What do you do realize you've totally blown it early on in the day?



  • coraborealis80
    coraborealis80 Posts: 53 Member
    I accept that all holidays are cheat days and while I log it, I don't pay attention to it. One day of blowing it doesn't make that big of a difference in the long run, and that 0.25lbs isn't worth ruining time with my family. But, I do make sure that on the other days of that week I make healthier calorie choices. Lean meats, extra veggies and fruits, less carbs, especially refined sugar (yes, I know fruit has sugar, but the refined stuff is a loooot easier to OD on).
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I do 16:8 so it isn't quite as pressing as it is for others--I would skip a meal and just eat a snack towards the end of my eating window. Previously, I would do marathon exercise sessions--but this is a really unhealthy mindset and just increases the next day's hunger.

    Log it and move on.
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    This is not what I want to do, but truthfully I end up avoiding planning and logging for the rest of the day if not the next 2-3 days. I am struggling to correct this.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I say screw it! Next couple of days is catch up and more activity... :s:s
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Holidays are different. I've either made the decision to go over, stay in deficit, or eat at maintenance for the day.

    Otherwise, that does not happen to me. I pre-log, and even before I did that...no. I've always had enough calories for a good dinner.
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    I try to get back on track but some times I'm just like eff it.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Question: What do you guys do when you totally blow it early on in the day?

    Usually I say screw it and buy an 8 piece box of Popeye's fried chicken with biscuits, corn on the cob, beans and rice and pecan pie. And a large Hawaiian Punch.


    You've just induced cravings in me.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Question: What do you guys do when you totally blow it early on in the day?

    Usually I say screw it and buy an 8 piece box of Popeye's fried chicken with biscuits, corn on the cob, beans and rice and pecan pie. And a large Hawaiian Punch.

    I'm just not going hungry for the rest of the day.

    Pecan pie woot woot. Best dessert next to bread pudding.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    The best thing is not to stress out about it. It's going to happen. My wife has a large Italian family and holidays are always tough. The amount of food to eat is ridiculous and for some reason there are always enough cakes and cookies to feed fifty people even if there are only ten or eleven people there! That's the biggest challenge for me. I am getting better at coping with those events. I used to just pig out for the day but now I manage to restrain myself. I can't resist having one piece of cake and a cookie....or three. I try to go for a long walk afterward to help burn some of it off. Now that I've taken up running I'll be able to burn some more calories. The main thing is just to accept it will happen and to be more conscious of what you eat for a few days afterward.
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Question: What do you guys do when you totally blow it early on in the day?

    Usually I say screw it and buy an 8 piece box of Popeye's fried chicken with biscuits, corn on the cob, beans and rice and pecan pie. And a large Hawaiian Punch.


    You've just induced cravings in me.


    He painted quite a picture there, so yeah, that makes two of us. I want exactly all that he said, haha
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    edited April 2015
    I treat each meal as a new start, so if I overeat like that at breakfast I would just eat my lunch dinner snacks as I planned before I had the big breakfast. I refuse to starve myself (meaning be miserable and having to not feel satisfied, not literally starving) over something as trivial as one bad meal. This is something that will be the rest of my life, indulging occassionally is not the end of the world for me.
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    I don't get the "screw it" mentality.
    I guess I look at it like this: if I'm walking down the stairs and I stumble, I try to catch myself before I fall down the entire staircase. I don't just say "too late, I already fell so I'll just tumble the rest of the way down."
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming I've never said "Oh screw this, today I'm eating whatever the hell I please." Just that I don't see going over calories as a reason to consider the day "ruined" and I might as well go buckwild for the rest of it.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited April 2015
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    I don't get the "screw it" mentality.
    I guess I look at it like this: if I'm walking down the stairs and I stumble, I try to catch myself before I fall down the entire staircase. I don't just say "too late, I already fell so I'll just tumble the rest of the way down."
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming I've never said "Oh screw this, today I'm eating whatever the hell I please." Just that I don't see going over calories as a reason to consider the day "ruined" and I might as well go buckwild for the rest of it.

    Agreed. Even if I'm somehow left with 300 calories for dinner, I can eat a few hundred grams of zucchini and squash, 25 grams of tomato and mushroom, and a few ounces of ground turkey. Drink some tea and go to bed.
  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much and just be careful for the next few days.
    It'll all even out anyway (if it's only just that one blip during the week).
    yes!!!! i know for me the MOST important thing to do is wake up the next day and start fresh. forget your yesterday!!!!
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Make the next right choice. To just say the h--l with it and go crazy just makes it that much harder. On days when I know it is going to be hard I tend to pre-log to help me plan what to eat and stay in control.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    One thing MFP'ers have taught me is it's not what happens on the holiday that matters; it's what happens the hundreds of other days. I've been maintaining a long time. Sometimes it seems like a bit more effort than it should be, but whatever. It's worth it to me. Recently, when I reflect on this holiday or that, I recall limiting myself, which I realize is a weird thing to remember about a holiday. I'm usually the cook for a big family thing, so maybe it's not that weird that meal planning is part of my memory. Nonetheless, I've realized a better balance for me is treating holidays as cheat meals/days, and I do not do cheat meals/days otherwise. Honestly, if you are moderate the rest of the year, 1500 in chocolate eggs by noon is not gonna wreck you.

    I would have had a totally different response if your OP had not been about Easter day specifically.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    If I overeat for a day I don't worry about it. Especially if it's a special occasion. I always get back on the horse the next day and have accepted it as a part of a healthier and smaller size me.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    MelWick524 wrote: »
    Question: What do you guys do when you totally blow it early on in the day?

    Usually I say screw it and buy an 8 piece box of Popeye's fried chicken with biscuits, corn on the cob, beans and rice and pecan pie. And a large Hawaiian Punch.


    You've just induced cravings in me.

    Seriously! Put a trigger warning on this post! :lol:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    PeachyPlum wrote: »
    I don't get the "screw it" mentality.
    I guess I look at it like this: if I'm walking down the stairs and I stumble, I try to catch myself before I fall down the entire staircase. I don't just say "too late, I already fell so I'll just tumble the rest of the way down."
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming I've never said "Oh screw this, today I'm eating whatever the hell I please." Just that I don't see going over calories as a reason to consider the day "ruined" and I might as well go buckwild for the rest of it.


    And as I mentioned before, I will make an effort to burn off some extra calories through exercise to give me a little bit more flexibility.

  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    If I screw up for the day, I just eat normally for the rest of the day. I restart the next day.