does food realy make you fat



  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Your sister has a fast metabolism. There are a lot of factors that go into what makes a person gain weight, and they are different for everyone.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Not sure if srs

    Did you watch the study? 100 f'ing percent srs. Watch the study before you make judgement or snide remarks. The study suggest hat calories have nothing to do with weight gain. Could be a new evolution in our also explains why some people can't lose weight no matter what they do. And why there's never gain and just eat whatever they want. BMR increases and decreases depending on calories eaten. So the body works hard to keep you at a steady weight regardless of how much or how little one eats. There, I summarized the study for you.

    I just did a study that contradicts your study. 100% serious - oops! - I mean, srs.
  • abbylg1983
    abbylg1983 Posts: 177 Member
    I don't want to get too into studies and metabolic factors and suggest instead that you watch what your sister eats. My roommate in college was 5'10, 110 pounds on a heavy day, and the only one of the four girls who lived in our house to buy doritos, pizza rolls, and coke. She also drank a fair amount of beer. We used to shake our heads all the time and be like, must be nice to eat crap all day and be so skinny. Then I started to watch what she ate more closely. True, her diet was 90% crap, but I bet she was consuming less calories than me on a daily basis. She'd eat a double cheeseburger for lunch at McDonalds, and that would be all she'd eat until dinner time. That bag of Cool Ranch doritos would be bought in January, and the same bag would still be taunting me three months later. She never exercised, and if you saw her at the bar with a liter of beer and a huge plate of nachos, you might be like, well that's unfair. But that huge beer and plate of nachos would probably be a. 50% leftover at the end of the night, and b. the only thing she ate that day.

    I would say from my own experience in watching other people eat, the thinner people tend to consume less calories than their heavier counterparts. They might not be eating healthy food, but they are eating it in smaller amounts.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Some people can eat a lot and not gain weight for the same reason that some people are taller than others. The same reason two people of the same height may have different length limbs, why some people's heads are bigger than others. Humans are not all the same. Being able to eat a lot and remain skinny is simply luck of the draw. Some consider it good luck, since most people I know who are like this tend to eat way more junk than those that gain easily, I'm not really convinced it's good luck.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    This is a troll, right?

    Why would this question be a troll post? Hormones play a big role in fat retention.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Not sure if srs

    Did you watch the study? 100 f'ing percent srs. Watch the study before you make judgement or snide remarks. The study suggest hat calories have nothing to do with weight gain. Could be a new evolution in our also explains why some people can't lose weight no matter what they do. And why there's never gain and just eat whatever they want. BMR increases and decreases depending on calories eaten. So the body works hard to keep you at a steady weight regardless of how much or how little one eats. There, I summarized the study for you.

    Ok, the twin study completely doesn't say that, and no, I didn't watch the video because I prefer my studies in peer reviewed journals. The twin study just stated that those who tend to diet essentially end up yo-yo dieting and still end up larger than twins who do not diet. It does not state that excess food consumption does not cause weight gain. In fact, the first paragraph of the study talks about how people tend to go about dieting the "wrong" way which isn't sustainable, so they fall off the wagon. Which essentially explains the results of the study. Not sure why you're referencing it.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    no, not necessarily.

    "Why are thin people not fat":

    "Does dieting make you fat?" (Twin study):

    There is also a very interesting study giving evidence for the pretty much complete lack of correlation between someone's weight and calories consumed, but I can't seem to find it right now...

    I agree with this, mostly. These studies suggest that it' has nothing to do with calories consumed.

    if you truly belive that, then why are you on MFP COUNTING CALORIES?
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    We all know the person that can eat pizza and not get fat, or the guy that partied every night in college and still got a 4.0 GPA.

    These people are the exception. They are not the norm. 90% of people do not fall into the "eat whatever I want and not get fat" category. And even if some people do, you can look around on the forums and see many posts that say:

    "I could eat anything in highschool and my twenties and not gain any weight, but now I'm in my 30's and suddenly I gained 30lbs in a year!"

    It's important to note that you are no not one of these people. That's ok, most of us arent. You have other things that make you special, unique. But please don't fall into the trap that misses the forest for the trees.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    she may be skinny, but probably not 'healthy'.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    no, not necessarily.

    "Why are thin people not fat":

    "Does dieting make you fat?" (Twin study):

    There is also a very interesting study giving evidence for the pretty much complete lack of correlation between someone's weight and calories consumed, but I can't seem to find it right now...

    I agree with this, mostly. These studies suggest that it' has nothing to do with calories consumed.

    if you truly belive that, then why are you on MFP COUNTING CALORIES?

    I don't believe calories matter that much, but I log my food anyway because MFP is a useful tool for tracking macro ratios in my diet.
  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Not sure if srs


  • NicolleLindgren
    NicolleLindgren Posts: 64 Member
    I used to be able to eat whatever I want, whenever I wanted, and I was TINY. Then, one day my metabolism caught up to me. Eating like that is a really hard habit to break. The weight started packing on like crazy. Now I'm eating less/better and working out more and dropping weight. Considering that there's a direct correlation between calories burned/a calorie deficit and weight loss for MOST people, I would say that food definitely does play a large role in your weight.

    But hey, if you don't believe us and the general consensus of the health community, by all means, conduct your own experiment and stuff your face. Good luck in not gaining weight :)
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If you continually eat more than you need then yes it will make you fat.

    Ignoring the studies doesn't make that statement true. Although, the study was not able to look long term. But, short term, it wasn't true hat eating in excess made thin people fat.

    What makes the statement true is that it's true.

    Energy intake effects energy output and some people will burn more when they eat more, but if you continually eat more than you burn you will get fat.

    You should also not conclude that I am ignoring research just because I don't look at one study and decide to disregard thermodynamics entirely.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    How can you not think calories matter that much? They're ALL that matters, if we're talking purely in terms of body weight. I don't understand how people can't do simple math. The reason some people can eat a crap ton of food and not get fat is because they have a very different metabolic profile than someone who gains weight on far fewer calories. It may be related to their height, weight, age, sex, activity level, body fat %, hormone levels, or all of the above. The point is something is going on in that person's body that causes them to burn more calories than you do, so they get to eat more.

    If you are burning 4500 calories per day and are only concerned about maintaining your weight (not losing body fat, not adding muscle, etc.), then sure, calories don't seem to matter that much because you can eat a lot of food without moving the scale. But someone who is only burning 2000 calories per day and is trying to lose weight? That person is acutely familiar with the fact that calories absolutely matter.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Your sister has a fast metabolism. There are a lot of factors that go into what makes a person gain weight, and they are different for everyone.

    Maybe. Or maybe she just eats within her limits even if she's eating garbage. That's what I do, yet most people I know seem to have decided I must have been blessed with a fast metabolism.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    No, it makes you LOOK fat.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you continually eat more than you need then yes it will make you fat.

    Stop speaking so technically, jesus. How are people supposed to understand you?