Low carb diets...



  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    Eat ALL THE CARBS!! But really, I'm very pro-carb. Unless you have a medical reason to avoid it, or they make you feel icky, bloated or whatever, you don't need to avoid them to lose weight :)
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    s2mikey wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    juliah1234 wrote: »
    I'm not a huge fan of low carb diets mainly because your body needs it to survive! Carbs are you body's go-to source of energy. Maybe start by cutting them out of dinner time and see how you feel!

    1. Your body doesn't need carbs to survive.
    2. When you eat low carb, fat is your body's go-to source of energy.

    OP - Try it. It works for some and not others. I would have never thought I could either, but then I did it and it was what worked for me to finally stay committed to lose weight. Its not a strategy that works for everybody, only you can answer that question.

    I believe the brain needs some carbs but I suppose you dont "need" any. The problem is that this approach wont likely work for very active people. Sure, fat can and is used for energy but Carbs are the preferred source and IMO if you are active and carb-starved you WILL go catabolic at times and use muscle for energy with the fat. Thats a terrible place to be and NOT what fitness-minded people want.

    My suggestion to anyone is to get somewhere in the middle of "carb-elimination" versus "reasonable carb intake". I lift weights 3 times a week with some form of cardio 2-3 times a week. What I do is tery and keep carb intake around 125 - 150 grams on rest/mild workout days and around 200 grams or so on active days. Its working for me and I have the energy needed for workouts, especially strength training.

    I believe the "zero carb" craze is a poor idea for most people and has long term issues associated with it. Plus.... c'mon.... just meat, cheese, nuts and dairy all day everyday? Yuk, LOL.

    Here we go again...No the brain does not need carbs... The brain needs glucose... The body will produce glucose from fat. Yes it works for people of any activity level.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I did the low carb thing once. I lost 30 pounds very quickly, but I couldn't stick with it and gained it all back. This was probably like 8 years ago.
    I love having a variety of food to choose from, and looove carbs, so it wasn't realistic for me to eat 20 carbs a day for the rest of my life. I'm also not a huge meat person. If you are though, and you think you can go without carbs, then I say go for it.
  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    s2mikey wrote: »
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    juliah1234 wrote: »
    I'm not a huge fan of low carb diets mainly because your body needs it to survive! Carbs are you body's go-to source of energy. Maybe start by cutting them out of dinner time and see how you feel!

    1. Your body doesn't need carbs to survive.
    2. When you eat low carb, fat is your body's go-to source of energy.

    OP - Try it. It works for some and not others. I would have never thought I could either, but then I did it and it was what worked for me to finally stay committed to lose weight. Its not a strategy that works for everybody, only you can answer that question.

    I believe the brain needs some carbs but I suppose you dont "need" any.

    If your body needs more sugar than is contained in your diet, it can create it via gluconeogenesis.

    Like she said, once your body has adapted to using fat for energy, it will use it as a preferred source of fuel.

    Here is a resource for folks interested in a low carb diet.


  • MistressPi
    MistressPi Posts: 514 Member
    hey! I've only just started MFP today and just wondering who is doing a low carb diet as I am debating whether or not I could do it?
    Of course you could do it; it is doable, but not sustainable...

    You mean, YOU did not find it sustainable. There is no one perfect diet for everyone.
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    hey! I've only just started MFP today and just wondering who is doing a low carb diet as I am debating whether or not I could do it?

    Check out the low carb group and you will encounter a lot more people who are actually doing it and can share first hand information about actually doing it. I've read all the feedback you are getting here and some of it is highly dubious.

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    hey! I've only just started MFP today and just wondering who is doing a low carb diet as I am debating whether or not I could do it?
    Of course you could do it; it is doable, but not sustainable. Try carb cycling, that way you're not staying low all the time. On rest days, go for less carbs, on workout days, go for more. Keep the body guessing:) I did low carb last year; doc wanted me to do 60g a day, I went for 40. The weight rolled off, but....eventually I plateaued for months. I had to change things up. Whatever you decide, do it the healthy way:)

    And this is why asking about LC in the main forums is basically useless, aside from getting the link to the LC group. It's been 15 years, exactly at what point is it going to become "not sustainable"?