women! How my cals daily?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am almost 43, 5 ft 7 and currently 151lbs, I maintain on 2200-2400 in the summer, currently eating 1800 (winter weight loss level) but will be upping that to 2k to lose 1/2lb a week. Yes I lift and have been for 2 years almost. In the winter I lift 4x a week, no cardio...summer I lift 4x a week but do cardio outside (walking, biking, swimming and adding in running)

    And life others have said I can't eat 1k worth of donuts and the rest veggies and donuts...if i do that I pay for days...no energy etc.

    When I started I was on 1460 a day before exercise...1600 with exercise to lose 1lb a week...since lifting and adding in other exercise my maintenance has gone up...in the summer...not the winter.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    u ladies eating 2000 and over are livin the dream! im wondering though that must be at maintenance with weight lifting?

    2000 calories has me losing around a pound per week. I am 5'9" and have lots of muscle. I maintain around 3000 calories.

    I also think people forget that just because I can eat 2500 calories and lose doesn't mean I'm living the dream. My body requires more fuel and I can't eat 1000 calories worth of doughnuts with 1500 calories worth of chicken and vegetables. I might be able to fit a doughnut in easier than someone eating 1400 calories, but I eat mostly filling foods because I get just as hungry as I did when my calorie needs were lower.

    Can the high-cal lifting ladies expand on their workout plans? Are you guys really tall? I lift heavy 3x week and run 5k 3x, eat 1350 cals/day, and lose about 1lb/week. I’m 5’4” and 132lbs. I now feel like I’m doing this all wrong.

    I'm 5'9", 195 pounds with about 24% body fat (around 147 pounds of lean body mass). I lift 5-6 days per week and I usually don't do cardio (I have been recently while my kids are in swimming lessons, but it's still less than an hour total per week). I've been lifting for several years now, it makes a difference.

    Hmm thanks for the response. I’m guessing you’re right on the money regarding the importance of how long you’ve been lifting: I got back into it only a few months ago. Not to mention that you look a lot stronger than me! Major props :smile:

    I've been lifting for about 2 years. I've noticed a gradual increase but it's not that much.* You have to gain quite a bit of lean mass to make a significant difference.

    *eta what I mean is, to make a difference beyond calories burned for the activity. I lift 4 days per week and burn about 300 calories per session. So in that sense it has increased my maintenance by 1200 calories per week or 170ish calories per day. But my base maintenance number before exercise hasn't gone up very much.

    This is a fair point. I realize that LBM doesn’t actually add *that* many calories to your TDEE, or at least it takes a lot of it for that to be the case. Thank you for the insight!
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    my tdee is 1520. desk job. I eat 1280 to lose 1/2pd a week.
    I usually eat back half my exercise calories too.
    50 female 5'3" 128pds.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 5'4", 133 lbs. I'm shifting into maintenance at the moment which will be anywhere from 1800-1900 calories. 2000 would be a blessing but most likely not the case.

    So this week I'm trying to net an average of about 1700 daily. I lift 4x a week. Currently I'm cutting out cardio. I might do 30 minutes for the week.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm 5'6", 148 lbs. I maintain @ 2500ish. I just came off a reverse diet/mini bulk (wedding invitations changed my course) and have been losing around a pound a week averaging 2000 cals. I lift 3-4x/wk and have been doing cardio (walking 45 min or running 30 min) twice a week. I'll add more cardio if I get stuck but I'm riding out the easy loss for now.

    I started lifting last July and ate around 1875 calories from then until Thanksgiving. I lost 8 lbs. total during that time (158 to 150.) From then until recently I was maintaining or eating in a slight surplus except for one 3 wk period in late January. At the beginning of that period I was maintaining on 2200 but it gradually increased to 2500.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    u ladies eating 2000 and over are livin the dream! im wondering though that must be at maintenance with weight lifting?

    2000 calories has me losing around a pound per week. I am 5'9" and have lots of muscle. I maintain around 3000 calories.

