I have a problem with peanut butter...I'm not too proud to ask for help.



  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I just had apple slices with peanut butter as my night time snack. I only had enough calories for 1 tablespoon of pb. It was so sad trying to spread 16 grams of peanut butter over 192 grams of apple (8 fat slices)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    32 grams, weighed on a food scale, is one serving. I weigh my husband's out for him to take to work at night with his celery sticks. Put the container on the food scale, tare it to zero, put in the peanut butter, weigh 32 grams. We buy celery hearts. I cut up four stalks, and he spreads the 32 grams of peanut butter on them at work for his snack.
    If you really want to be sure of your calories, weighing it on a food scale is the only way to be absolutely positive.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    I am also a nut butter addict. And I'm so sad about how small a serving is. So I tried something new today. I whisked equal parts (by weight) of peanut butter and water together. Added a couple drops of stevia and vanilla. It turned out to be a fantastic "whipped" pb sauce. I was able to put 2 tablespoons on a banana and it only had half the calories. And I felt like I was getting a lot more.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member

    PB2 is only 45 calories a serving :)

    So if an alcoholic came to you and said he was addicted to alcohol, would you recommend a light beer instead of Jack? :-)

    PB2 has added sugar, so take it for what its worth.

    PB fits my macros, and I love it, so I understand your pain. I don't have an addiction to it, as I do bacon, but all the same I know. OP, ban yourself from spooning it. Put it on something, like celery, or have it with carrots. If you can't stick to that, then keep it out of the house until you have more control over yourself.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    If I was lost on a desert island and could have one food item, it would be peanut butter. My life would not be complete without it. I eat a pb&j most days and I make sure I have a heaping tbsp. of it on my sandwich. I can't tell either, but to play it safe, I say that it's 4tbsp, which is roughly about 400 calories. It fills me up, too.

    Why would you do that? A 'heaping tbsp' can be an awful lot of peanut butter. Just spend the $15 and buy a food scale. If you're guessing on the peanut butter, you're probably guessing on a lot of other things too. Odds are, you're way off on your calories each day.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited April 2015
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    If I was lost on a desert island and could have one food item, it would be peanut butter. My life would not be complete without it. I eat a pb&j most days and I make sure I have a heaping tbsp. of it on my sandwich. I can't tell either, but to play it safe, I say that it's 4tbsp, which is roughly about 400 calories. It fills me up, too.

    Why would you do that? A 'heaping tbsp' can be an awful lot of peanut butter. Just spend the $15 and buy a food scale. If you're guessing on the peanut butter, you're probably guessing on a lot of other things too. Odds are, you're way off on your calories each day.

    Humans will be biased to underestimating food and overestimating workout burn. The ONLY way to take bias out of the estimation is to use tools that were MADE to take bias out of the calculation
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    If I was lost on a desert island and could have one food item, it would be peanut butter. My life would not be complete without it. I eat a pb&j most days and I make sure I have a heaping tbsp. of it on my sandwich. I can't tell either, but to play it safe, I say that it's 4tbsp, which is roughly about 400 calories. It fills me up, too.

    Why would you do that? A 'heaping tbsp' can be an awful lot of peanut butter. Just spend the $15 and buy a food scale. If you're guessing on the peanut butter, you're probably guessing on a lot of other things too. Odds are, you're way off on your calories each day.

    Humans will be biased to underestimating food and overestimating workout burn. The ONLY way to take bias out of the estimation is to use tools that were MADE to take bias out of the calculation

  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Just had some heated up in the microwave and poured over a banana. OMG. best. stuff. ever

    OH. MY.
    I need to try this, stat!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I have just a slight issue with Laura Secord Chocolate Hazelnut Spread :* (As in, I eat it out of the jar, with a spoon, in large quantities when I have it in the house >> glances sideways at dining room table where it sits, staring at me>>). I actually weigh the jar when I dig into it and write the weight on the sharpie, and then I can weigh it at the end of the day, and log the difference. I also weigh the empty jar at the end, and go back through my diary and make sure the total number of servings matches... no cheating that way :unamused:
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    Oh and if you've never tried it, make a PB&J and grill it, like a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Yes! Amazing.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I buy the little packets of Justin's almond butter and eat it as a snack. :)
  • Tx_Julie_Mango
    Tx_Julie_Mango Posts: 48 Member
    Yup, I too have a nut butter addiction! This is how I feel when the jar is empty! qt21dlmsqugm.jpg
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Just don't buy it. Some things are triggers for binges, peanut butter is one for me.

    A serving is two tablespoons....TWO!?!

    COME ON, you can't tell me you will open a fresh jar of Skippy, smell that nutty, oily, deliciousness, and measure two tablespoons...
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Mine, the serving is one tablespoon, for 110 calories (sobs)
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Just don't buy it. Some things are triggers for binges, peanut butter is one for me.

    A serving is two tablespoons....TWO!?!

    COME ON, you can't tell me you will open a fresh jar of Skippy, smell that nutty, oily, deliciousness, and measure two tablespoons...

    I don't measure two tablespoons, I weigh out 32 grams on my food scale. Every. Damn. Time.
  • cmcdonald525
    cmcdonald525 Posts: 140 Member
    Just had some heated up in the microwave and poured over a banana. OMG. best. stuff. ever.]

    Put a few chocolate chips on top. My absolute weakness!
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I love peanut butter and eat it literally almost every day. I used to log 1 tbsp. Until I started weighing it on a scale and realized my usual serving size is closer to 2. Whoops! Needless to say, I weigh it every time.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I love peanut butter and eat it literally almost every day. I used to log 1 tbsp. Until I started weighing it on a scale and realized my usual serving size is closer to 2. Whoops! Needless to say, I weigh it every time.

    Finally! some sanity.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited April 2015
    nlutece wrote: »
    So I have a full blown addiction to peanut butter. Actually any nut butters, really. But if I don't measure it out, I can eat a whole jar at one time. So how much is a single serving of peanut butter? I know it says two tablespoons on the jar, but are they rounded tablespoons? Leveled out?

    God I love peanut butter. As, it seems, do many.

    Glad none of the usual suspects have chimed in to challenge your use of the word "addiction". And glad so many PBLs (peanut butter lovers) have joined in to support you. :)

    Good stuff!