1200 is really difficult

hi guys. I'm female, 24, 5"1' and 215 lbs. sigh. My goal weight is about 140, where I was in high school. I have insulin resistance caused by PCOS, and I am on metformin.

That all out of the way, I am finding 1200 calories really difficult to maintain. It doesn't fill me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I am having a lot of trouble restricting due to stress/anxiety/depression issues that are undiagnosed... I just eat. And when I realize what I've done I get more upset.

I feel out of control. I feel like I have no control over my body and my life.

I've thought about meal replacement shakes because lunch seems to be a big problem with me because I have access to so much junk at work.

I need help guys, anything you have to offer would be fantastic because I feel like I'm in way over my head. My doctor says I'm on my way to diabetes if I don't lose weight, and I really don't want that.


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You need to be eating more. Change your goals to 1 pound a week.
    Add some low calorie vegetables to your days.
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    I would starve to death on that little food. Perhaps you need to be less aggressive with your weight loss goal? Shoot for a pound or half pound per week, plus get active so you have some exercise calories that you eat back. Focus on learning new healthy eating habits that will serve you well for a lifetime and don't try to rush things. This is a long journey ahead and it needs to be one you can live with.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    Thank you guys. I guess I just really want to lose the weight fast. Even with changing the goal it only gives me 1330
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Try eating that 1330 and also add some exercise so you can eat even a bit more.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited March 2015
    Like others have said, perhaps change your weight loss goal to 1 or 1.5 lbs per week.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    How long have you been eating 1200 calories? I'm also 5'1" and started at 208 pounds. 1200 was really hard at first because I was used to eating big portions of really heavy foods. My appetite has changed now and I'm happy with 1200. Try to eat whole grains at the time of day when you're normally hungriest. (I usually do brown rice). Make sure you're eating plenty of fat and protein because that will help a lot. With your stats there is nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day, but you can definitely increase that if your appetite doesn't change after a week or two.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    edited March 2015
    Then eat more food and don't set your goal to 2lb/week.
    1580 and 1830, btw, are the numbers MFP gave me right now after I created an account with your stats and selected 1lb/week. 1580 if selecting sedentary (which most people are not), and 1830 if selecting lightly active. This is without even eating back exercise calories on top of the number.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited March 2015
    I was doing 1200 calories for 5 months and had no problems. I am now targeting 1450 because I wanted to add more fruit and nuts (for regularity). Feel free to add me as a friend and you can view my diary. I think the key is to try to get the most bang for your calorie buck. I sometimes ate less than 1200 if I woke up too late. 1200 calories doesn't allow for a lot of "treats" but that was okay for me. I assume your height and condition may be the reason for the low calorie goal. What's your TDEE? Mine was low because I knew how to work with that amount of calories and stayed away from calorie dense foods. I also ate high protein.

    Edit: I meant my calorie goal was low, not my TDEE. I am very economical with my calories. Regularity was a concern because I was getting 40% of my calories from protein. I can understand wanting to lose weight faster rather than slower. I think it depends on the person. BTW, I started at 240lbs and lost 61 pounds in less than 6 months. I'm 47 and workout regularly.
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    Also I do a meal replacement shake in the morning because I don't get a lot of protein. If it will help you conquer lunch issues I say go for it! You can do this! It's not easy, but once you get used to new habits it gets easier! Focus on the goal and follow through!
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    With weight loss, sometimes fast means not at all because people crash diet and then get miserable and go on a binge. Might work to drop a few pounds but 75? You've got to live the next year or more of your life like this--can you? If not, then live on something sustainable. Might take you an extra year but that time will pass anyway, no matter what you eat... may as well pass the time doing something for yourself that will last rather than getting locked in a starve and binge cycle.

    If you do stick to 1330, keep in mind that if you burn 200 calories in exercise then you can eat 1530.... that number is your amount while absolutely sedentary, you can raise it as you move and burn calories.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    With weight loss, sometimes fast means not at all because people crash diet and then get miserable and go on a binge. Might work to drop a few pounds but 75? You've got to live the next year or more of your life like this--can you? If not, then live on something sustainable. Might take you an extra year but that time will pass anyway, no matter what you eat... may as well pass the time doing something for yourself that will last rather than getting locked in a starve and binge cycle.