    I also think people forget that just because I can eat 2500 calories and lose doesn't mean I'm living the dream. My body requires more fuel and I can't eat 1000 calories worth of doughnuts with 1500 calories worth of chicken and vegetables. I might be able to fit a doughnut in easier than someone eating 1400 calories, but I eat mostly filling foods because I get just as hungry as I did when my calorie needs were lower.

    Can the high-cal lifting ladies expand on their workout plans? Are you guys really tall? I lift heavy 3x week and run 5k 3x, eat 1350 cals/day, and lose about 1lb/week. I’m 5’4” and 132lbs. I now feel like I’m doing this all wrong.

    I'm 5'9", 195 pounds with about 24% body fat (around 147 pounds of lean body mass). I lift 5-6 days per week and I usually don't do cardio (I have been recently while my kids are in swimming lessons, but it's still less than an hour total per week). I've been lifting for several years now, it makes a difference.

    Hmm thanks for the response. I’m guessing you’re right on the money regarding the importance of how long you’ve been lifting: I got back into it only a few months ago. Not to mention that you look a lot stronger than me! Major props :smile:

    I've been lifting for about 2 years. I've noticed a gradual increase but it's not that much.* You have to gain quite a bit of lean mass to make a significant difference.

    *eta what I mean is, to make a difference beyond calories burned for the activity. I lift 4 days per week and burn about 300 calories per session. So in that sense it has increased my maintenance by 1200 calories per week or 170ish calories per day. But my base maintenance number before exercise hasn't gone up very much.

    This is a fair point. I realize that LBM doesn’t actually add *that* many calories to your TDEE, or at least it takes a lot of it for that to be the case. Thank you for the insight!

    USMCMP has about 45 lbs of lean mass on me, so in her case it is significant.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    1720+Fitbit burns, so usually between 1800-2000 to lose a pound a week (active job, taking a break from lifting until May)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    u ladies eating 2000 and over are livin the dream! im wondering though that must be at maintenance with weight lifting?

    2000 calories has me losing around a pound per week. I am 5'9" and have lots of muscle. I maintain around 3000 calories.

    I also think people forget that just because I can eat 2500 calories and lose doesn't mean I'm living the dream. My body requires more fuel and I can't eat 1000 calories worth of doughnuts with 1500 calories worth of chicken and vegetables. I might be able to fit a doughnut in easier than someone eating 1400 calories, but I eat mostly filling foods because I get just as hungry as I did when my calorie needs were lower.

    Can the high-cal lifting ladies expand on their workout plans? Are you guys really tall? I lift heavy 3x week and run 5k 3x, eat 1350 cals/day, and lose about 1lb/week. I’m 5’4” and 132lbs. I now feel like I’m doing this all wrong.

    Actually, I'm not much taller than you. I'm 5'4.5" and currently about 144.5lbs. Up until Feb, I was just doing resistance and body weight stuff at home plus some cardio. In a typical week, I would sometimes end up working out the equivalent of an hour a day. Got a gym membership in Feb and since then I've been doing:

    Stronglifts 5x5 three days a week (recently decided to switch to Ice Cream Fitness 5x5...essentially the same, but with some added stuff for your arms, abs and back)
    Zombies,Run!5k (C25k app...2-3 x a week, depends on if I can make it to the gym 5 or 6 days a week)
    Occasionally I go swimming on my "rest day", not laps but just for fun since I go to a YMCA with an indoor pool

    Now outside of my workouts, I'm a stay at home mom. I will walk to the store when it's nice out and I don't have a lot to get. I will walk my boys to the park. Occasionally me and my husband will take the kids down to the river trail and walk 5 miles.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    My maintenance calories are about 2800 right now so I eat anything less than that. Currently I am averaging 2200 and losing about .5 lbs per week. I am 5'2 and I lift weights 3x per week. I have a fitbit as well and always make sure to get 10 000 steps a day, sometimes more.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I always read these and get kind of blue when I see women with similar stats being able to eat so much more than me to maintain or lose. I want more food!
  • NJbabe
    NJbabe Posts: 113 Member
    edited April 2015
    1,560 calories. I'm attempting to lose 2 lbs. (0.91 kg.) per week. It's been a week and I've lost 7 lbs. But I know that losing weight in the beginning is fairly easy.

