Your favorite book?



  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    Though I enjoyed reading many years before the discovery...The first book I absolutely adored was Night by Elie Wiesel. It is still one of the most powerful pieces of literature I've ever read and the only book I really love that I can not bring myself to read again. A pretty close second to this would be I know why the caged bird sings by the great Maya Angelou.

    Honorable mentions go to: Crime and punishment, lord of the flies, and The Color Purple.

    ETA: The person above me reminded me about roots. Roots wasn't the first into my heart but it might be the one buried the deepest.

    I never read the book but the movie "the color purple" Had me bawling the entire time. Does the book make you cry more or less?

    The movie was good but it was pretty extensively censored version of the book. I think the book is less sad and more empowering than the movie but I definitely cried at parts while reading.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    My first favorite book was "Fox in Sox" by Dr Seuss :)

    These are the ones that won my heart as I grew older:

    Animal Farm & 1984 by George Orwell
    Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov
    Anne Rice's Vampire novels and her Witch series
    Shannara books by Terry Brooks

    Catcher in the Rye
    A Tale of Two Cities

    I am just coming into Disc World - late I know and am reading Neil Gaiman now too. (Hitchhiker's Guide is also an old favorite)

    I was into Scifi and fantasy novels before they were cool. I love what Harry Potter, Twilight and Game of Thrones have done for the both Genres.

    You sound like my husband, he is a fiction writer and obsesses over catcher in the rye and animal farm. ( i loved catcher in the rye, so much humor and reflecting on innocence/ coming of age. )
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Great topic!

    Here are some of mine:

    "Mrs. Mike"

    "A Tree Grows in Brookyn"

    "Summer of '42"


    "The Glass Castle"

    "Unbroken" (true story of Louie Zamperini, a WW II survivor)
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    I forgot to mention Ender's Game by Orson Scott excellent book.

    Other favorites of mine include:

    The First Men in the Moon - HG Wells
    Gnomes - Wil Huygen, Rien Poortvliet
    Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
    The Harry Potter series
    As well as Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and tales of the Mayfair Witches.
  • vedra_b
    vedra_b Posts: 135 Member
    i forgot about those books i need to get a set!
  • BunnyW22
    BunnyW22 Posts: 33
    Sandman - Neil Gaiman
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    I forgot to mention Ender's Game by Orson Scott excellent book.

    Other favorites of mine include:

    The First Men in the Moon - HG Wells
    Gnomes - Wil Huygen, Rien Poortvliet
    Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
    The Harry Potter series
    As well as Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and tales of the Mayfair Witches.

    How in the world did I forget about Ann Rice??? Yes! She set my vampire writing bar too high for others to reach LOL
  • LaurenEileen74
    LaurenEileen74 Posts: 142 Member
    East of Eden...hands down my favorite book of all time.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    But my absolute favorite books are the Dark Tower series by SK.

    I reread them every summer...I'm just about to begin on Wizard and Glass :love:

    I love the Dark Tower series. I've heard they are going to be made into a movie or tv series and I seriously hope it doesn't happen. It would just ruin it.

    I deeply and sincerely hope this doesn't happen.

    But Clint Eastwood would be the perfect Roland....imho.....the eyes, the voice. Yep.

    I agree with Clint Eastwood, but it would almost have to be him from 10-15 years ago. I really can't picture anyone else in the role.

    I could, and he's about the right age.... Mark Harmon!


    Actually the last I heard it was going to be Russel Crowe. They were looking at Viggo Mortensen as well, but I think it is now going to be Russel Crowe...which I just don't see, personally.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    I can't say that I have a favorite. Among my favorites are "dark tower series", the hunger games trilogy, really like the game of thrones series (on book 3), 1984, johnny got his gun, brave new world, little women... the list goes on and on.

    haven't read fifty shades yet. Not sure that I want to, even though I have heard t hey are amazing. I may wait until all the hype is over...
  • spederse86
    spederse86 Posts: 13
    So, I have a Creative Writing B.A. and took many literature classes, but besides a serious literary ones like Jane Eyre and short stories like The Story of an Hour and The Lottery, my favorite books are adventure and fantasy! Whoo! XD Haha, but as for the ones that made it to my heart first...

    Sweet Valley High, Boxcar Kids, Animorphs, and Goosebumps. (And there are more.)

    I will never be ashamed of my mystery/fantasy obsession. X3
  • Katrioustu
    Katrioustu Posts: 2,461 Member
    Raptor - Paul Zindel
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    So, I have a Creative Writing B.A. and took many literature classes, but besides a serious literary ones like Jane Eyre and short stories like The Story of an Hour and The Lottery, my favorite books are adventure and fantasy! Whoo! XD Haha, but as for the ones that made it to my heart first...

    Sweet Valley High, Boxcar Kids, Animorphs, and Goosebumps. (And there are more.)

    I will never be ashamed of my mystery/fantasy obsession. X3

    Why would you be ashamed? LOL

    I think Goosebumps and Nancy Drew were the childhood series which really helped me to develop my love of reading.
  • spederse86
    spederse86 Posts: 13
    So, I have a Creative Writing B.A. and took many literature classes, but besides a serious literary ones like Jane Eyre and short stories like The Story of an Hour and The Lottery, my favorite books are adventure and fantasy! Whoo! XD Haha, but as for the ones that made it to my heart first...

    Sweet Valley High, Boxcar Kids, Animorphs, and Goosebumps. (And there are more.)

    I will never be ashamed of my mystery/fantasy obsession. X3

    Why would you be ashamed? LOL

    Haha, so many people consider genre books not as smart as classical literature. But it's so much more fun. ;)
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    My first book was Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams.
    It's horribly written, but that's the one that caught me when I was 11. It's the book that made me a reader. It doesn't make me on my favorites list.

    The Virgin Suicides
    The Death Watch
    As I Lay Dying
    Harry Potter
    The Hunger Games
    The Merlin Conspiracy
    The Book of Lost Things
    John Green and Stefanie Pintoff as authors.
  • GnomeLove
    GnomeLove Posts: 379
    So, I have a Creative Writing B.A. and took many literature classes, but besides a serious literary ones like Jane Eyre and short stories like The Story of an Hour and The Lottery, my favorite books are adventure and fantasy! Whoo! XD Haha, but as for the ones that made it to my heart first...

    Sweet Valley High, Boxcar Kids, Animorphs, and Goosebumps. (And there are more.)

    I will never be ashamed of my mystery/fantasy obsession. X3

    Why would you be ashamed? LOL

    Haha, so many people consider genre books not as smart as classical literature. But it's so much more fun. ;)

    I can see what you are saying. Actually, books like Great Expectations and Pride and Prejudice bore me to tears. I have always been more into Sci-Fi or Fantasy.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    My favorite book of all time: Brightness Falls From the Air - James Tiptree Jr. (it's out of print, and I have had to replace it 5 times... all from used book stores - I now buy every copy I find.)

    The first book I ever fell in love with.... Are You My Mother? Dr. Seuss. I was 2. Long story... and I still love it.
  • spederse86
    spederse86 Posts: 13

    I think Goosebumps and Nancy Drew were the childhood series which really helped me to develop my love of reading.

    Agreed! ^____^
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    Catcher in the Rye.