    If you do stick to 1330, keep in mind that if you burn 200 calories in exercise then you can eat 1530.... that number is your amount while absolutely sedentary, you can raise it as you move and burn calories.

    And yet this is the number I get for being sedentary without adding exercise, for her stats run through MFP for 1lb/week loss! Meaning she could eat MORE with exercise.

    Idk why anyone would subject themselves to the lowest calorie goal if they can eat more food while losing a bit slower.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    How long have you been eating 1200 calories? I'm also 5'1" and started at 208 pounds. 1200 was really hard at first because I was used to eating big portions of really heavy foods. My appetite has changed now and I'm happy with 1200. Try to eat whole grains at the time of day when you're normally hungriest. (I usually do brown rice). Make sure you're eating plenty of fat and protein because that will help a lot. With your stats there is nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day, but you can definitely increase that if your appetite doesn't change after a week or two.
    Can we be friends? I'm new to this app and everything but I think it would be nice
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Lots of greens, buy a scale if you don't have one. I find running, even intermittantly, helps stop my panic attacks and general pissiness in it's tracks. I always forget how awesome running makes me feel until I go run again.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Then eat more food and don't set your goal to 2lb/week.
    1580 and 1830, btw, are the numbers MFP gave me right now after I created an account with your stats and selected 1lb/week. 1580 if selecting sedentary (which most people are not), and 1830 if selecting lightly active. This is without even eating back exercise calories on top of the number.

    How can I tell the difference between sedentary and lightly active?
  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    How long have you been eating 1200 calories? I'm also 5'1" and started at 208 pounds. 1200 was really hard at first because I was used to eating big portions of really heavy foods. My appetite has changed now and I'm happy with 1200. Try to eat whole grains at the time of day when you're normally hungriest. (I usually do brown rice). Make sure you're eating plenty of fat and protein because that will help a lot. With your stats there is nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day, but you can definitely increase that if your appetite doesn't change after a week or two.
    Can we be friends? I'm new to this app and everything but I think it would be nice

    Absolutely! My diary is open so feel free to check it out.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    astrose00 wrote: »
    I was doing 1200 calories for 5 months and had no problems. I am now targeting 1450 because I wanted to add more fruit and nuts (for regularity). Feel free to add me as a friend and you can view my diary. I think the key is to try to get the most bang for your calorie buck. I sometimes ate less than 1200 if I woke up too late. 1200 calories doesn't allow for a lot of "treats" but that was okay for me. I assume your height and condition may be the reason for the low calorie goal. What's your TDEE? Mine was low because I knew how to work with that amount of calories and stayed away from calorie dense foods. I also ate high protein.
    I have no idea, to be honest. Mfp just set that goal based on me wanting to lose 2lbs per week at sedentary.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Lower the aggressiveness of your goal and exercise to earn more calories.
  • britKnee89
    i lost 110lbs .. eatting a high calorie diet..
    i was 307lbs. .. i ate alot of veggies, lean protein, good complex carbs and fat too.
    1200 is just too low!! eat about 1500 and eat a lot of veggies and protein.. it will fill you up
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    Then eat more food and don't set your goal to 2lb/week.
    1580 and 1830, btw, are the numbers MFP gave me right now after I created an account with your stats and selected 1lb/week. 1580 if selecting sedentary (which most people are not), and 1830 if selecting lightly active. This is without even eating back exercise calories on top of the number.

    How can I tell the difference between sedentary and lightly active?

    If you walk and stand at least 1-2 hours a day you're probably lightly active. I stand and walk maybe 2 hours on average max and I have to use the lightly active setting on MFP if I use neat method. Alternatively you can estimate your average activity levels on a calculator such as health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced or exrx.net/Calculators/CalRequire.htmland compare it to each of these two numbers. For sleeping, include any laying down you do outside of sleep. Subtract 500 calories from the number to get a comparable number to MFP.

    First link gave 2160, second link gave 1900, when estimating 1hr of standing/walking (the 2nd link does not put those two together, so 1hr of walking only) and 9hrs sleeping. If you shower and cook and walk to/from your car or bus then you probably qualify as lightly active.
  • StarlightAria
    StarlightAria Posts: 81 Member
    Why do I see some of the posts as having Like a lock around them?