrong.
    I knew that it is not about food or exercises only but must be hidden facts... After researching couple articles I found out must know informations that I would like to share with you people.
    Factors that don't help loose weight are.
    1- eating more than 400 cal at dinner or before sleep is converted into body fat( due to lack secretion of insulin at that time.
    2- eating carb at nights .
    3- life stress might be bad during diet cz it helps our body to gain weight due to certain Hormone secretion like Cortisol.
    4- less sleeping , if you sleep you don't eat, your body secrete hormones that burns your body sugar etc.
    5- Sex by itself doesn't play a big role in loosing calories .
    6- if you are taking certain kind of medications
    What do you thing about that ?!
    I will add other factors later .

    I almost always had more than 400 calories between dinner and bedtime.

    Popcorn and Special K crackers were (and remain) an almost nightly snack (at least 4-5 times a week).

    Of course, stress, sleeping and meds can impact weight loss – can impact weight – but it isn’t always a given…CICO.


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited March 2015

    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    drgeorik wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You know, taking this seriously for a moment, and completely directed @drgeorik‌

    The only time trying to lose weight has ever worked for me over the last couple of decades is when I threw out all that guff and just focused on accurately counting calories to my calorie defecit and moving more

    Try it

    Yep, but without changing your body habitus.
    What I've listed above is copy /paste of some article .
    It could be right as it could be wrong.

    Enjoy your diet :)

    Are you aware that the bold part above probably means you are violating some copyright laws? At least provide a link to the article.

    Exactly so we can laugh at the article and not OP.

  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    i really don't know what's going here now.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    OP, if you're not losing, you're not in a deficit. Open your diary.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    drgeorik wrote: »
    Hi everyone .
    Although my low calories diet I kept gaining weight , I was pretty sure something is going wrong.
    I knew that it is not about food or exercises only but must be hidden facts... After researching couple articles I found out must know informations that I would like to share with you people.
    Factors that don't help loose weight are:
    1- eating more than 400 cal at dinner or before sleep is converted into body fat( due to lack secretion of insulin at that time.
    2- eating carb at nights .
    3- life stress might be bad during diet cz it helps our body to gain weight due to certain Hormone secretion like Cortisol.
    4- less sleeping , if you sleep you don't eat, your body secrete hormones that burns your body sugar etc.
    5- Sex by itself doesn't play a big role in loosing calories .
    6- if you are taking certain kind of medications
    What do you thing about that ?!
    I will add other factors later .

    please explain this conversion process when one is in a calorie deficit….
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    What is interesting is how exactly the body works. Up to 400 calories and no fat, but any amount above that and it starts to put on fat. It's very precise.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Sometimes I read a post that makes me pour another Chocolate Ale to save brain cells ... this thread started with one.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    So in for Buffy gifs. And also starting my annual rewatching of all seasons. Seems like a totally valid thing to do with my day!!
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    drgeorik wrote: »
    Hi everyone .
    Although my low calories diet I kept gaining weight , I was pretty sure something is going wrong.
    I knew that it is not about food or exercises only but must be hidden facts... After researching couple articles I found out must know informations that I would like to share with you people.
    Factors that don't help loose weight are:
    1- eating more than 400 cal at dinner or before sleep is converted into body fat( due to lack secretion of insulin at that time.
    2- eating carb at nights .
    3- life stress might be bad during diet cz it helps our body to gain weight due to certain Hormone secretion like Cortisol.
    4- less sleeping , if you sleep you don't eat, your body secrete hormones that burns your body sugar etc.
    5- Sex by itself doesn't play a big role in loosing calories .
    6- if you are taking certain kind of medications
    What do you thing about that ?!
    I will add other factors later .

    1. What the??? Insulin promotes the uptake of glucose into the liver, muscles, and adipose cells. A lack of insulin could cause rapid weight loss if blood gluose levels reach above renal threshold, and glucose is excreted through the urine. This is why one of my main symptoms of type 1 diabetes is rapid and unexplained weight loss despite eating at or above maintenance; type 1 diabetics do not produce any insulin, which causes none of the carbohydrates they consume to be used as fuel
    2. Nope. I probably consume 30-40% of my carbs after 8PM. It's all calories in vs calories out.
    3. This should be interesting. I have a physiology exam in a few days, and part of it covers the endocrine system (Woohoo! *sarcasm*). Cortisol is released by the adrenal cortex as part of sympathetic response. Costisol is a glucocorticoid, which means that it promotes the breakdown of proteins and fats into glucose in order to increase blood glucose concentration. In the alarm stage of prolonged stress response, increased glucose and oxygen arrive from the brain through sympathetic stimulation, and RAAS are activated (maintains blood volume and BP). Stress continues, we move to the resistance phase which is controlled by the hypothalamus and involves more cortisol release. Stress out some more, head into the exhaustion phase, and the body's energy reserves become depleted. This causes muscle weakness, GI ulcers, suppression of immune system... There's nothing about stress causing weight gain in my notes.
    4. No... A severe lack of sleep might cause a person to make poorer food decisions that results in him eating above his maintenance calories, but insulin and glucagon have very little to do with weight gain/weight loss.
    5. No comment.
    6. It depends. One of the side effects of subcutaneous insulin is weight gain, because the body is finally able to start using glucose as fuel. I'm on insulin injections, I find it more difficult to lose weight, but I still need to follow the rules of calories in vs. calories out. It becomes a bit more difficult for me to lose weight compared to a nondiabetic, because I might have to create a smaller deficit in order to treat any hypoglycemia that occurs because of the insulin.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    That's it, this thread is making me want to watch Buffy for the first time (because I'm the worst tv watcher...thank god for Netflix!)

    As for the OP...a few of those I can see for other reasons (stress may add water weight but will not cause you to gain fat unless you stress eat over your calories), but most are not true.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    certain medications absolutely cause weight gain... depakote, steroids, and seroquel are a few that come to mind.

    Maybe due water retention or increased appetite leading to over eating.

    Agreed, I can't speak for all of those, but I've been on seroquel for about 14 months. Didn't gain any weight in that time ....... just maintained my previous lardassedness. Since I started MFP in January I've lost 35lbs, while still taking the seroquel.

    Of course, I'm hardly a control group :smile: YMMV