350lbs and hate what I've done to myself



  • tgordonmack619
    Hi Carrie,

    I'm sure you can do it, you are a mom and we can do amazing things
  • meganmjo
    meganmjo Posts: 9
    Hello Carrie,
    My name is Megan and it sounds like we are in the same boat lol. I started gaining weight when I moved out also. I just drank way too much beer. I went from 160lbs to 230 lbs in a year. And it just kept going up from there. I am now at 343. I started running and screwed up my feet real bad and had to use a cane for a year. And now my right knee feels like it's caving in. I bet you already know this, but, my little piece of advice is to get some really good shoes to go walking. But they say that Diet is 80% and exercise is 20%. So I am hoping to lose at least 50 lbs before I do any exercise other than walking. I work at a doctor's office and the majority of our patients are addicted to their pain pills, so I can understand how difficult it is to have a loved one addicted to those. I wish you all best
  • sprickersprecker
    Thanks for sharing this Carrie! I think something that is helping me right now as I also have a good addiction... Telling myself I do NOT have to say goodbye forever. I plan on treating myself to a small portion controlled treat one in a blue moon. Now that I have begun practicing portion control I feel like i can trust myself when I do decide to have a treat. I feel like i am the one in control! Good luck carrie!
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    I'm so touched and yes, nicolemarinelli8, I AM motivated!! I've never felt so much support before and I'm so grateful for this community! This is the first place I want to visit in the morning when I wake up.. lol.

    These past five days, I've been trying to voice my feelings rather than eating them. It's not easy..The other night I came home late from work and everyone had gone to bed.. I could feel the loneliness wash over me..and the the familiar urge to sit down and eat.. I had to acknowledge the loneliness.. lol. I actually talked to it like it was a person..'Hey there loneliness! Good to see you again..where've you been?' kinda conversation. It was really rather silly. I might be slightly crazy..hehe. but it helped and I was able to push pass the need to eat.