30 Day shred Friends :)



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Finished D1L2...oy!!! My thighs burn to no end. I suck at planks and I think the worse move is the standing on one foot and moving the other three limbs -- I'm glad nobody is watching me!!!

    Karen -- yes, you need to be careful. I have no ideas for you, but hopefully someone will.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    I had a lot of trouble with the standing on one foot thing too. Not so much when I started this but when I started an exercise program period. It gets better. The biggest obstacle I had with it was my mind though. After I waivered a few times I "thought" I couldn't do it. No I tell my self I can. Even for the cool down stretches I have to convince myself that I can do it. And it really does get easier as your core gets stronger. I also did a 30 day plank challenge where you increase plank time by increments each day for a month. That helped my planks a lot. Level 3 has lots of plank moves!:happy:
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    I'm on L3D4. So far so good. Noticing the plank workouts are getting better, push ups easier, etc. I am not. a fan of the last cardio circuit.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    L1D2 today. I started it before but didn't finish. I made the mistake of taking a break day and lost my motivation. This time I will do it 30 days straight. My endurance has built since I did it a couple months ago. Jumping jacks are no longer my enemy! Lol I hate the static lunges with bicep curls. It makes something in my ankle/shin feel weird but not quite to the point of painful. Think maybe I need to perfect my form.

    If anyone wants to add me, I would love the extra support and motivation!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Did L2D4 today. I'm definitely feeling level 2 in my arms and quads, but it's getting better. I decided to substitute side lunges for those pendulum lunges and I think it was much easier on my knee. Also, I found my hammer curl form to be much better b/c I could focus more on keeping my elbows back.

    @kimnex--be careful with the 30 days straight--even Jillian recommends rest days and she's a crazy b#&tch. LOL

    @smfrn--I'm noticing the walk out push ups getting easier at level 2. I haven't peeked at level 3 yet--afraid it will send my running! :laugh:

    @judy--I agree that being able to do planks and push ups before starting this program has probably given me an edge as well. Even when I have to modify some moves, it's not b/c I can't do a plank or a push up, it's usually b/c my knees are hurting or my shoulders (I've always had incredibly weak shoulders :ohwell: ).

    @tracy--I don't even like it when my dog watches me do that move! :blushing:
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    L1D3 today. Decided rest days would be good. I noticed today that I was lacking momentum. I need to figure out which days I want to rest ahead of time so I don't give in to quitting. Also decided that my weakness is getting up off the floor. Haha I haaaate getting up and down!
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Finished Day 4 Level 3 last night. I am getting it! It is hard-some parts really hard. I can't imagine doing it with a bum anything especially a knee or shoulder. I do feel it is the hardest workout I have done yet-really test lots of my body parts. And... I am pretty strong but need more strength. Keep going guys, she is going to make us strong and fit whether we really wanted it that bad or not!
  • luv2teach2011
    luv2teach2011 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All,

    I plan on started tomorrow!!! I am so excited!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    I'm taking a 3-day break from 30DS b/c I'm doing an obstacle mud run tomorrow. I know from experience that it's not a good idea to do anything too taxing the day before, and of course I won't be doing any exercise in addition to the mud run tomorrow. After the run, my friends and I are going up to Lake Geneva for a pool or spa day (depending on the weather). I won't be back until Sunday night, so I'm putting 30DS on hold until Monday and then I'll be right back at it!

    It will be interesting to see how my body responds to 3 days off in a row. I know with running, I usually do better with back to back rest days.
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Have fun and be strong at the mud run Jeanz. I did one last year in July, some mud, obstacles, trails-I suppose they are all about the same. I really like them other than the darn mud part. The obstacles were excellent.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    I finished L1D5 yesterday and decided to use today as a rest day. Hopefully resting will help me get thru these next 5 days. 30DS is starting to get redundant for me. Thinking about doing all levels for 5 days each then repeating every level another 5 days to keep me interested and motivated. Someone I know suggested that to me, but I haven't decided yet.
  • Meels140
    Meels140 Posts: 1
    L1D3 today, Jillian's totally kicking my butt hah. I'm having to do the modified push ups because my upper body strength is atrocious and those squats and lunges are burning my legs! I can feel the difference in my legs already though which is awesome, they feel a lot more toned. I'm hoping Jillian can help me tackle my belly - no matter what I do it never shifts!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @meels--welcome! Yes, level 1 killed my calves and abs. Level 2 is affecting my shoulders and quads more as well as my entire torso. I'm hoping that means my core is getting stronger--I can't seem to lose my belly either.

