Busting my rear because of a cheat meal



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP it sounds like you are getting a quick lesson in MFP Forums 101. Words matter, avoid assumptions, be as clear as possible with your approach, divulging relevant medical conditions and/or dietary habits before you ask questions, and do not read emotion into responses where it does not exist. Oh and bluntness does not equal meanness.

    That said, I agree with others that you shouldn't stress about these fluctuations. My weight pattern goes something like this. Monday morning, my highest day, because my weekends tend to include more restaurant food and/or alcohol which can contribute to water weight gain. Between Monday and Friday, when I consume lots of water and get back into a routine, things level off, usually Friday is my lowest weight of the week. That was the day I would record weight when I was focusing on losing weight, right now I'm maintaining/reassessing my weight and goals.

    Also, Easter caused the increase? Did you, like many others here, eat ham for Easter? Yeah, me too. I was up about 2.5 lbs this morning over my Friday weight. Not going to stress about it. You shouldn't either...