trying burpee challenge



  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    and there is no way I can just double this every day, well o can but I wont make it past day day 7. maybe not even day 5 lol

    and for a more detailed explanation of a burpie youtube it, I will not post any link because there are variations, and I will leave it to you to decide which one is right for you, all of the are great body weight exercises, from what I saw
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    No way I could double either! The exponential factor is too strong!

    Day 1: 1
    Day 2: 2
    Day 3: 4
    Day 4: 8
    Day 5: 16

    I've hit the "yeah right" factor there. And Day 6 and 7? HAH HAH HAH!
    But adding one a day for 30 days... I can do that. :smile:
    Gotta set a reminder on my phone so I remember to do it !
  • emc916
    emc916 Posts: 77
    day four done,
    10 burpies total so far.

    again; I decided that since I want to increase my upper body strength, that I'll add the pushups.

    but it takes away from the cardio aspect since I pause for the pushup
    so which variation of this do you guys prefer

    Shouldn't be much of a pause for the pushup. Should all flow. I love/hate burpees and do them everyday. For your pushups you can try elevating your hands to make them easier to work on the upper body strength. That's with pushups separately to help when you have to do them during the burpee session.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    day four done,
    10 burpies total so far.

    again; I decided that since I want to increase my upper body strength, that I'll add the pushups.

    but it takes away from the cardio aspect since I pause for the pushup
    so which variation of this do you guys prefer

    Shouldn't be much of a pause for the pushup. Should all flow. I love/hate burpees and do them everyday. For your pushups you can try elevating your hands to make them easier to work on the upper body strength. That's with pushups separately to help when you have to do them during the burpee session.

    What do you mean by 'elevating your hands'?
    I'm assuming you mean putting them somewhere other than the traditional placement?
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I finished day 59 and I had to give up because my knees just couldn't take it. I was trying to make up too many days at a time. I think I did about 140 two days in a row to catch up after being sick. I managed to complete the squat challenge, though.

    good luck!!
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    no worries, congrats on the day 59 and the last ditch effort after coming back from being sick,
    I just hope your still doing something, lol
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Thank you and I sure am! I have to workout at lunch. It's good for my body and brain. haha
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Perfect I will start my burpee challenge tonight. So I just do as many as I can (with good form) and increase the number? or do I start with one and gradually increase by one? I want this challenge to make me sweat. What to do....
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    for me I started at one, but the first few days are really easy, you can start with more if you want
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Day 1 of burpee challenge. OMG 5 burpees and my arms are spent. Feeling okay enough to challenge myself tomorrow.
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Day 2 10 burpees....However I cant really take the credit since I had two shots of espresso this morning. LOL
  • Myxalplyx
    Myxalplyx Posts: 129 Member
    Would be cool if anyone made a video of themselves doing burpees.
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Would be cool if anyone made a video of themselves doing burpees.
    Im down to do a video if you are.
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Would be cool if anyone made a video of themselves doing burpees.
    Im down to do a video if you are.
    How do I upload this video
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    good form is out of the question since my knees don't bend that far any more...
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    good form is out of the question since my knees don't bend that far any more...
    Hahahahaha yeah right. Thats an impressive pose. I wish I was that limber. Awesome.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day 7 complete for me gotta keep going
    you cant stop me so don't try
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Day 3. Feeling sore as hell...just the way I like it.
    @Myxalplyx I have the video but it downloaded upside down. Should I still post it on fitness fb or forget about it.
  • keepongoingnmw
    keepongoingnmw Posts: 371 Member
    If you cant do a proper burpee you can do it with a bench, or walk your feet out until you get in better shape.
  • nottaquitter
    nottaquitter Posts: 130
    Day 6...15 burpees. How many days are in the challenge by the way?