why limit fruit intake?



  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Yes, nothing wrong with fruit. Some people currently are suspicious of carbs or specifically sugar, but there's nothing credible that I've seen.

    It's generally better not to go overboard with anything, so I wouldn't make up a huge percentage of my overall calories with fruit, as you won't be getting protein or fat (which you need) or various nutrients that are found more in veggies or some other foods (like calcium or iron). I also don't find fruit especially filling for a meal (although people differ).

    But the idea that we need to limit fruit to a small amount seems wrong.

    I'd watch the calories and make sure you are getting enough of other things, but otherwise not worry about it.

    Love fruit please eat them. The bottom line is making sure you are fitting this into your macro goals for the day. Calories, protein, carbs, fats - make sure you can fit it in and enjoy. If you don't, then you will feel deprived and that is the worst feeling in the world.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    I only limit fruit because I prefer berries, melon and fresh pineapple and in the UK these can be expensive. I usually have an apple each day and loads of veggies instead. I love bananas but only when they are nice and firm, once they start browning I'm not keen.
    Bananas are not ripe until they are brown and wither off the vine. Eating them yellow is almost the same as eating them green. They are most nourishing when brown because their own enzymes have already begun to digest them.

    You're probably right. But i have to eat them when they are yellow with a green tinge to them. I really dislike brown, mushy bananas
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited April 2015
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    A whole lotta bad stuff, good post man. One thing to partake in fruit, quite another to partake in Frankenfood.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited April 2015
    I dont get the reference...is that a one up or a mockery? Either way, I stand by what I say. It is the logic I follow. Just look at the trends since 1980, and come to your own conclusions, but since numbers never lie, the proof truly is in the pudding.

    I went a bit off topic and on a tangent, but I am in the ballpark. I gave my personal reasons for not eating fruit consistently in an earlier post on this page. I will put the cat in the bag if it is too much.

    :-) Be well, friends. I will read through this another day, for the subjective answers about fruit. Going to bed
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Nothing wrong with fruits. I eat at least 2-3 servings everyday. Banana, strawberries, apples... I LOVE my fruits.
  • chloeelizabethm
    chloeelizabethm Posts: 184 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »

    All calories count.

    Not all of them count. There's a special phrase you can before eating some things that causes the calories not to count. I have it written down somewhere. It hasn't worked for me yet but I think I might be pronouncing it wrong....

    It's leviOsa, not levioSAR!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    Only this?
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    paulaviki wrote: »
    I only limit fruit because I prefer berries, melon and fresh pineapple and in the UK these can be expensive. I usually have an apple each day and loads of veggies instead. I love bananas but only when they are nice and firm, once they start browning I'm not keen.

    Use markets. Fruit is cheap. Pineapples are 49p at Aldi at the moment. Strawberries are cheap everywhere and will be for several months.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Because 300 of my 1700 calories spent on fruit is more than enough. Anything more could be spent on steak or bacon or peanut butter lol
  • pcrucifer
    pcrucifer Posts: 71 Member
    I assume the key info here is the recommendation comes from a lifting newsletter. So the logic is probably you need to limit fruit to make room in the diet for lots of extra protein. If you have a calorie goal, then macros are a zero sum game. I do not lift and hence do not limit fruit, because my choices are usually between fruit and something processed and full of added sugar. In that case, fruit is better. It all depends on your goals.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    BILLBRYTAN wrote: »
    paulaviki wrote: »
    I only limit fruit because I prefer berries, melon and fresh pineapple and in the UK these can be expensive. I usually have an apple each day and loads of veggies instead. I love bananas but only when they are nice and firm, once they start browning I'm not keen.
    Bananas are not ripe until they are brown and wither off the vine. Eating them yellow is almost the same as eating them green. They are most nourishing when brown because their own enzymes have already begun to digest them.

    You're probably right. But i have to eat them when they are yellow with a green tinge to them. I really dislike brown, mushy bananas

    I'm not eating something thats eating its self..lol I like my daily banana yellow!!

  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    Why limit fruit? One reason may be that a lot of fruit means a lot of fiber, which may mean a lot of time in the bathroom ifyouknowwhatImean. Found that out the hard way once or twice in my lifetime . . . .
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    I noticed a couple of factual errors in your post, so I edited them out for you. You're welcome!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    richln wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    I noticed a couple of factual errors in your post, so I edited them out for you. You're welcome!


