What is wrong with my BODY?????



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this.

    That's 19 kinds of wrong. It's not possible for someone OPs size to have a long term plateau on 1400 calories.

    If OP is plateauing, then OP's logging is broken.

    I wasn't agreeing with a plateau I was agreeing with the fact that OP needs to eat more.

    That's exactly the part that's wrong. OP doesn't need to eat more - if OP needed to eat more, the weight would be melting off.

    You are correct, OP most likely is not eating 1400 calories a day and is most likely eating more due to not weighing and measuring everything (I should have never deleted my original post), and I should not have said "you need to eat more than 1400 calories a day" I should have said "A 1400 calorie per day goal for someone at your height and weight is too low". I need more coffee today or something. Holy crap!

    Ok, I think I gotcha now. :smiley:

    It's all good...ain't nobody here that hasn't been there. :drinker:
  • hnovak0103
    hnovak0103 Posts: 26 Member
    So I have had the same problem! I was working out for 2 hrs a day and eating 1400 cal for 2 yrs and losing nothing! It was soooo frustrating! I started doing Insanity 5 weeks ago and have lost 13 lbs and my body have changed so much already. The eating program that goes with it is super easy to follow and I eat more than I did before, workout less and am losing weight! I really feel your pain. Let me know if you want any more details about how I started...I didn't buy the dvd's I stream it on demand. Good luck to you and hang in there!
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    DWBalboa wrote: »
    Yes get a digital food scale, if you live near a Walmart they have a great one for under 20 bucks. Of course if you live on planet erf then you live near a Wally-mart. This is the one I have and I love it, I have had it for like five years. Measure everything you eat, even the condiments.

    She might not be in the US/Canada.
    I have that food scale, it's awful. I hate.
    the OXO one at Target is way better
  • isthisolivia
    isthisolivia Posts: 37 Member
    edited April 2015
    I would agree with some others here: Add in strength training. That shredded off weight so much faster for me. Your body is cozy where its at; time to switch it up from the walking I think, even if its bodyweight-only strength.
  • zeinmr
    zeinmr Posts: 79 Member
    Mandy this is the deal:
    1. Start with intermittent fasting for 15 to 18h. Stop eating around 19h and your breakfast around 14h next day
    2. If your caloric intake is accurate you should the increase your basal metabolism and this is you can do it buy building more muscle. So resistance exercise is the way to go. HIIT 2 times per week for 20 min is also great for fat loss.
    3. You are consuming way more water than recommended. One of the consequence of over hydration is lowering metabolism. The rule of thumb is to follow the color of urine.

    I am almost in the same situation and with these steps I notice results mainly fat loss although my weight is almost the same.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    zeinmr wrote: »
    Mandy this is the deal:
    1. Start with intermittent fasting for 15 to 18h. Stop eating around 19h and your breakfast around 14h next day
    2. If your caloric intake is accurate you should the increase your basal metabolism and this is you can do it buy building more muscle. So resistance exercise is the way to go. HIIT 2 times per week for 20 min is also great for fat loss.
    3. You are consuming way more water than recommended. One of the consequence of over hydration is lowering metabolism. The rule of thumb is to follow the color of urine.

    I am almost in the same situation and with these steps I notice results mainly fat loss although my weight is almost the same.

    why does she have to do intermittent fasting? If she does IF and her logging is not accurate and she is in a surplus then she won't gain.

    and the over hydration statement is just ridiculous..

    please stop….
  • jmaidan
    jmaidan Posts: 93 Member
    Buy a scale and measuring cups.

    Don't eat at too much of a deficit.

