Why are you here?

DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
So many of us know what we want to do. But how many of us know WHY? Start with WHY, so why are you here?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    So many of us know what we want to do. But how many of us know WHY? Start with WHY, so why are you here?

    I would like to whittle away enough to be willing to take my clothes off in front of someone. So I can have sex at least one more time before I die. Or at least take my clothes off with the lights off and have sex under the covers at least once more before I die.

    Sex and body confidence was a huge factor for me too. I was already healthy enough, really. Perhaps it was vain, but I feel so much better regardless. And not just when I look in the mirror.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited April 2015
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I would like to whittle away enough to be willing to take my clothes off in front of someone. So I can have sex at least one more time before I die. Or at least take my clothes off with the lights off and have sex under the covers at least once more before I die.

    I'd be lying if I didn't initially do this for Aesthetics!! But the confidence that comes with it...the strength that comes with it...the attitude and sense of accomplishment that comes with it...the ability to pass on your knowledge that comes with it...not to mention the health benefits...makes it worth it.

    I want everyone who is struggling with weight loss to know that where you want to be is just a matter of time and consistency following the right plan. Start with WHY...write this goal down...put it in front of a mirror...write it on your calendar...put it on a vision board...and STARE at it every day.

    Hit me up if you are struggling with a plan. This whole weight loss/bodybuiding thing is just a math problem at the end of the day coupled with consistency.

    Great and HONEST first posts!
  • kaitiedid3
    kaitiedid3 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm doing it for my son. I know everyone says weight loss should be done for your own well being, but that hasn't been enough motivation for me for years. My son is 11 months old and has started mimicking my actions, and it's made me realize that my obesity, eating habits, and laziness are not only a problem of my own anymore. This spring I started a journey that will last for my lifetime, I'm ready to change and be the role model my son will need :)
  • Exegi_Corpus
    Exegi_Corpus Posts: 84 Member
    My trainer wanted me to keep track of what I ate and recommended this app.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Mine is purely athletic I guess and some vanity. I want to workout, hike and play regular golf for many more years to come.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    kaitiedid3 wrote: »
    I'm doing it for my son. I know everyone says weight loss should be done for your own well being, but that hasn't been enough motivation for me for years. My son is 11 months old and has started mimicking my actions, and it's made me realize that my obesity, eating habits, and laziness are not only a problem of my own anymore. This spring I started a journey that will last for my lifetime, I'm ready to change and be the role model my son will need :)

    I started my transformation when my son's were 1 and 3. And you are totally thinking about this the right way...this is lifestyle...lifelong journey...and your son will follow you.

    From back in 2012...my son's were 1 and 3 respectively:


    My youngest son is now 5:


    My oldest son is now 7:

  • rebeccaschlaht
    rebeccaschlaht Posts: 22 Member
    I am losing the weight to be able to protect and take care of my family. I never wanted to be someone that needed someone to help me and if I dont get healthy I see that happening. I turn 40 in a year and my thin self is inside screaming to get out. This is it. This is for real this time. I am changing my life.
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Initially it was to be healthy and a good role model to my two young sons. Now they say they get their sportiness from me!!! I have to admit though that now vanity has played a huge part. I love looking good and being 'checked out' despite my age...
    Oh and after I lost all my weight 118lbs my hubbie left me for a 'larger' lady so I had to feel confident enough to get naked with another man after 22 years OMG that was a tough one!!
  • claireroper42
    claireroper42 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm here for advice and tips sick of yo yo dieting, yes I lose weight but when I stop I.put it all back on, so now it's healthy eating and working out, feel free to add me :)
  • lydiakitten
    lydiakitten Posts: 132 Member
    Hmm. 20% because energy levels improve when I work out regularly and eat properly, 20% vanity, 20% because I like feeling strong, 20% to inspire my parents and partner, 20% because it builds my confidence and discipline.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Love those pics of you and your boys!
    What brought me here this time was actually my Pilates class...after 3 years of going regularly, it was getting harder not easier. In the back of my mind was the voice saying "that's because you've gained 20 pounds in that time". So...that was the kick in the butt I needed to get the weight back off. Now I am 7 pounds away from my all time adult low and planning on blowing by that! I feel great, fit, sexy, healthy...all such great benefits from losing some weight!
  • fairyyulia
    I'm looking for high-protein nutrition information. It's my 5th day of low carbs diet today.
  • jwatson1592
    jwatson1592 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm here because all of the women in my family are overweight nearing obesity and I don't want to be like that. I'm here to help myself get healthier.
  • plg2mfppw
    plg2mfppw Posts: 4 Member
    Wow - everyone here is so young! I'll be 65 in August and have been at a desk for the last 40 years and it has taken its toll....that, and donuts. In the words of Homer Simpson, "mmmmm....donuts..". Anyway, I want to lose the weight and get fit/healthy so that if I ever get to retire, I can enjoy a relatively active one.
  • JCtheGreat20
    Why am I here? I'm here to finally put procrastination in its place where it belong... In the past. Time to for no more excuses. I watched a one armed MMA boxer fight his heart to earn where he is today. If he has one limb missing and kick butt, what excuses should be made after? None. Here to lose fat, get ripped and be a better person, mentally, physically, spiritually, and health wise than yesterday. What is your excuse? Why are you here?
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    I want to wear cute clothes again.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Lots of reasons.

    1) I got diagnosed with insulin resistance and I really didn't want diabetes. I've lost enough now that I'm no longer insulin resistant (yay me).
    2) I have a brain condition that makes life a little more challenging. I wasn't doing my body any favors by being obese. I needed to control the aspects of my health that I could.
    3) I wanted to feel sexy again and look good naked.
    4) I wanted to be more confident about my body in general.
    5) It was part of the process of learning how to love myself again.
    6) And I want to be strong and flexible and fit.
  • DoriCohen1
    I moved up north after 13yrs in Fl and gained 40 pds in a year.First time having a weight problem. Lost 10 already. No carbs,no sugar and no fat. Doing 500 calories a day. Too tired right now to go to gym. Need tips!
  • akasha292
    Hi guys. I started a healthy diet because I want to lose some weight and to look good for summer. Also, I know how important is what to eat for your health... so this is why I m here. :)
  • kitschykate
    kitschykate Posts: 7 Member
    So many of us know what we want to do. But how many of us know WHY? Start with WHY, so why are you here?
    I used to be a fairly fit and active outdoors-woman. I grew up outside. Somewhere after moving from my parents home I stopped. Close to a decade later, I am over weight and unhappy. I turn 30 in August, my husband and I are planning a camping trip in the Rocky Mountains for my birthday. I have been uncomfortable because if my weight for far too long. I want to enjoy the outdoors again and live a healthy life style for myself and for any future children. That why I am here!