    I was about to do the same thing, although I wasn't going to strike through the "lack of physical activity" point.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    richln wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    I noticed a couple of factual errors in your post, so I edited them out for you. You're welcome!

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    Seems to me that people have just as many problems with salty foods.

    More to the point, that human beings have problems with will power--specifically, problems making the right choice between immediate bodily desires and what their rational mind is telling them they should do hardly requires a conclusion of addiction. Or else how can you explain all the moronic sex/romance-based choices that people make for almost identical reasons or even why they would blow off studying or working (and the related financial gains) to veg in front of the TV, go out drinking, or hang out with friends.

    For that matter, how come lots of kids can't hold off for two marshmallows? Sugar addicts? Or a personality thing.

    Human nature, so frustrating! ;-)
    sugar causes overeating

    This is just not true.

    People choose to overeat. That food is cheap and easy to acquire (without having to do the work of baking or employ someone who does) simply means that this choice is--in the short term--low cost. Doesn't mean it's not a choice still.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    edited April 2015
    richln wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    I noticed a couple of factual errors in your post, so I edited them out for you. You're welcome!

    Yes, factually I was wrong about the 1800s. The first automobile was in 1885, there were hospitals in the most populated areas, and there was electricity that powered light bulbs (but no video games...Cmon, Ben, you are slacking!).

    So, why do you think 1/3 of our kids are fat? Bc they are outside playing soccer all day? And it is a FACT that tv time drastically alters food consumption. But really, I would like to have what you have to say. Your critiquing my post is irrelevant if you don't have a take.
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    richln wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    1. per capita added sugar consumption has increased by about 10%, or 12 lbs per person, since 1980...
    Sugar is killing humanity.

    Sugar consumption went up roughly 1000% percent between the mid-1800s and the mid-1900s - yet life expectancy and overall health went up dramatically.

    But somehow this last 10% increase is going to be the death of us?

    Not seeing the logic in this...

    The 1800s....before fridges, automobiles, televisions, electronics, population explosion, hospitals. People had to hunt or trade for food, had to defend property by themselves, had to worry about a plethora of uncurable communicable diseases, and had to fight in hand to hand wars.

    Life expectancy has gone up drastically since the 1800s, but it will be going back down, I believe. And it takes decades to die from obesity. 1/3 of our kids today will probably die by the time they are 50, or be severely handicapped. Being that society only makes changes when people die, nothing will change in the coming years, and I am crazy, I know. There are too many variables to put sugar as the sole reason people will die. Sugar carries addictive qualities, maybe not to the degree that cigarettes do, but they are there. Just go through the threads and count up all the topics that include "I dont have the will power to give that up. Help me." This is speculation, but I would bet the farm that at least 90% of the foods they talk about are either sugary, or have hfcs in them.

    No, sugar does not cause death, but it establishes eating habits that produce conditions that eventually lead to death. We have the JDRF for one reason: our kids are too fat bc they cant stop eating. The food is too tempting for them. Kids have diabetes for one reason, and one reason only: sugar overload. Childhood obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and ultimately have one cause: eating too much. And how do people eat too much?

    Since obesity hinders insulin production, overeating causes obesity, sugar causes overeating, tv time increases food intake, and lack of physical activity (caused by excess tv time) , and sugar overconsumption can kill a diabetic, what do you see happening?

    I noticed a couple of factual errors in your post, so I edited them out for you. You're welcome!

    Yes, factually I was wrong about the 1800s. The first automobile was in 1885, there were hospitals in the most populated areas, and there was electricity that powered light bulbs (but no video games...Cmon, Ben, you are slacking!).

    So, why do you think 1/3 of our kids are fat? Bc they are outside playing soccer all day? And it is a FACT that tv time drastically alters food consumption. But really, I would like to have what you have to say. Your critiquing my post is irrelevant if you don't have a take.

    You already mentioned it yourself. My take is that they are obese because they overeat. I agree with you there. I don't agree that sugar is a villain here. Excess calories are the culprit. And where are you getting the fact that watching tv affects eating habits?