    Be patient. You will succeed!
  • shonako
    shonako Posts: 98 Member
    i definatly agree that you should eat more calories. Consuming too few calories was the reason why my weight loss.
  • MNJ94
    MNJ94 Posts: 7 Member
    It's not all about the "pounds". Seeing those numbers on the scale going down gives a person a sense of gratification, but as a person gets closer to the right weight class your body mass composition is changing. Your trading fat for muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. At "most", I say most because the medical field is always playing catch up, doctors offices they don't necessarily go by pounds. Yes, they do weight you, but that's to get your BMI. Question, do you notice your clothes fitting looser? Do you measure your waist, or thighs. Just because your not losing pounds doesn't mean your bodies not changing. Keep up the healthy life style and good luck.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    So how long have you been at this again?

    I lost 95 lbs and kept that off for 5 years and had a hyster in 2014 and gained 15 lbs that is the weight I can't get back off.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    mandymd83 wrote: »
    So how long have you been at this again?

    I lost 95 lbs and kept that off for 5 years and had a hyster in 2014 and gained 15 lbs that is the weight I can't get back off.

    Are you on any medication or hormones because of your hysterectomy? Have you talked to a registered dietitian?
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    mandymd83 wrote: »
    So how long have you been at this again?

    I lost 95 lbs and kept that off for 5 years and had a hyster in 2014 and gained 15 lbs that is the weight I can't get back off.

    Are you on any medication or hormones because of your hysterectomy? Have you talked to a registered dietitian?

    I use doterra essential oils woman's vitamin
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Measure your wine too. :)
    A glass of wine is anywhere from 5-9 oz depending on who pours.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Measure your wine too. :)
    A glass of wine is anywhere from 5-9 oz depending on who pours.

    Hehe... My glasses are 16oz :wink:
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    mirrim52 wrote: »
    Measure your wine too. :)
    A glass of wine is anywhere from 5-9 oz depending on who pours.

    I think you mean 5 - 19 oz ;)

  • zmm0007
    zmm0007 Posts: 1 Member
    mandymd83 wrote: »
    Here is my routine 7 days a week. 2.5 miles of walking highest5mph. 1400 calories a day or less. I eat Egg whites (3 tbs) 1 pc of whole wheat grain bread and natural cheese every morning. I eat turkey or chicken with a veggie for lunch. snack is banana or hummus dinner I eat only chicken or fish and salad. I drink 6 bottles of water a day. I cant lose weight. Im 5'10" 176 sometimes it will go to 174 if Im lucky....Please help Im at a loss

    sometimes medication can prevent you from losing weight.... are you on any medications? If so, you can view the side effects and discuss with your doctor if there is another option.
  • trswallow
    trswallow Posts: 116 Member
    A serving of wine is 5oz., but a wine glass can hold 8 - 20 oz. Measure 5 oz into your wine glass so that you know visually how much is a serving. If you have multiple styles of wine glasses then you will need to do it with each type.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    trswallow wrote: »
    A serving of wine is 5oz., but a wine glass can hold 8 - 20 oz. Measure 5 oz into your wine glass so that you know visually how much is a serving. If you have multiple styles of wine glasses then you will need to do it with each type.

    I just grab the oz off the bottle. Just sayin.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    MFP also allows you to track certain measurements; neck, waist, hips. This will also give you a more complete picture of what is going on with your body.

    Make sure that you are taking your weight at the same time when you do it. I like to take mine first thing in the morning before I eat or drink anything.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    edited April 2015
    mandymd83 wrote: »
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this. The below are the caloric intakes suggested for your height and weight that "moderately exercises" and if you are really working out 7 days a week moderate is an underestimate.

    You need 2,727 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,227 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,727 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.

    If you are eating less than 1400 calories each day you are eating much too little. My suggestion is to establish a healthy relationship with food.

    Im scared to eat that many calories. Oh WOW

    I'm guessing this is a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) calculation. You can do several versions here and see for yourself.


    I got about 2200 for your baseline. So you would eat at a 10% deficit to that to see how your body reacts. So 2000 calories a day. Ideally that would be mostly whole foods and not processed if possible. None of us are perfect :)

    What's wrong with your body? You are only eating half the food it actually requires and still expect it to function the way you want it to.