
  • Mariya_Stewart
    Mariya_Stewart Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks a lot for the reviews!
    It's still not available here in Europe and I'm still waiting :)
  • weavingtheweb
    weavingtheweb Posts: 135 Member
    According to the store where I usually by my gadgets they will have it available from August in The Netherlands.
    I have been waiting for a while for the Up3 but I'm glad I have a few months to read all the reviews from those who already have it before I decide on getting it or not.
    Read the on on The Verge which was disappointing :(

    Used the app for a while together with my phone and hated that it judged my food. 10 grapes were considered very bad just because it has sugar? Bleh...

  • dawnnhelene
    dawnnhelene Posts: 5 Member
    Robin, I'd send you my body fit media band to test with the up3, I'll give you my subscription log in. I'd love to know how close they are.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I'm having my doubts about accuracy now. I think it's registering low calorie burns, for the day, but high for activities. Need more testing. *sigh*
  • pinkhope09
    pinkhope09 Posts: 1 Member
    I pre-ordered the Up3 but while waiting I purchased the FitBit HR. I can't wait to wear them side by side and compare the results.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The only thing I see different is the hrm and the rem sleep...everything else seems the same as previous Jawbones
  • AlexBulkFit
    AlexBulkFit Posts: 12 Member
    SnuggleSmacks, thank you so much for sharing your early experiences with the Up3! I am using the BodyMedia Fit Link and love it for its accuracy in tracking calories burned. The only draw back is that it looks a little weird on the upper arm, but since all I need is something that shows me calories burned as accurate as possible, I don't care how it looks. If, however, the Up3 shows the same accuracy, I would consider to switch.

    Since you used the BodyMedia Fit earlier, is there any change comparing both devices? Maybe wear them both together and report on how many calories burned they show you? That would be super helpful!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I wish I still had my BodyMedia Fit. I loved that thing. But when they began messing with the app so that it didn't work half the time, I returned it to Jawbone for a refund (I had only had it 4 months, so it didn't bode well that it was having so many issues).

    Ok....I gotta say, the sleep tracking portion of this is spot on. The fact that it can differentiate precisely between REM and deep sleep, and tell when you wake up even if you're not moving around (based on heart rate), is pretty fantastic. I can tell a difference in how I feel when I get more deep sleep, and that seems to matter more to me than getting more overall sleep.

    I'm about to go do the 30 Day Shred video, and will wear my HRM to compare calorie burns.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Ok...after doing the 30 Day Shred, Jawbone did not recognize that I had done an activity. So I added the workout, and had to put it at moderate intensity to get it to match the calorie burn from the heart rate monitor. I guess all I can do at this point is ensure that I keep wearing the HRM for workouts to see how they match up, and track carefully for a few weeks. I will say that Jawbone consistently says I burn fewer calories per day than I think it should, but perhaps over the winter I really have gotten that sedentary. We shall see.

    One thing is that I could set my goals to match on the Bodymedia app and MFP, so that the calories burned, consumed and the deficit were exactly the same between the two apps. I can't seem to get that to happen with the Jawbone, and I don't quite understand how it's meshing with MFP. In the process of trying to figure it out, I disconnected the two, and after reconnecting, the Jawbone calorie adjustment isn't showing up any more. *sigh*
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    The more I hear, the more I wish I can just keep my BMF.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ok...after doing the 30 Day Shred, Jawbone did not recognize that I had done an activity. So I added the workout, and had to put it at moderate intensity to get it to match the calorie burn from the heart rate monitor. I guess all I can do at this point is ensure that I keep wearing the HRM for workouts to see how they match up, and track carefully for a few weeks. I will say that Jawbone consistently says I burn fewer calories per day than I think it should, but perhaps over the winter I really have gotten that sedentary. We shall see.

    One thing is that I could set my goals to match on the Bodymedia app and MFP, so that the calories burned, consumed and the deficit were exactly the same between the two apps. I can't seem to get that to happen with the Jawbone, and I don't quite understand how it's meshing with MFP. In the process of trying to figure it out, I disconnected the two, and after reconnecting, the Jawbone calorie adjustment isn't showing up any more. *sigh*

