New Orleans or Key West?

I must choose one of them to visit this Monday.

We'll be there for just two days/one night. Key West we would have to drive to, 8 hrs each way, but the drive would be part of the fun (we like road trips). New Orleans we would fly to, which would give us more time to explore the area.

Which one would you choose? Have you been to either? Or both?

I don't have much time to research this! I need opinions!!


  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Both are different places, but NOLA is a bigger place with more to do. If you like snorkeling or scuba go to Pennekamp Park (Key Largo)

    NOLA once had some historic places, not sure since the cane. River Road Plantations, Jackson Square, St. Louis Cathedral, Storyville, Congo Square, Preservation Hall. Dont forget the food and casinos.

    As I said earlier, NOLA is no longer the NOLA it once was. Too slick and corporate for my taste.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Been to both, loved the alligator served in the Keys, loved the cuisine in the Big Easy too. You'll have a ball either place.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I have not been to either, but I know people make videos of their vacations and post them on youtube. So maybe if you look at other peoples vacation videos it will show you more of the different areas of both places and things to do. Also hotels, a lot of people say how their hotel was, some of the bad hotel experiences videos are funny and they actually show you the room.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Key west all day, everyday, and twice on Sunday. I like fishing though, so I'm motivated by my rod. Muddy water redfish and bass is something I can do where I live here.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    New Orleans has the best food, but sucks at everything else. Was there for a week and very glad to come home. But dont let me sway you.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Both are different places, but NOLA is a bigger place with more to do. If you like snorkeling or scuba go to Pennekamp Park (Key Largo)

    NOLA once had some historic places, not sure since the cane. River Road Plantations, Jackson Square, St. Louis Cathedral, Storyville, Congo Square, Preservation Hall. Dont forget the food and casinos.

    As I said earlier, NOLA is no longer the NOLA it once was. Too slick and corporate for my taste.

    All those places are still here. Take a walk along the river front and take a dinner cruse on the Steamboat Natchez. New Orleans is ****ing awesome.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    New Orleans. I used to live there. It rocks. Save up your calories all day and eat at Mother's in the CBD. Get a debris roast beef po' boy. Don't ask for anything different on it, just eat it the way it comes. They'll send you to the back of the line if you ask for something extra. ZOMG. So jealous.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    New Orleans has the best food, but sucks at everything else. Was there for a week and very glad to come home. But dont let me sway you.

    Obviously your visit sucked. Too bad you didn't have an awesome tour guide like me.
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    New Orleans. I used to live there. It rocks. Save up your calories all day and eat at Mother's in the CBD. Get a debris roast beef po' boy. Don't ask for anything different on it, just eat it the way it comes. They'll send you to the back of the line if you ask for something extra. ZOMG. So jealous.

    What's CBD?

    LOL @ sending people to the back of the line!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL

    Honestly, it depends on what you want. If you're looking for relaxing beaches and waterfront, key west is the way to go. If you're looking for a culture/history experience with lots of city and night life, New Orleans is where it's at.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Between the two I'd pick New Orleans because you could spend more time there. The drive down to Key West sucks and while I love diving, fishing and drinking in the keys, I only take that drive when I have more time. I haven't been in New Orleans since the hurricane (long time) but I hear from friends you can still have a great time. Then there is the food. And you don't have to just hang around the French Quarter. Did I mention the food?
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    New Orleans. I used to live there. It rocks. Save up your calories all day and eat at Mother's in the CBD. Get a debris roast beef po' boy. Don't ask for anything different on it, just eat it the way it comes. They'll send you to the back of the line if you ask for something extra. ZOMG. So jealous.

    What's CBD?

    LOL @ sending people to the back of the line!

    Central Business District. It's on the outskirts of the Quarter.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Between the two I'd pick New Orleans because you could spend more time there. The drive down to Key West sucks and while I love diving, fishing and drinking in the keys, I only take that drive when I have more time. I haven't been in New Orleans since the hurricane (long time) but I hear from friends you can still have a great time. Then there is the food. And you don't have to just hang around the French Quarter. Did I mention the food?

    And beer. Lots and lots of beer.
  • Kacey11312
    Kacey11312 Posts: 55
    I lived in Florida my whole life so, I'm a die-hard salt life, salt water girl. (and now I live in Eastern Washington State - OY!) :laugh: If your husband is an outdoors kinda guy, I'd go with Key West. It's gorgeous, great places to dine, local shops. With that being said, if you don't have time because of the drive to really enjoy it (FISHING!) ....I'd go with NOLA. I love it there. It's fun, plenty to do, you'll get plenty of walking in also :wink: Although, the beignets, hurricanes, gumbo, boudin, and po' boys may negate all the cardio you get while walking. LOL

    Either way, you'll have a good time, I'm sure. Watch the weather though, they're predicting a lot of named storms this year. Most of all, have fun with your hubby and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ! :flowerforyou:
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL

    Honestly, it depends on what you want. If you're looking for relaxing beaches and waterfront, key west is the way to go. If you're looking for a culture/history experience with lots of city and night life, New Orleans is where it's at.

    That's where the conflict comes from!!

    My husband loves beaches. Me... not so much. But I think I would still enjoy Key West, and I would enjoy the road trip, but I think we would feel rushed because of the 16 hours of driving (round trip).

    I would love the culture and night life of New Orleans. And I really want to stay in one of the old haunted mansion/hotels!!! OMG, so awesome.

    He gave me the choice, though, and I feel like if I choose New Orleans it would be an entirely selfish choice because I'm pretty sure he would prefer to go to Key West. LOL.

    Key West = more money, less time in our destination, less enjoyable trip for me, but more enjoyable trip for him.
    New Orleans = less money, more time in our destination, more enjoyable for me, less for him.

    What is this river walk that I keep hearing about like? If there is water, I might be able to use that as a selling point... He loves water... LOL.
  • Kacey11312
    Kacey11312 Posts: 55
    Between the two I'd pick New Orleans because you could spend more time there. The drive down to Key West sucks and while I love diving, fishing and drinking in the keys, I only take that drive when I have more time. I haven't been in New Orleans since the hurricane (long time) but I hear from friends you can still have a great time. Then there is the food. And you don't have to just hang around the French Quarter. Did I mention the food?

    And beer. Lots and lots of beer.

    Oh dear lawd do I miss the south! Food, Food, Booze, Food, Booze. :drinker:
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    New Orleans!
  • Kacey11312
    Kacey11312 Posts: 55
    Go with NOLA - you'll have more time to enjoy yourself! Riverwalk - Lots of water (not like the beach), Shopping and restaurants. Live entertainment, etc. It's a good time!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    That's where the conflict comes from!!

    My husband loves beaches. Me... not so much. But I think I would still enjoy Key West, and I would enjoy the road trip, but I think we would feel rushed because of the 16 hours of driving (round trip).

    I would love the culture and night life of New Orleans. And I really want to stay in one of the old haunted mansion/hotels!!! OMG, so awesome.

    He gave me the choice, though, and I feel like if I choose New Orleans it would be an entirely selfish choice because I'm pretty sure he would prefer to go to Key West. LOL.

    Key West = more money, less time in our destination, less enjoyable trip for me, but more enjoyable trip for him.
    New Orleans = less money, more time in our destination, more enjoyable for me, less for him.

    What is this river walk that I keep hearing about like? If there is water, I might be able to use that as a selling point... He loves water... LOL.

    Have a dinner on the Natchez
