Should woman over 50 wear short dresses/skirts?



  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?
  • ErikThaRed
    ErikThaRed Posts: 139 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Our society is a little too wrapped up in judging everyone else.

    But the fact of the matter is that society DOES judge. I am 52 and at this point, I would not wear a short skirt because I know that I would be judged for it (especially by other woman of my own generation) and just knowing that would make me uncomfortable, even if no one said anything directly to me.

    So what you're saying is that you're a sheep that just goes along with whatever society wants you to do in fear of judgement? That's a sad way to live. Be yourself and don't worry about what the masses think.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    What part of "no one deserves violence" do people not get?
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    So it sounds like you are actually saying that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted if They are wearing what you consider inappropriate. Is that correct?
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I say so long as you are comfortable... and don't sit like a dude trying to air out the "boys" in public then... Nothing wrong with a skirt of any length I work in a white collar city... and there are thousands of women 50+ wearing skirts far higher and tighter than what you got in that picture be proud of your age and your self... display that pride in your clothes and you can't go wrong... clothing of any description is about confidence... therea re NO rules.. only sketchy guidelines that constantly change
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    So it sounds like you are actually saying that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted if They are wearing what you consider inappropriate. Is that correct?

    Yeah, he's basically comparing a woman wearing something that she is personally comfortable in and that she likes for whatever particular reason (the weather? the color? maybe she likes her body oh no!) to the uniform of a group known for participating in violent hate crimes.

    Totally the same, brah.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    How short are we talking here? Body con mini, or a little above the knee? How long have you had said skirt? If it's circa 1980, probably not...LOL

    Let's just say this - my Mom is 61 and of average height and weight. If I saw her in a tight mini skirt I'd wonder if she lost her marbles and I needed to find a home quickly...only because this women has NEVER worn anything shorter than her knees her whole life.

    Now, on another hand, she has a friend who is 50, and wears things that I wouldn't dare wearing my early 20's. I don't think it's appropriate and people should wear things for their age because if a woman in her 50's still wears things from her 20's she typically looks older than she is. Or trying to be younger than she is.

    Happy medium please.

    What is it to you? Who is it to you to judge your mother's friend for wearing what she wears? it seems many people are in a hurry to decide what is appropriate for others of any age or size to wear, for whatever reason. You don't know why she does, and it really isn't your business.

    "happy medium". Who gets to decide what that is?

    A group of lawmakers in North Dakota are trying to make it a felony for women who are caught wearing yoga pants in public three times.
    This is a blatant attempt to blame women for the inability of men to stop seeing them as sexual objects and solely place the blame for rape and sexual assault/harrassment on them. Beliefs like yours only enforce this stereotype.

    Stop judging and support everyone's freedom to be who they are. They're only legs a skirt will be revealing, as any pair of shorts would be.

    I wish I could give this post a 3 thumbs up.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    So it sounds like you are actually saying that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted if They are wearing what you consider inappropriate. Is that correct?

    Yeah, he's basically comparing a woman wearing something that she is personally comfortable in and that she likes for whatever particular reason (the weather? the color? maybe she likes her body oh no!) to the uniform of a group known for participating in violent hate crimes.

    Totally the same, brah.

    Oh yeah. I totally forgot that women wearing short skirts in public are basically the same as the KKK. How silly of me.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    So it sounds like you are actually saying that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted if They are wearing what you consider inappropriate. Is that correct?

    Yeah, he's basically comparing a woman wearing something that she is personally comfortable in and that she likes for whatever particular reason (the weather? the color? maybe she likes her body oh no!) to the uniform of a group known for participating in violent hate crimes.

    Totally the same, brah.

    Oh yeah. I totally forgot that women wearing short skirts in public are basically the same as the KKK. How silly of me.

    Lest we forget, you can look like the Michelin Man in sweatshirts and sweatpants while you haul your garbage to the dumpster and still get sexually harrassed, so these arguments were busted before they were even concieved.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Tina Turner could do it!

  • lauries8888
    lauries8888 Posts: 70 Member
    edited April 2015
    ErikThaRed wrote: »

    So what you're saying is that you're a sheep that just goes along with whatever society wants you to do in fear of judgement? That's a sad way to live. Be yourself and don't worry about what the masses think.

    What I am saying (at the risk of being accused again of hijacking this thread) is that I am old enough and wise enough to pick my battles. Miniskirts are not the sword that I care to die upon.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    OP, wear what you're comfortable in. Who cares what other people think, this is about you-piss on them!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited April 2015
    NC_Girl wrote: »
    How long have you had said skirt? If it's circa 1980, probably not...LOL

    --This is probably what I should be concerned with LOL.....but here we go....I'm doing it...I'm going show you all! No offence will be taken if it's outdated....I'd rather hear it from all of you. Thanks again for your input...I appreciate it!


    O gosh that is very cute, not too tight and not too short at all. Remember the rule of thumb if its tight on top than wear loose on the bottom and if its tight on the bottom then go loose on the top.
    I am 55 and I would wear that outfit. It looks great and very NC.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Op, wear your skirt. You look great and it looks like you feel good wearing it.

    I was just talking to an woman this week who is in her upper 60s and when I complimented her dress (above the knee fit and flare skirt) she said she thought it might be inappropriate for her age. No way, I told her. She looked great and actually is somebody whose outfits I notice all the time because she's a great dresser.
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    No violence should come to anyone, but this day and age has changed Ethics so drastically it's insane, and I would bet that everyone on this topic has laughed their *kitten* off at the people of Walmart posts.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    runner475 wrote: »
    NC_Girl wrote: »


    OP is that you and is that the skirt you are thinking about?

    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Oh really? Do tell. If I go out tonight in my leather mini, who am I and what do I want?

    directions to this place were the leader mini will be please….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    If that's the skirt, don't worry, it's fine, If it were any shorter I would say no. I'm sure my wife would object to me wearing testicles on top of my belt. This is also conversation one should have with their family, if my daughter tried to walk out with a stripper skirt, then I would say HELL NO! Your style is a reflection of who you are and want you want.

    Are you telling me that if I walk out in my knee-high boots, leather jacket, mini skirt, and a bustier that I'm asking for it if someone decides to grab my rear (or worse)? Your assumptions that women are "asking for it" because of what they wear is precisely why rape culture is such a problem in our society.

    Are you telling me that if I don a white robe and a hood and walk down Main St. in Ferguson MO, that I'm just asking for it if someone punches me in the face (or worse)?

    So it sounds like you are actually saying that women are responsible for being sexually assaulted if They are wearing what you consider inappropriate. Is that correct?

    its only ok if you wear a burka over your skirt….
  • NC_Girl
    NC_Girl Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you all so much for your comments and encouragement. I think I'll give it a whirl and just enjoy feeling like a girl again instead of an old frump. What is a 'frump' you ask? 63 pounds ago! Still have 12 pounds to goal but feeling fun and alive for the first time in a long time! Watch out Walmart I come!
  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    I know it's been beaten to death already. But screw the "rules" about what you should wear. The only rule is that if you like it wear it.
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