    did you put it in workout mode?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    There's no "workout" mode. There is a "stopwatch" mode to time workouts, but it's supposed to recognize that you've done an activity and if it doesn't recognize what kind, ask you to label it. Eventually it's supposed to learn which activities you are likely to have done, and add workouts automatically, but for now, you can either go into stopwatch mode to time it, or add it after the fact. However, it's supposed to at least recognize that you did something and ask you about it.
  • LepperMessiah1
    LepperMessiah1 Posts: 102 Member
    After reading the Wired review, I don't see much point in allowing my pre-order to ship. That's two TERRIBLE reviews from trusted sources that have come out. Clearly the Up3 is not ready for primetime, and after an extra six months to get it right, that is saying something. Sounds like I will do more logging of my own activities than the Up3 will do of detecting them, and all I need is an app for that anyways. Maybe if they release a firmware update that makes it function as advertised, I'll get one then. What a letdown.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    A member of a Facebook group I'm in has generously offered to send me her Bodymedia Fit and let me use her login to temporarily track it head to head with Up3. I imagine it will be a few days before I get it, but I'm very excited to see how they compare. Until then, I wouldn't cancel a pre-order, but I maybe wouldn't place any new orders until we know more about how accurately it functions.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    There's no "workout" mode. There is a "stopwatch" mode to time workouts, but it's supposed to recognize that you've done an activity and if it doesn't recognize what kind, ask you to label it. Eventually it's supposed to learn which activities you are likely to have done, and add workouts automatically, but for now, you can either go into stopwatch mode to time it, or add it after the fact. However, it's supposed to at least recognize that you did something and ask you about it.

    Probably jsut a bug, I notice that sometimes with my Jawbone it doesn't recognize my timed activity either so I just add it...not a big deal as you are in there anyway.

    To be frank the UP3 doesn't really sound much different than mine and mine is the original non blue tooth...except for a few added features...

    Quick question for you tho and others is your Jawbone on the front screen doubling up the exercise minutes? I have found lately when I walk for 32mins the front screen says 64 but the actual time in the timed exercise is correct...another bug I expect since the last update.
  • LepperMessiah1
    LepperMessiah1 Posts: 102 Member
    Until then, I wouldn't cancel a pre-order, but I maybe wouldn't place any new orders until we know more about how accurately it functions.

    The question then is, how reputable is their 60 day refund policy? I have found very little information about the terms of their refund policy, which in and of itself is distressing. According to one source, the 60 days starts the day you place your order... I have not seen even one example of a person who successfully received a refund.

    I'm not going to be one of these people that exchanges a broken model every two-four months for a new one, only to have it happen again and again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    BangoSkank wrote: »
    Until then, I wouldn't cancel a pre-order, but I maybe wouldn't place any new orders until we know more about how accurately it functions.

    The question then is, how reputable is their 60 day refund policy? I have found very little information about the terms of their refund policy, which in and of itself is distressing. According to one source, the 60 days starts the day you place your order... I have not seen even one example of a person who successfully received a refund.

    I'm not going to be one of these people that exchanges a broken model every two-four months for a new one, only to have it happen again and again.

    I have had one replaced in the year I have had my was quick and easy (mode button stopped working but I think it was my fault as I caught it)

    I have found their customer service amazing to be quite honest....
  • LepperMessiah1
    LepperMessiah1 Posts: 102 Member
    edited April 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I have had one replaced in the year I have had my was quick and easy (mode button stopped working but I think it was my fault as I caught it)

    I have found their customer service amazing to be quite honest....

    I understand that they are good about replacing their products, but I have zero interest in getting a replacement. I'm talking about getting my money back.

    Here's what I've heard over and over again:

    1) Up band breaks (30 days)
    2) Customer requests refund.
    3) Customer service offers free replacement instead.
    4) Replacement arrives (60 days)
    5) Replacement unit breaks (90 days)
    6) Customer requests refund. Again.
    7) Customer service informs customer they are past their 60 days of purchase.
    8) Customer service offers free replacement instead...

    No thanks.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    BangoSkank wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I have had one replaced in the year I have had my was quick and easy (mode button stopped working but I think it was my fault as I caught it)

    I have found their customer service amazing to be quite honest....

    I understand that they are good about replacing their products, but I have zero interest in getting a replacement. I'm talking about getting my money back.

    Here's what I've heard over and over again:

    1) Up band breaks (30 days)
    2) Customer requests refund.
    3) Customer service offers free replacement.
    4) Replacement arrives (60 days)
    5) Replacement unit breaks (90 days)
    6) Customer requests refund. Again.
    7) Customer service informs customer they are past their 60 days of purchase.
    8) Customer service offers free replacement...

    No thanks.

    that is bogus. I live in Canada...eastern Canada beside Maine...and I got mine in less than a week.

    Jawbone does not offer 30 day MBG that would come from the store if within 30days.

    Why should Jawbone give money back when it's not where it was you buy it at Future shop they got the money not Jawbone.

  • LepperMessiah1
    LepperMessiah1 Posts: 102 Member
    edited April 2015
    Maybe I'm not being clear.

    Jawbone offers a 60 day money back guarantee on their website.

    Every example I've seen of somebody attempting to request a refund has been denied

    Between the time Jawbone "shipped" the unit to the user and the time Jawbone "received" the faulty unit from the user was outside the 60 day window.

    By requesting a replacement you essentially disqualify yourself from any chance of getting a refund.