What alcoholic drink can't you stand?



  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I remember when I thought I hated screwdrivers. Turns out my ratio of orange juice to vodka was way off to the point where I was basically drinking straight vodka with a little orange juice flavoring.
  • ThePoeToaster
    ThePoeToaster Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tequila, margaritas, cheap beer

    Good (sipping) tequila is of the gods. Very pricey, however.

  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    A reserve port was the first wine I ever had to return.


    So I assume any ruby is junk. You can just buy an LBV for around the same price...
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Scotch tastes like bog water.
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    Malibu! I used to love it when I was younger, like most teenage girls. However being thrown up on by someone who's just consumed the majority of a bottle really is a good way to put you off something....

    Coconut is vile. I'll drink malibu with coke, like everyone does, but if they put more malibu in than coke it's just gross. It's gross anyway. I'll drink almost anything though if it's going to get me wasted (which I only do once a month). I feel for you.

    Tried Malibu for the first time since the above mentioned incident the other week in fact - my friend made me a mix that was about 80% coke, 20% Malibu, and I'd say it was about 75% bearable! It took me 3 years to get that far so maybe in another 3 years I'll be able to stand a shot of it
    :lol: Not a fan of Pina Colada or other coconut-y drinks for the same reason.

    Has anyone else (girls especially) found that their tolerance for sweet alcoholic drinks has gone down over the years...?
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    Jager just the smell makes me puke
  • spookyface
    spookyface Posts: 420 Member
    i had a sip just to try it of sake....yuk
  • Mikel423
    Mikel423 Posts: 579 Member
    Tequila..pretty sure it brings out the devil in everyone
  • akgeenaminto
    akgeenaminto Posts: 113 Member
    Had a bad date with Captain Morgan..i gag seeing a bottle.
  • MissMary75044
    MissMary75044 Posts: 517 Member
    edited April 2015
    Poorly made cocktails that use bottled mixer that is glorified kool-aid
  • Nicospan
    Nicospan Posts: 1,175 Member
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well last night I got pretty smashed (pacing myself as well) on 8 shots of sambuca. Bear in mind I am 163cm/ 5'4 tall and weigh 133lb/ 9 stone 7. I think I did pretty well. Sambuca is vile to drink, it burns afterwards, very strong in taste and percentage, it's anise. No matter what it always makes me vomit later on. Probably because I don't eat just before drinking, I eat a few hours before. Also, I only like to eat liquorice not have the flavouring in a drink. What alcoholic drink can't you stand? What makes you sick?

    Pretty much anything licorice tasting. Sambuca, Jager, Ouzo, etc.

    Why would you drink 8 shots of it if you think it's vile too?

  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    Jager, stouts and bourbons.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I don't drink a lot, usually only on special occasions, and then it may be a pre dinner cocktail and wine with my meal.... But I can't drink brown. Urgh. Whiskey, bourbon, rum... If it's coloured brown it tastes revolting, even mixed up in a cocktail!

    Oh yeah Jack Daniel's Whiskey is especially vile

    Please don't talk about Jack like that. Thank you

    THIS! :'(

    ISABELLA2U Posts: 101 Member
  • qxana1969
    qxana1969 Posts: 9,330 Member
    after Saturday night - all of them lol

    never been a fan of gin
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    the gin haters sadden me :( If I'm not drinking whiskey, I'm drinking gin

    Back in college, I attended a frat party and drank a fifth of peppermint schnapps, to this day (20+ yrs later) just the smell of peppermint schnapps makes me gag.

    I dated a Shriner a few years back and the drink of choice for this temple was Ouzo, everyone drank it and I hate all things anise flavor, I think this may have been why I broke up with the guy...lol
  • AkCyclist
    AkCyclist Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have to say jim beam with v8spalsh.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Jager yuck cough syrup taste

    ^^^ this and sweet drinks, or Apple "beer". Yuck!!!
    Scotch on the rocks for me!!