Thoughts on the 5:2 Fast diet

Hey folks

After researching and talking to a few people about intermittent fasting I thought I would give it a try, Has anyone tried the 8:16 or the 5:2 fast and feed diet? I would love some feedback and if anyone is interested in starting this week please add me so we can share our thoughts. Thanks community


  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    I did the 5:2 for 2 weeks and lost 7lbs a lot of people don't agree with it but it's personal choice and it works for me. I just need to plan my fasting days better !
  • Tanana66
    Tanana66 Posts: 84 Member
    I tried 5:2 for a month. It wasn't hard keeping calories at 500 but I have noticed I ended up binging at weekends - not good. I didn't like exercising on those days - not good.
    You know those days when you feel full of energy and can't wait to go to gym or do sprints? Well, on those 2 days you might feel oposite. I did. Cold and lethargic.
    But some people do quite well on it...
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Hey Paul..its Kristian Rocco from NYC! go to Lean gains site...all the info is there..I have been doing fasting for 3 years and 16 hours fast and 8 meals is def the way to go! but please go to
    best from nyc:)
  • paulbear75
    paulbear75 Posts: 44 Member
    Wow thanks so much people and Kristian, I'm going to check it out thanks so much for the info
  • Too_Unfit_To_Quit
    Too_Unfit_To_Quit Posts: 7 Member
    I love 5:2 (the fast diet)! I started the Fast Diet and MFP on May 18th and I am down 17lbs in less than a month! Yes you read that right, 17! I am sticking to the MFP calorie allowance but find it very hard to reach the 1900 they give me! However, I don't eat any less than 1400 a day! I also started working out on the eliptical about 3x a week too! Personally I love this "diet" I think it has changed my life dramatically. I say "diet," because this is more of a lifestyle change. Once you reach your desired weight you maintain by fasting just once a week. I will say the first fast I hated it and thought this would never work but I am so glad I have stuck it out. I don't expect my weight loss to keep dropping so quickly as I'm sure the first few weeks BIG losses were due to me stopping soda and water weight, but either way it's 17lbs NOT on/in my body anymore :)
  • Rooooose
    Rooooose Posts: 149 Member
    Love 5:2, I've been doing for a month now and although I haven't lost much weight I do have the feeling I lost fat (I've been working out a lot at the same time so I probably gained some muscles). What I especially love about it, is that you can decide for yourself what you want to eat and when :). Good luck if you decide to do 5:2! There is a special group for 5:2 which will definitly support you!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I've been doing 5:2 since January, and its just a way of life for me now.

    I've lost about half a pound a week on it - not much, and not fast, but I don't have a lot to lose.
    I feel great after a fast, really empowered and light.
    I haven't found light exercise to be a problem on or after fast days, but I'd hesitate to do a strenuous workout. But its only 2 days a week - very easy to switch that around to fit into whatever the week holds.

    There are 2 groups for those following 5:2 here on MFP - if you're interested you'll find lots of information and support on there. Also, this question has been asked a fair bit recently, so if you use the search function you'll be able to find more opinions.

    I feel its important to point out a few things: it's not strictly fasting, just 2 very low calorie days. It doesn't suit everyone - definitely a no-no if you're pregnant or aiming to be, diabetic, under 18, or with a tendency to disordered eating.
  • Fit_Natasha
    Fit_Natasha Posts: 83 Member
    Does it has to be the same days every week, or you can change them -- let say, first week you are fasting on Sunday and Wednesday, and next week you doing it on Monday and Thursday?
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Does it has to be the same days every week, or you can change them -- let say, first week you are fasting on Sunday and Wednesday, and next week you doing it on Monday and Thursday?

    You can swap your fast days around to suit your social life or workout schedule, or whatever. It's very flexible. The book recommends not doing your fast days back to back, but some people do & if that suits them, it's up to them.
    As it happens, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is a very popular pattern.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Change them to suit whatever you have on each week. My default is Mondays (feels good fasting after a weekend), and Thursdays (longest distance between fasts, and a good prep for the weekend!) But I switch those all the time. Once or twice I've just had one fast day in the week.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Hi there, just started the 5:2 today. How do I find the groups on here???
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I've recently tried the 8 hours on, 16 hours fast diet. I feel like this would work very well if my work schedule was normal. But I work 3rd shift and work out during the day, so it was just too much of a hassle to plan. I still sort of follow some of what I learned: at work, I stop eating at midnight. If I go home and sleep, then I don't eat about until 4pm when I wake up. But, if I work out after work before bed, I eat a high-protein meal. I'm a binge eater, so this helps keep me on track.
  • cheesyrunner
    cheesyrunner Posts: 84 Member
    Bump. I'm going to try this after my final exams.
  • FarAway02
    FarAway02 Posts: 211
    Whilst I don't necessarily believe that it's damaging I just think... why? I did trial it...then I remembered that I can lose the same amount of weight by eating healthy and exercising. Why would I eat 500 calories a day and feel irritable, tired, unable to focus properly and do my job etc etc when I can eat 1600 calories, have epic workouts, swims and runs, sleep well, wake up feeling motivated and fresh??

    The key word in 5:2 is DIET. If you're considering something a 'diet' you will forever yoyo. You need to find a LIFESTYLE. Something you can sustain for the rest of your life. That's when you'll really keep the weight off and feel AWESOME about yourself.

    I wouldn't recommend diets full stop...but I definitely wouldn't recommended feeling as irritable and naff as the 5:2 so often makes people feel.
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    it's a great way for some people to justify binge eating
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    it's a great way for some people to justify binge eating

    and a great way for a lot of people to lose a pound a week
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    i've been doing 18/6 for a month, maybe 5 weeks. it has a lot of positive implications on my understanding of hunger, also helped me get self control nailed down big time. all of that is good stuff.

    It also jumpstarted my weekly loss back up to 1lb a week consistently, im down 5lb from being stuck for a a few months between 73-74kg.

    I think ill be doing IF forever really. once I get to maintenance ill do 14/10.

    id go for 16/8
    i wouldn't to not eat / hardly eat for 2 days a week. but thats just me.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    Not for me, Jamie. My binge danger zone is right after work. So, having my fast time during the after work hours helps A LOT. If I don't take the first bite, I'm usually able to resist. If I work out, I'm less likely to binge also. But I did the 8 hour diet, not the 5-2 diet. That just sounds painful...