Gluten detox

Help! I am detoxing from gluten. The weight is coming off like crazy, but I feel so icky. Tired, depressed, anxious, irritable. When will this pass?


  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    Since there is no such thing as a dumb question..... How do you do a gluten detox? is it like low carb where you eat meat and veg mainly?
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    It depends on you. For some people they can feel better within a few days, for others recovery can can several weeks. I'm assuming you're "detoxing" because you have an issue with gluten and not because it's been called a weight loss tool. If you've been eating lots of carbs and have drastically cut them due to cutting out gluten you could just be feeling crappy because your body is wondering where all the carbs went. I am gluten free and try to be mostly grain free because I am gluten intolerant and possibly have issues with other grains (but I'm still a little bit in denial). I do eat carbs though. I have plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and occasionally eat GF pasta, quinoa or brown rice. I'd eat potatoes if I could but I am intolerant to those too. :sad: If it's a carb issue you might need to add a few more in. I have found for me personally anything under about 50-60 grams of carbs and all I want to do is nap but over about 140-150 I am jittery and high strung so I keep it in my window.

    I have no science to back this up, it is my experience so if anyone wants to flame me please warn me and I'll get my asbestos undies on. :tongue:
  • TraciWA
    TraciWA Posts: 18
    Day one, day three and day 10 were the worst. It got much better after that!
  • smurlene
    smurlene Posts: 72

    I'm GF because I'm addicted to gluten.

    It's weird! Day 10 was bad for me, too.

    I'm doing much better today.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you start feeling ill again, eat a half a cup of beans (pinto, kidney, black...)
  • julieharrell1
    julieharrell1 Posts: 29 Member
    I have been gluten free for over 2 years. It wasn't by choice. I have celiac disease. I battle fatigue, memory loss, confusion and feeling icky almost everyday. It sucks, but I don't miss gluten foods one bit.
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I'm not sure what gluten detox is supposed to mean. You probably feel like crap because your carbs probably plummeted as a result of cutting gluten. Your body will adjust to a low carb diet if you keep at it for about a month. Or you can up your carbs to around 100 per day, 150 if you're already there and still feeling ill. Eat at least one serving of carbs at every meal. A gluten free grain (rice, corn, oats, etc) or a fruit.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    I'm gluten intolerant for about 14 months now. I don't remember a detox period because I felt so good not getting sick exactly 2 hours after eating anymore. I think what you're going through may be more related to simple carb withdrawals. Stick with it. Gluten/wheat, in our current available form, is very bad for you.
  • smurlene
    smurlene Posts: 72
    I eat about 250 carbs a day from plant sources, including beans, greens, fruits, etc.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    No one is addicted to gluten. You may love carbs and crave the sugar high you get from them but you are not addicted to gluten. Gluten is a protein composite found in wheat and some people have issues digesting it or an intolerance to it but not an addiction.

    Your "symptoms" are pure sugar withdrawal from giving up all those simple carbs.
  • smurlene
    smurlene Posts: 72
    I have an eating disorder, and my therapist says that I am in fact addicted to gluten, sugar, dairy, and a number of other foods.
  • cilu90
    cilu90 Posts: 31

    I'm GF because I'm addicted to gluten.

    It's weird! Day 10 was bad for me, too.

    I'm doing much better today.

    Oh. Addicted to gluten hadn't occured to me as a reason for the detox. I didn't know what you meant by gluten detox, but now that makes more sense. My daughter was diagnosed with celiacs her freshman year of college when she threw up everything she ingested (dorm food was FULL of glutinous grains ortheir derivatives, and cross contaminated everything else). She had symptoms before, but other than bread, pizza, or some wheat flour goodies, we ate pretty clean as a family so we didn't think it was more than indegestion or a flu bug (didn't connect the anemia or lactose intolerence dots, either). She just started to finally feel better when she went GF...hence the detox confusion.:smile: With that said, it should get better soon. If its an intolerence, though, it could take up to 3 months to feel better, due to stomach damage.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I have an eating disorder, and my therapist says that I am in fact addicted to gluten, sugar, dairy, and a number of other foods.

    Your therapist gave you a medical diagnosis? :huh:
  • cilu90
    cilu90 Posts: 31
    I'm gluten intolerant for about 14 months now. I don't remember a detox period because I felt so good not getting sick exactly 2 hours after eating anymore. I think what you're going through may be more related to simple carb withdrawals. Stick with it. Gluten/wheat, in our current available form, is very bad for you.

    ^^This. But also rye and barley, including malt which is a barley product. And some oats are not GF. Check the sugars and quite a few additives in products. Some of those unpronounceable names are gluten containing products or derivatives. Just do a search on gluten, you'll find a list. It depends on how sensitive you are as to how it makes you feel.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Help! I am detoxing from gluten. The weight is coming off like crazy, but I feel so icky. Tired, depressed, anxious, irritable. When will this pass?

    this is odd...for those are the exact symptoms I get FROM gluten! LOL sorry! hope u feel better:drinker:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    I have an eating disorder, and my therapist says that I am in fact addicted to gluten, sugar, dairy, and a number of other foods.

    Your therapist gave you a medical diagnosis? :huh:

    key word: addiction
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have an eating disorder, and my therapist says that I am in fact addicted to gluten, sugar, dairy, and a number of other foods.

    Your therapist is a quack. 100% serious.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I have an eating disorder, and my therapist says that I am in fact addicted to gluten, sugar, dairy, and a number of other foods.

    Your therapist is a quack. 100% serious.

    I'd second this. You may have an overeating problem or using the term very loosely, a food addiction. You are not addicted to sugar or gluten or any other food substance. You may have a mental issue that causes you to overeat but when a therapist starts making wild claims like that it's time to look for an new therapist. This one is leading you down the wrong road. You need to deal with why you overeat not just try to cut out food groups.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You can't be addicted to gluten. Gluten is just a protein. You can't be addicted to gluten any more than you can be addicted to, say, casein or lactose or zein or whatever.

    And if you COULD be addicted to gluten, and dairy, and sugar, and whatever else, a "therapist" is in no universe or in any way remotely qualified to make that determination or diagnosis.

    Your "therapist" is an idiot who "diagnosed" you with nonexistent addictions, for god knows what reason. There's no reason for you to avoid gluten. On top of that, most people who think they have a "gluten sensitivity" don't. (Cue the armies of people coming out to defend their decision to go "gluten free.")

    And.... "detox" from gluten? Gluten is PROTEIN. It's not a toxin. It doesn't persist in the blood. Gluten literally doesn't even make it to the blood. The stomach and intestines break gluten down into its constituent amino acids before it's absorbed into the blood, just like they do to every protein you eat. A protein is a long strong of amino acids - the process of digesting a protein is for the body to use acids and enzymes to split the protein into individual amino acids.

    Your weight loss has nothing to do with gluten. Weight loss comes from calorie deficit, not "gluten detoxing."
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Help! I am detoxing from gluten. The weight is coming off like crazy, but I feel so icky. Tired, depressed, anxious, irritable. When will this pass?

    Add in some green tea or chamomile tea, drink plenty of water and add more fat into your eating (particularly coconut oil)......these things will help with symptoms.

    It is possible that you are actually experiencing Candida (yeast) die off and that is the reason for the symptoms.

    The time frame for the symptoms will vary from person to person as it depends on the level of healing the gut has to do from the damage from the gluten.

    It took me only about a week before my energy was great..........for my husband it was nearly 6 weeks.