is it impossible to do this?



  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    Get new doctors. And while you're at it, get new relatives.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Don't the hormonal factors mentioned readjust themselves once the weight loss is maintained for a while?

    I believe I've read that yes, there's an initial problem with ghrelin, but it's not lasting. The key is to be aware and have strategies for dealing with this, I would think.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    The only person who can determine your success is you.

  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    Is your doctor a surgeon? if so, that's probably why he is offering surgery as the only option. (surgery = $$$ to him)

    I didn't read the entire thread, so I don't know whether you have 75 lbs to lose and have a few health issues as a result; or if you have 400 lbs to lose and have severe health issues that leave no other choice.

    At any chance, whenever surgery is a option and death is not eminent, I ask: have you exhausted every sensible, non-surgical option?

    Are you willing to do whatever it takes to lose the weight without surgery?

    Would you rather have surgery? if so, do your homework in order to make an informed decision. If you decide for surgery you must willing to accept all the possible complications.

    But if you don't want to have surgery and your life is not a risk by avoiding it, then why have it?

    If you are happy with the progress you are making, then keep at it.

    If you are not happy with your progress, then change something: seek the advice a nutritionist, become even more active. If you have emotional issues behind your weight/overeating, then speak to a therapist that can help you overcome those issues.
    You mention that you have thyroid issues, so I am assuming that you are under the care of an endocrinologist. See if your endocrinologist can refer you to a good nutritionist.

    Make yourself a priority and become your own health advocate.

    I think you know that by asking a question like that on MFP, the answer is going to be "Yes, you can do it!" It would be a different story if you had asked the same question in a bariatric surgery support forum.

    This forum is a great source of support and information. And the payoff is even greater when you take advantage of the features such as the food tracking and the exercise log etc..
    Just reading the "Success Stories" section will give you inspiration and show you that it is possible to lose weight even when the road to success may be difficult.

    When you know in your heart that you are doing all you can to achieve your goal it becomes a lot easier to ignore the naysayers. Try to surround yourself with people that support your goals and your lifestyle. You can do this.
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    edited April 2015
    o.O How much do you want to lose? What are your underlying medical conditions? What medications are you taking? Some medications have weight gain as a side effect, and it can be *really* hard to overcome the effects. I would, as the other posters suggested, check out the "Success Stories" board, and possibly google "extreme weight loss no surgery".

    There is also a blog "Jim Gettin' Slim".

    Personally, I would skip step 4, but that's just me.

    Really, it depends on too many variables for anybody to give you an answer, although "get a new doctor" has a lot of support.

    I fell shy of the "morbidly obese" category by 10 pounds - I had 90 to lose. I have lost nearly 65, without surgery, and without an extreme diet plan.

    *But* - my issue was almost exclusively poor choices and portion control. I have no underlying medical issues, and no food allergies to limit me.

    I choose, every day, to be conscious of my portions and of the nutritional balance of what I eat. I don't manage ideal choices, but I have a really happy day to day relationship with what I eat and what I weigh.

    It's *hard*. It's absolutely hard. It requires a certain amount of emotional energy, dedication, careful grocery shopping, and informed choices. But it can be done.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    kodijhill wrote: »
    Ok so
    kodijhill wrote: »
    So is it really impossible to lose weight without surgery? That's what my doctor tells me they say because the stomach sends out hormones that make u stay fat over a extended amount of time of being heavy I just don't see why it's impossible all doctors I've gone to say well u can try as hard as you like but you will need the surgery anyway so might as well do it now it's very discouraging

    Ok so it's a regular doctor and it's the second one I went to first time ever seeing her I told her how I've been losing weight etc I have my stuff together she just didn't believe me she said I quote it doesn't matter how hard you work you cant loose weight but most likely you will gain it all back so I think you should consider surgery in the near future and she went to say I probably need a sleep study Becuz I most likely have sleep apnea which I no I don't remember this is first time meeting her. She then went going on about how it would take a year to even get surgery etc I heard the word surgery 15 times or more and she didn't care one word about how I exercise 4-5 days a week and she tells me well are u staying away from carbs I said yes and she said what diet to you follow I said I don't it's a life style change I'm changing my eating habits and eating less moving more she didn't like that said I Gould try a diet plan. I've done them all she then said how long have u been overweight I said since I was 3 she then said surgery is only option an that I can try doing what I'm doing but if she doesn't see results in two months she says then we will look at surgeries she almost made me feel like she was In control of me not myself. This is the second doctor in the same building who said surgery and any ailments I went in for was because of my weight which wasn't always true. But it gets discouraging when I'm busting my *kitten* yea it may be coming off slow but it's coming off and all I hear from doctors even relatives is I need surgery the only thing I have is a slow thyroid. Yea I have about 100+ pounds to lose but I know I can do this and I know it's not going to come off over night I'm on the right track but I guess I'm tired of people telling me I'm going to fail unless I take half my stomach out

    It sounds to me like you have the right attitude.

    My very best friend was in the same place you are about a decade ago. We had just started working together at the time. She's about 5'0" and weighed 291 pounds when she realized it was time to make a change. She was pre-diabetic and had difficulty doing anything physical. Her doctor and her family advised surgery but she knew she could do it herself through diet and exercise. So she did.

    Because of the diabetes situation, she started on Atkins, cut her carbs and her calories. She and I went on a diet "together". Although I only needed to lose 10 pounds or so, I knew it would help to have someone who was going through it with her. We walked on our breaks, would take turns bringing in low carb "treats" to share and tracked our progress together. 9 months later she was down to 170 pounds and when I saw her in February (she moved away a few years ago) she's still maintaining that weight. Yes, she's still a bit heavy for her height but she's certainly more healthy and active and, most importantly, happy.

    The point is, you can do this if you really want to. From what you're saying you've already made the changes you need to make. Don't get discouraged and just keep insisting to your family, friends and doctor that you can do it on your own. And then do it.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    There is a group on my fitness pal called 100 lbs and NO surgery you might find inspiring. They have a comment thread about Dr's going on right now and a lot of people there have lost a lot without surgery.