    @kim--that's an interesting idea to do each level for 5 days. I get really bored with the same routine as well, but I'm already halfway through, so I'm just going to force myself to finish the 10 days/level. If I decide to repeat it, I may do it the way your friend suggested..

    @judy--thanks! I did this same mud run last summer and it was a lot of fun. This year the obstacles were better--more challenging, but a lot more fun!!

    I'm back from my break and will resume L2D5 tomorrow--then I will be officially halfway done!! :happy:
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    This is 26 days of 30DS for me. I took 4 rest days in June, I am going to continue but wanted to take measurements at the end of the month. Here are the results.

    Age - 52
    Starting weight-164 Now 160 (4)
    Height - 5'4"
    Thighs - 21.5 22 .5
    Hips - 39.25 38.5 (.75)
    Waist - 36 35.5 (.5)
    Arms - 12.5 12.125 (.125)
    Back(above the boobies) - 37 37.25 .25
    Abs - 39.25 38.25 (1)

    Over all lost 1 3/8 inches. I sure would have guessed more by how I feel and the way my clothes fit. Also you can now see those bones on my chest I wasn't sure I even had! Worth every day. I am going to finish the last 4 days of level three and will probably do the whole think over again in a couple months.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    There is a big group (me included) starting tomorrow (July1) ...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @scrapjen & karmapam--Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @judykat--I often wonder how accurate my measuring is. I've had a similar occurrence as you feeling like your clothes are looser. I'm now a size smaller than I was in January, but when I measured at the start of doing 30DS, some of my measurements were up from January. I don't know if that means I'm smaller in places that I don't measure, or if I'm just not measuring in the same exact spot.

    AFM--did L2D5 today and it was frustrating. I felt really good while doing it, but I'm streaming it off the internet and it kept pausing to buffer. Very annoying--I tried to work through the pauses, but some of them were just way too long, so I had to stop and wait for the video to "catch up." Also, it's been 3 days since I've done it, so I couldn't just keep going on my own (as I have in the past) b/c I couldn't remember which exercises came next. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    I also realized today that there's no way I will finish level 3 before leaving on vacation on the 15th. Even if I did it every day (which I don't believe is good for my muscles), I would only get to level 3 day 9. :ohwell: I plan to just keep going on my current schedule of 5 x/week. I will probably start over when I get back from Switzerland in late July and maybe do 5 days/level (as kim mentioned yesterday).
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    Hey Jeanz-I would do this again starting the first of August or first of September. Just send me a message and we can do a posit if you like. My recommendation would be to finish level 2 and then do what you can of Level 3 before your fabulous vacation. Level 3 to me is a whole different ballgame. Can't wait till you get there and see what your opinion is.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys--finished L2D6 this morning. Fortunately, the video streamed much better than yesterday's.

    @judy--Yes! I get back on July 26th, so will probably start up again then. We could start a new thread or just come back here--based on the new folks who've just started, it should still be going. Either way, I'll message you. :smile: I am going to do just as you suggested--finish Level 2 and then do a bit of 3 before I go.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Today is day 3 for me :flowerforyou:
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    L1D7 for me today. I ended up doing 30ds Sunday and taking my break yesterday. I decided to push thru the 10 days per level the first go around. Then next time I will alternate. I honestly don't think I'm going to take anymore breaks. Today I am tired and sluggish and lost motivation and endurance. It's like my body decided it would rather rest. But.. I also know my limits and if I feel like my body needs to, I will. Maybe I should just walk on my rest day instead of doing nothing?