Geek Girl on an Epic Quest to lose 80lbs, wanna join? More companions wanted!



  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @cathrynw All geekery is wanted and welcome in the world! It's pretty cool to have so many people who have similar amounts to lose. It can be pretty intimidating sometimes and it's nice to know I'll be in the same boat with other cool peeps. Adding you :smiley:

    @kandell Yeah... I think altering the suit is what I'd do, just don't think I'd ever be comfortable with it even if I had tights haha
  • lrob98
    lrob98 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi @FitGeekery! I think I stil[quote="geminiswede;32132855"Divergent series geek girl here, mainly gaming. Right now mostly focused on World of Warcraft and Bioware games (new Mass Effect news this summer at E3 please?). Also like Harry Potter, some Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Trek...and when it comes to listing things I tend to blank. I'd like to get back into cosplaying if I can ever learn to sew...

    I'm 5'11 and have about 100-125 lbs to lose. Restarting from where I hit a plateau for a bit with my weight because I got lazy about not wanting to cook. But at least I didn't gain that initial weight back.[/quote]

    OMG @geminiswede another tall geek girl here! I'm also 5'11, have 100lbs to lose, and I like Harry Potter. I tend to alternate my MMORPGS between WoW and Final Fantasy (my pendulum is currently in FF, but I can easily return to Azeroth, LOL.) I'm part of a geek family. My hubby introduced me to FF, I got him started on Wow (I go back to WC3) and my daughter is a HUGE Dr. Who fan. I'm also into the Divergent series and TWD. Our gaming habits span PS3/PS4/XBox/Wii U and PC.

    @FitGeekery Some of my BFFs are hobbit sized, so I'll definitely send a friend request your way!!!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @lrob98 So sweet that you and your hubby traded and shared geeky loves and then passed it down to your daughter, geeky parenting ftw! And I'm totally happy to add you back, I've resigned myself to being a short and curvy hobbit who will forever wish to be a tall and willowy elf LOL So jelly of my tall gal pals!
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    @Irob98 Yay tall geek girls. Sending you an add. I can't get my husband to play WoW, probably because he knows he'd get addicted if he started. It works out well though because he ends up on the Xbox while I'm on the PC.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @geminiswede That's a big reason why I'm hesitant to go back to WoW, I know I'll get sucked in really hard XD
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    Total nerd here. :) Fantasy, Anime, Sci-Fi, some gaming (though I don't have much time, lately). Add me if you like. (anyone one here, too. I need more friends).

    Zombies run has a c25k program, too, btw. I wish I had known about it when I was doing c2k5 - I've never loved running more than with that story getting me going.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @Kida_Adeylne Dang I'm really gonna have to check out that app now, a lot of people have been recommending it on here! Considering I love the main app and the weather's getting better here... I have no excuses not to learn how to run :D

    Sending a request your way and glad that others are finding new geeky friends here too!
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    Hi fellow geeks! Mind if I join in? I'd love to make some new friends who have similar interests as me and are also looking to live a healthy lifestyle! I'm a big reader of all kinds of books, including fantasy and sci-fi, love boardgames, rpgs and video games alike! Please add me if you like =)
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    Wow- this thread is bigger on the inside! I'm a Dr. Who, Narnia, fantasy, historical/renaisance, book/movie Geek. I love traditional archery and hope to set up a range in my basement someday. Would love to learn Swordfighting also lol.

    Would love to be added- and I'm active on mfp.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @sparklecomet Of course not, feel free to check out anyone else on here who's posted. What's better than meeting people with similar geek loves who are on the same journey? And another gamer girl, internet five! Sending a request your way :smiley:

    @ninthnarnian Haha, those are some awesome geek loves, I'm also a bit of a history/ancient history nerd. That would also be the coolest thing if you could have a range in your own basement, the best kind of stress relief hehe Adding you as well!
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    I tried to do archery in university because I always thought it was so cool. I went it and found out that I have hyper extended elbows and no matter how hard I tried to fix them and use guards I would graze them with the bow! So I gave up haha!

    At the moment I'm getting really into yoga right now, secretly because I feel like in time I could be an air bender! =P Yay for girl geeks. I work in IT so I don't get to hang around with many!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Aww I know the feeling! The few gals I have in my life are geeks, but it's always nice to have more :smiley: Yoga is something I always really enjoyed, but Pilates is the one I miss the most. I might consider doing it again when I hit goal, but it's so danged expensive >.<
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member

    I tried to do archery in university because I always thought it was so cool. I went it and found out that I have hyper extended elbows and no matter how hard I tried to fix them and use guards I would graze them with the bow! So I gave up haha!

    I am Hyperflexible myself- so I totally understand the elbows thing. It makes it like 5 times harder to hold the correct possition- but every time I get a chance to shoot a bow I work on it. Hopefully I will have my own bow soon.
  • sparklecomet
    sparklecomet Posts: 103 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    Aww I know the feeling! The few gals I have in my life are geeks, but it's always nice to have more :smiley: Yoga is something I always really enjoyed, but Pilates is the one I miss the most. I might consider doing it again when I hit goal, but it's so danged expensive >.<

    Have you tried blogilates? I can't afford both a pilates and a yoga studio so I do the blogilates workouts at home. Cassey is so positive and lovely that she makes you want to work hard, even if it's just a video
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    edited April 2015
    @sparklecomet Hmm, that's not a bad idea! I used to do Pilates Reformer classes, and that's... oh dear so expensive but dang I did love it XD
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi! 21f, college student, member of many nerdy fandoms (Star Trek, Whoverse, Tolkein )30 pounds down on a mission to lose about 130 and really in need of some more friends on my feed. 100ish day streak at the moment so I am on every day to support! Feel free to add me :)
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @rainandwood93 Welcome to the geekery! More friends on your feed really helps I think; they inspire me with their efforts and they encourage me whether I'm doing well or struggling. Makes such a difference on this journey having that kind of support. Grats on the 100 day streak too! Sending a request your way :)
  • GymnasticsMommy
    GymnasticsMommy Posts: 80 Member
    I'm an active user in need of more active friends for motivation. I have a lot to lose and would love to have you on here. :smile:
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi! I'm a geek girl with similar stats. (5" 4' started around 215 lbs, down to 175 currently)

    I'm into Marvel stuff right now.

    Another Atlanta girl here. I love cosplay. I've been making costumes for my daughters for several years. I made a Captain America dress for my oldest a few years ago then last year they wanted to be Elsa and Anna from Frozen. That Elsa dress was a pain.

    Personally I like doing cosplasys that aren't screen accurate but have your own twist put on them. Last Halloween I put together a genderbent Mal (Firefly) costume for myself. I just bought a royal blue pencil skirt that I'm gonna add white stars to and use it as part of a Mad Men Christina Hendricks style Wonder Woman. Hoping to have it done by DragonCon but my girls want poodle skirt costumes of Rainbow Dash and Rarity and want me to do a Pinky Pie one for myself.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @GymnasticsMommy The more the merrier! Dropping a friend request your way :)

    @kristydi That is really cool that cosplay is something you can do with your girls, love seeing the geekery being passed down :D Also really like putting twists on cosplays, love the idea of a genderbent Mal, or any character really. Adding you as well!