New Orleans or Key West?



  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    I want "haunted"... LOLOL!! I have a goal list, and staying in a supposedly haunted hotel is on it!! Are any of those "haunted"??

    This I can't help you with. While there is LOTS of voodoo culture here, "haunted" is something kind of ambiguous.

    Notice I said "supposedly" haunted. :)
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I'm a Floridian who's been to Key West many times and never to New Orleans, so obviously I'm biased when I say I'd go for Key West. I love the sunset celebration; if you do it, Catman is a must. I can't ever imagine my cats jumping through hoops of fire. Heck, I can't imagine them not fleeing from the crowd! Key West is very much a party place, so you have to like that sort of thing to fully enjoy it. Be prepared to indulge in some calories because the frozen key lime ice cream bars are a must do, and the winery has some amazing flavors. Hemingway House in another great place worth a look-see.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    New Orleans is the better destination in just about every way except for water activites. if you are focusing on drinking, eating, gambling etc...go to N.O.

    ive been to both several times and both are fantastic.

    but since you would drive to Key West why not just go to Miami...thats better than either Key West or N.O.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    New Orleans....for the food.

    Love me some good food! Lots of people are saying New Orleans for the food. There must be some seriously good food there! :D

    Seafood : Landry's
    Cajun/Creole : French Quarter Bistro
    Sweets : Southern Candy Makers (I suggest the dark chocolate peanut butter cups)
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Key. Lime. Pie.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    New Orleans is the better destination in just about every way except for water activites. if you are focusing on drinking, eating, gambling etc...go to N.O.

    ive been to both several times and both are fantastic.

    but since you would drive to Key West why not just go to Miami...thats better than either Key West or N.O.

    Valid suggestion here.
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    New Orleans is the better destination in just about every way except for water activites. if you are focusing on drinking, eating, gambling etc...go to N.O.

    ive been to both several times and both are fantastic.

    but since you would drive to Key West why not just go to Miami...thats better than either Key West or N.O.

    Hubby wants to drive across the bridge to Key West. That's actually a big part of the appeal for him. :)

    I would never have chosen Miami as a destination. Why do you say Miami is better than New Orleans and Key West?
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    New Orleans....for the food.

    Love me some good food! Lots of people are saying New Orleans for the food. There must be some seriously good food there! :D

    Seafood : Landry's
    Cajun/Creole : French Quarter Bistro
    Sweets : Southern Candy Makers (I suggest the dark chocolate peanut butter cups)

    Thanks! :D
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Good point about the parking. If you dont plan on going to the River Road then forget the car. There was good public transportation and the streetcars were a fun way to get around.

    You will really get a kick out of staying in the old Bed and Breakfasts. The surprise is when you step off the busy, bustling street through a gate and find a serene courtyard full of beautiful plants and peaceful fountains.

    BTW there are a lot of street hustlers, waiters, vendors, bellman, taxi drivers who will try and shame you into leaving big tips.

    Once there were several of us at Pat OBriens and we were drinking at the patio. Every time we ordered a round, we tipped heavy. Once I needed to cash a travelers check and the waiter brought the cash, fanned out on his shiny silver tray in a very forward and assertive manner meant to intimidate me into tipping him. It gave me a big time rash and he tried to stare me down as I took the cash and counted it.

    As I put the money in my pocket he looked at my party with his eyes big & mouth wide while pointing at me. (trying to shame them) He stood there a while then positioned his shiny tray to where it reflected the sun in my eyes. I flashed and told him to bump on out. No more tips for him. Later we figured he got well over $70 from us in the 90 minutes we were there. This was in the early 80's so that was a lot of money.

    The people are good and you can have a lot of fun with them if you have a good sense of humor. The police are good humored and helpful. The shoe shin boys will get you every time with some gimmick so avoid them. (Hey mister, betcha I can tell where you got your shoes at.... you got your shoes on your feet! Pay up!)

    Dont carry a purse, keep one credit card and cash in your front pocket and look around before pulling it out as well as your phone.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL

    Honestly, it depends on what you want. If you're looking for relaxing beaches and waterfront, key west is the way to go. If you're looking for a culture/history experience with lots of city and night life, New Orleans is where it's at.

    That's where the conflict comes from!!

    My husband loves beaches. Me... not so much. But I think I would still enjoy Key West, and I would enjoy the road trip, but I think we would feel rushed because of the 16 hours of driving (round trip).

    I would love the culture and night life of New Orleans. And I really want to stay in one of the old haunted mansion/hotels!!! OMG, so awesome.

    He gave me the choice, though, and I feel like if I choose New Orleans it would be an entirely selfish choice because I'm pretty sure he would prefer to go to Key West. LOL.

    Key West = more money, less time in our destination, less enjoyable trip for me, but more enjoyable trip for him.
    New Orleans = less money, more time in our destination, more enjoyable for me, less for him.

    What is this river walk that I keep hearing about like? If there is water, I might be able to use that as a selling point... He loves water... LOL.

    Key West is not known for the beachy part. It is more like rocks. Fishing, snorkeling and night life is a plenty.

