Low to no carb



  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why are we arguing about LCHF vs HCLF? The OP said that they have hypothyroidism and are currently having trouble regulating levels, and are looking at LC to lose weight. Their post has nothing to do with cravings, or satiety, or which person loses more weight with which diet.

    Well mainly because you're still letting a previously banned user post under a sock puppet account.

    Sorry, your theory is incorrect. *sad trombone*
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    CICO15 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    CICO15 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    Why are we arguing about LCHF vs HCLF? The OP said that they have hypothyroidism and are currently having trouble regulating levels, and are looking at LC to lose weight. Their post has nothing to do with cravings, or satiety, or which person loses more weight with which diet.

    Because the Agent Smiths love to argue.

    Btw what's your pet name for all the ignorant low carb enthusiasts that always pop up ie. The ones who post the diet doctor and authority nutrition links and simply make things up to support low carb like low fat diets have been debunked?

    Just give up already. If a low-fat diet works for you, great. I'm happy for you and I believe you.

    But the low-fat diet resulted in the obesity and diabetes epidemic when it was pushed on the American public in the early 1980's. People began to believe it was FAT, not CALORIES, that make you fat. Finally, the government gave up. Fat no longer makes you fat! About time.

    EGGS were demonized as heart attacks on a plate. So they were replaced with much higher calorie BAGELS. When they were introduced SNACKWELL cookies flew off the shelf because they were low-fat.

    How hard is this to understand?


    Did you really post an OP ed from the anti science quack Nina Teicholz?

    So low fat diets resulted in obesity? Did they cause it, if so how?

    And now idiots think carbs or sugar make you fat, what a long way we've come

    You've still yet to post a single shred of actual evidence of low fat diets being debunked. Are you done making things up now?

    Never seen anyone freak out so much when their world view is challenged.

    I guess this is also a bunch of BS.


    What are you even going on about? Acg67 didn't bring up low fat diets; you did. It's right here:
    CICO15 wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    pcantale wrote: »
    hi I'm looking to meet some people that are losing weight through low to no carbing. Any pointers or recipes? Having trouble getting a handle on this weightloss. Thanks.

    Low carb and keto diets create fat loss the same as any other diet...

    What don't you understand about the posters stating their cravings were diminished with a low-carb or keto diet? Had they chosen a low-fat diet (fortunately debunked within the last few years) they probably would have failed.

    He said "any other diet," you're the one who brought low fat diets specifically into the conversation. How is this his world view when you're the one who brought it up?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I don't personally believe in low carb as it doesn't work long term for me cos I can't stick to it for life

    Never really understood that argument - lived consistently, it would mean nobody would ever become an elite athlete.

  • Arch155
    Arch155 Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2015
    pcantale wrote: »
    Thank you for all the advice. I have great things about low carbing and I need to try asap. What is the difference between no carb and Keto ? 52 and 60 pound weight loss is amazing. Great job both of you.

    hi pcantale,
    Glad to hear you're willing to give Keto a try, I don't know much about "no carb", don't know that's even doable. But as christinev297 mentioned, low carb is quite easy, at least in my case, doing Keto literally rule out all the junk food and sugary drinks. the only way to get carb in Keto is consume green veggie, that's extreme low.

    If you have any question try the reddit.com/r/keto,
    you'll find all the answer right there.
    good luck!
  • jmaidan
    jmaidan Posts: 93 Member
    I've had good success with low carb, eating under 150g per day at the moment. Not super low but I feel better and the weight comes off slowly but surely.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Arch155 wrote: »
    pcantale wrote: »
    Thank you for all the advice. I have great things about low carbing and I need to try asap. What is the difference between no carb and Keto ? 52 and 60 pound weight loss is amazing. Great job both of you.

    hi pcantale,
    Glad to hear you're willing to give Keto a try, I don't know much about "no carb", don't know that's even doable. But as christinev297 mentioned, low carb is quite easy, at least in my case, doing Keto literally rule out all the junk food and sugary drinks. the only way to get carb in Keto is consume green veggie, that's extreme low.

    If you have any question try the reddit.com/r/keto,
    you'll find all the answer right there.
    good luck!

    That's a misconception. You can have any carbs you want in keto. What matters is that you keep them below the point where your body enters ketosis. For some people that's 20g, for some it's 50g. Obviously, green veggies are an important source of vitamins, but saying that's the "only" way to get carbs fuels all the ranting and hate about low carb being a fad diet. I get my carbs from tomatoes, strawberries, peppers, onions, yogurt, chocolate, cheese, all kinds of places. I just don't get them from starches, mainly because a lot of them make me sick. Someone who does not have medical issues requiring them to avoid things like potatoes or rice or bread can have them, if they want to sacrifice a whole day of carbs for that one food and make up for the vitamin deficiency elsewhere.