What alcoholic drink can't you stand?



  • wolfruhn
    wolfruhn Posts: 3,025 Member
    Only one thing that makes me sick. Tastes of chemicals. Only thing that ever gave me a hangover too.

    Apparently it's known as "The Wife Beater"

    Stella Artois
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    All of them. Never understood the appeal of alcohol. I tried quite a few drinks in my younger days, and they all tasted horrible. I only choked them down when I was drinking around friends. Usually just sipped them, lol.
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Vodka sucks. But I'm a Jack Daniel's girl, anyway (actually, I'm a Tennessee Squire)!
  • lexlowe
    lexlowe Posts: 908 Member
    Southern Comfort.
  • groovigyrl
    groovigyrl Posts: 72 Member
    Creme de Menthe. Got sicker than a dog at 16 after hitting mom's liquor cabinet. I can't even eat any chocolate candy that has mint. I gag!
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    Anything creamy or thick...Kahlua and the like. Ew. I can sort of tolerate gin, but not without thinking, "I'm drinking a Christmas tree," the entire time (and then eventually verbalizing this wisdom and finding myself hilarious).

    Had a bad date with tequila in high school but am starting to consider giving it another chance.
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    Gin, just on taste. Vodka because I'm actually allergic. 1 shot makes me feel like the next day hangover of a whole bottle binge. Dizzy and head-splitting, almost within 60 minutes of drinking it.
  • baskeyfielddreamer
    baskeyfielddreamer Posts: 6 Member
    Tequila. Ate a worm in college...never forgot that smell/taste!!

  • g44219
    g44219 Posts: 3,665 Member
    Tequila. Ate a worm in college...never forgot that smell/taste!!

    ha ha tequila tricks a lot of girls into eating the worm :)