    If he gave you the choice, and you really want NOLA, then go to NOLA. The first trip there was great. Food was out of this world. Bars galore if you drink. Cool shops. LOTS of history. Riverwalk is awesome. Garden District beautiful.

    You will not be sorry you went to NOLA with the weather we've been having here in So Flo:grumble:
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    Hubby wants to drive across the bridge to Key West. That's actually a big part of the appeal for him. :)

    I would never have chosen Miami as a destination. Why do you say Miami is better than New Orleans and Key West?

    that is a cool drive.

    Miami would actually be by far the best beach destination of the 3. i love beaches so that goes a long way for me. its bars and restaurants are way better than Key Wests too.

    Comparing Miami and N.O. both have great food...for nightlift Miami is about clubs and and great music and dancing. NO is about great bars and music. so there is really a matter of preference.

    in general when im on vacation i like the club/salsa dancing type scene more than bar/music scene.

    you cant go wrong with any of im jealous you are going and im not lol
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129

    You will not be sorry you went to NOLA with the weather we've been having here in So Flo:grumble:

    Thanks!! Has it been that bad in So Flo??
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    You can fly to Key West....

    Not sure of the cost, but they do have an airport...EYW

    Check it out....not sure where your coming from but just a thought :)
  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    New Orleans it is!! Thanks for all the tips, I'll be going back through this thread later to plan out more of our trip. :)

    Oh, and I know there is an airport in Key West, but it's not feasible for me to fly there. I'm a bit limited as to where/when I fly. For Key West, driving would be better for us.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    New Orleans it is!! Thanks for all the tips, I'll be going back through this thread later to plan out more of our trip. :)

    Oh, and I know there is an airport in Key West, but it's not feasible for me to fly there. I'm a bit limited as to where/when I fly. For Key West, driving would be better for us.

    I'm not sure what you're into but here's a few more suggestions:

    Beer + lunch - Crescent City Brewhouse
    Beer + Dinner - Gorden Biersch
    Nightlife - Bourbon Street is it
    Culture - Walking tours of the cemetaries, carriage rides set up outside Jackson Square and the Cathedral, Haunted Tours and such. You can get pamphlets at any of the information booths around the Quarter. You can also walk from Canal Street all the way to the French Market along the river.

    ETA: if you want to go out a bit check out the Jean Lafitte Swamp Tours
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    New Orleans it is!! Thanks for all the tips, I'll be going back through this thread later to plan out more of our trip. :)

    Make sure to go to Cafe Du Monde. Very touristy but delicious! MMm beignets :heart: I miss living in the south (somewhat... :wink: )
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL

    Honestly, it depends on what you want. If you're looking for relaxing beaches and waterfront, key west is the way to go. If you're looking for a culture/history experience with lots of city and night life, New Orleans is where it's at.

    There's quite a bit of history and night life in Key West!! I've been to both, and they are entirely different experiences. One thing to consider is safety. I've never felt the least bit insecure walking in KW at any time of the day or night. In NOLA, we had the police stop us while walking down the street in broad daylight and tell us we'd be safer if we went back and got our car for the six blocks to the Super Dome. That was in '02. I imagine it's only gotten worse since Katrina.
  • Aww! It'd be a tough choice indeed!

    However, since you've mentioned it is your wed anniversary AND your hubby wants to go to the Keys: There is your answer: The Keys!

    It is a more romantic, intimate place. Not much to do actually, depending on what time of the year you go. You may be able to walk the entire island in a day... The beach is extremely small (well the downtown side I saw.)

    A few wonderful places to eat, but the beach: Like Southernmost Beach Cafe. Very friendly and happy people. It is like the entire place is a resort.

    I have not been to NOLA myself, but all my friends have. Like the some other people posted, NOLA has more things to do but it is not the same as it used to be.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Heading to YouTube right now... :)

    I think part of the problem is that I would much rather see New Orleans but I think my husband would prefer to go to Key West. He says it's up to me, but it's supposed to be our anniversary trip this year and I want him to have a good time too. I don't want him to be disappointed that he didn't get to go to Key West, but I would hate to spend more money (because Key West would be more expensive of a trip) for less time at our destination, even though the road trip would be a blast.

    I'm so conflicted... LOL

    Honestly, it depends on what you want. If you're looking for relaxing beaches and waterfront, key west is the way to go. If you're looking for a culture/history experience with lots of city and night life, New Orleans is where it's at.

    There's quite a bit of history and night life in Key West!! I've been to both, and they are entirely different experiences. One thing to consider is safety. I've never felt the least bit insecure walking in KW at any time of the day or night. In NOLA, we had the police stop us while walking down the street in broad daylight and tell us we'd be safer if we went back and got our car for the six blocks to the Super Dome. That was in '02. I imagine it's only gotten worse since Katrina.

    I don't get these stories. I've lived here a while now and have never felt scared, threatened or been stopped by the police downtown. Especially in the day time.
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Zydeco night on Thursday's at Rock 'n' Bowl in NOLA....

