Goal: Let's get out of the 200s!!!!



  • SamCapra
    SamCapra Posts: 8 Member
    I keep teetering between like 197 and 200. I was over the moon to see 199 but I can't manage to actually stay under 200 );
  • muggle_mom
    muggle_mom Posts: 20 Member
    Can I climb aboard? Almost busting out of the 200s in the wrong direction. So happy to be moving in the right direction again. I can't wait to everyone succeed!!!
  • Shane00000
    Shane00000 Posts: 14 Member
    So glad to see all the support and love in here. I hope everyone has a great friday. And don't forget to be your BEST today. Make smart choices.
  • Chewitz
    Chewitz Posts: 217 Member
    Heya :D

    Room for another?

  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in. I haven't been under 200 in 10 years or longer. Started out in Nov. @280, current weight is 266 & goal is 160
  • nik_nak_83
    nik_nak_83 Posts: 37 Member
    Count me in been stuck at 211 for 7months!
  • mzjab
    mzjab Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2015
    So glad I found this!!!! I'm in!!! I felt like I was the only way battling that number. Last year I got down to 178, and I didn't feel like it was good enough. My self loathing took me back to 205. Just this morning I weighed in at 204.2. This time however, I'm going to be kind to myself!
  • dariluzagueda23
    dariluzagueda23 Posts: 16 Member
    Yes!!!!!!!!! Im sooo close. I just weighed in at 203.8 this morning. Adding you
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm currently 231, would love to be 162. Getting there very slowly. All welcome to add me if you wish :)
  • getfitformeee
    getfitformeee Posts: 65 Member
    Good morning!! I hope everyone has a fantastic day! I sent all of you friend requests :)
  • DeanaM2015
    DeanaM2015 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, count me in too. I haven't been in the 200s for long but I so want to be in the 100s again! Btw I am 203.4 lb today.
  • brazcub
    brazcub Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in. Need friends. I'm at 209 right now. Haven't been under 200 in 5 years.
  • mxmakm
    mxmakm Posts: 1,166 Member
    I would like to join as well! I was 160 lbs. in high school and kids made fun of me for being fat at that weight, but after I graduated I got married, moved out, and got pregnant within a year and shot up to 240 lbs. I have stayed from 230-240 for almost 5 years now until I tried to start losing near the beginning of April and I am currently at 220.6. I my short time goal is 199 but I am 5'4" so my overall goal is currently 140-150 lbs. but I'll see when I get closer to my goal weight because I have no idea what will look good on my body.
  • getfitformeee
    getfitformeee Posts: 65 Member
    I want in to. went from 188 to 291 now at 246 add me please..lets get under 200

    Hey focusedmom07! We are friends, but I can't see your page at all. Not sure if you knew that it is set to private even for your friends list. :smile:
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    205 - 210 is my goal weight. Lean and mean at that range. My girlfriend keeps asking me to gain weight at that range too. :laugh:
  • cassandrag93
    cassandrag93 Posts: 825 Member
    Jg04811 wrote: »
    YES!!! I have been stuck at 210 for like a year now. I started out at 400 pounds. I really want to see that 199 SO BAD!!

    I've also have been stuck at 210 for what feels like years! I can't wait to be in ONEderland!!!
  • alive247
    alive247 Posts: 14 Member
    Im in!! We can do it ladies, i know i could do with more motivating friends on here. Xx
  • Vannessa_Cool
    Vannessa_Cool Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to be counted in!!! I am 16, yes a little young, but I weigh 253lbs. I was 263 and have been working really hard the last few weeks. This summer I am cracking down and hope to be under 200 for my senior prom. I'd just like some company, and motivational help on this journey. Thanks!
  • jonalu1234
    jonalu1234 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm with u! I can't wait to be out of the 200s. I'm 265 now....it's hard but I'm not giving up. I want friends anyone can add me :smiley:
  • CoolCatWV
    CoolCatWV Posts: 32 Member
    Want to form a group? If so, please invite me!

    I was stuck around 224 for a few months after climbing dramatically. Just under 220 today. My short-term goal is 199, and my long-term goal is 135. Let's do this together!