    I'm 28 years old, 5'6" (168 cm) tall. And I'm trying to lose a loooot of weight (around 70 kg or 154 lbs.)

    Luckily, I have a fairly big grocery shopping budget. There is a Whole Foods store close to where I live. And I can cook just about anything. (I was deprived of this pleasure for years due to moving and a lack of a normal kitchen. I started eating fattening food from local delis and small restaurants. And that's how I gained weight.) I also have a Vitamix to help me along the way. ;)

    I just got a pool membership. And I intend to go for 45-60 min. 5 times a week.
    I've started to lift some weights for my arms every day.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2015
    arditarose wrote: »
    I always read these and get kind of blue when I see women with similar stats being able to eat so much more than me to maintain or lose. I want more food!

    I knoooow! To be honest, I can’t wait to see how you do on maintenance. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon. I want to eat all the food and lift all the weights.

    Thank you @shadow2soul for the info. All the lifting people are so badass. :sunglasses: Everyone is awesome, obviously, I’m just infatuated with lifting these days.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I always read these and get kind of blue when I see women with similar stats being able to eat so much more than me to maintain or lose. I want more food!

    I knoooow! To be honest, I can’t wait to see how you do on maintenance. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon. I want to eat all the food and lift all the weights.

    MFP gives me about 1800 without "exercise". Since I'm not going to do much cardio I'm going to go with that. The scooby calculator gives me closer to 2000 but I'm worried my lifting and little cardio doesn't match the exercise input.
  • theonlysheesha
    theonlysheesha Posts: 86 Member
    1200 to 1500
    I am 5 foot 4
    I am losing weigh
    I have lost about 12lbs in the past 2 months
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I always read these and get kind of blue when I see women with similar stats being able to eat so much more than me to maintain or lose. I want more food!

    I knoooow! To be honest, I can’t wait to see how you do on maintenance. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon. I want to eat all the food and lift all the weights.

    MFP gives me about 1800 without "exercise". Since I'm not going to do much cardio I'm going to go with that. The scooby calculator gives me closer to 2000 but I'm worried my lifting and little cardio doesn't match the exercise input.

    I hear you, it’s risky and kind of stressful to start making upward changes. One thing I do know is that this is day 3 and I’m *still* sore after my strength workout. Can’t help but wonder whether eating more would help me workout better. Your lifting is pretty advanced though, so I imagine your maintenance would be fairly high. Then again, what do I know (answer: not much).
  • saires_au
    saires_au Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2015
    About 1700 cal a day. My TDEE is about 2400 and I'm losing about .7kg per week. I'm 170cm, 5'6"

    My fitbit is fairly accurate for my TDEE calculations based on my results. Most of my activity is step based, im a nurse and I walk briskly daily, jog when I feel like it and have started cycling 1-2 times a week plus walking the kids to and from school. I've not yet found a love of lifting so I don't.
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    I eat lots on Thursday when I play volleyball as I burn over 1000 calories as we play for almost 3 hours, so Thursdays I eat almost 3000 calories.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    1800 a day.
  • knt217
    knt217 Posts: 115 Member
    @Asher_Ethan I just had to do a double take to see your profile pic. One of my friends has two boys named Asher and Ethan in that order. :)

    I'm 5'7" and currently 182. Losing about 2#/week at 1580 before exercise calories...which I try to only eat a small amount of back.
  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member
    5'6" and 126 pounds with 25% body fat. I'm on 1440 calories per day but thinking of moving goal to "maintain" (1700-1800) as I've dropped 2 kilos since Friday :o . I've been sick for more than a week now with flu and a cough and have done minimal exercise. Feel I need the extra calories to help me get over this bug.