help...Im eating too much junk food.



  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    hgurke wrote: »
    I'm not addicted to sugar.... And you're using a poor analogy. Sorry but the brain is going to crave things that have nothing to do with nutritional deficiencies. And to extrapolate a certain mineral deficiency out of 100s of cravings people get in a day cannot be studied with any controlled experiment.
    You're on the internet, even if you do not have access to an academic search engine you can look up these studies yourself. :)

    I do have access to academic search engines and I'm well aware of the research out there. Like I said, you're misinformed about the research. Perhaps you made a bad conclusion when reading it?
  • Saryia
    Saryia Posts: 38 Member
    I have better things to do than argue with people who are too stubborn to look things up themselves. If you want to stay misinformed, go ahead. There's lots and lots of information out there, maybe you can do yourself a favor and actually look it up instead of arguing factually wrong information on a myfitnesspal forum thread under the misguided notion that your beliefs are correct.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    hgurke wrote: »
    I'm not addicted to sugar.... And you're using a poor analogy. Sorry but the brain is going to crave things that have nothing to do with nutritional deficiencies. And to extrapolate a certain mineral deficiency out of 100s of cravings people get in a day cannot be studied with any controlled experiment.
    You're on the internet, even if you do not have access to an academic search engine you can look up these studies yourself. :)

    Not the way it works. Because you opened up this facet of the conversation, you need to post peer reviewed links.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    hgurke wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    This is bull.
    Sugar is known to be more addictive than heroin, not sure what part of my statement you think is "bull".

    I'm guessing you've never had a genuine addiction or known anyone who has, because no one who has ever had any experience with addiction would ever say that. That isn't even remotely close to being true.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    Yes, yes you are - your diary is terrible!

    Why are you turning to the chocolate/icecream etc?

    I think you need to plan and prepare some meals, with decent protein, good Fats and a variety of fresh vegies and some fruit. Really ask yourself after eating your planned meal if you need the chocolate or icecream. If you're bored, get out and do something.
    There's nothing wrong with eating ice cream as long as it fits into her goals. I eat ice cream a few times a week, but I make it fit into my goals. The issue here isn't what she is eating it's why she is eating over her goal. My guess is her rate of loss is set at something like 2 lbs/week which is setting her calorie goal to 1200 which is probably too low.

    There is nothing wrong with icecream or chocolate, except when it's taking up most of your calories and you have very little food with decent nutrient value...

    None of that has anything to do with weight loss. "Decent nutrient value" doesn't effect weight loss.

    I believe the OP was asking for suggestions to stop binging on the chocolate and icecream. Which I did.

    The op needs a plan she can stick to for life and telling someone they can't eat foods they love and still lose weight is simply false and could cause them to give up entirely.

    Where did I say she should give them up completely and never eat them again?

    Where did you say in your first post that she could continue to eat them? You implied in your post that she shouldn't eat those things. The issue isn't what she's eating, it's how much. The best way to fix why she is eating too much (if she really is eating too much) is to figure out why. Saying "don't eat those things!" And reinforcing her belief that those foods are bad and forbidden Is not really helpful.

    No I didn't and that's what I asked her. You just can't read, or choose to interpret how you want.
  • Saryia
    Saryia Posts: 38 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    So basically you have nothing to back up your claims.
    You can look up the study I cited or look things up yourself, I'm not doing your homework for you :) Also I am logging off of MFP. is a good place to start :)

  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    hgurke wrote: »
    I have better things to do than argue with people who are too stubborn to look things up themselves. If you want to stay misinformed, go ahead. There's lots and lots of information out there, maybe you can do yourself a favor and actually look it up instead of arguing factually wrong information on a myfitnesspal forum thread under the misguided notion that your beliefs are correct.

    I did a brief search. I found a study that said rats prefer saccharin water to cocaine water. I don't blame them, so would I. Maybe this just means rats aren't stupid, or didn't like the way cocaine made them feel. Rats can't talk, so we don't really know.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    Yes, yes you are - your diary is terrible!

    Why are you turning to the chocolate/icecream etc?

    I think you need to plan and prepare some meals, with decent protein, good Fats and a variety of fresh vegies and some fruit. Really ask yourself after eating your planned meal if you need the chocolate or icecream. If you're bored, get out and do something.
    There's nothing wrong with eating ice cream as long as it fits into her goals. I eat ice cream a few times a week, but I make it fit into my goals. The issue here isn't what she is eating it's why she is eating over her goal. My guess is her rate of loss is set at something like 2 lbs/week which is setting her calorie goal to 1200 which is probably too low.

    There is nothing wrong with icecream or chocolate, except when it's taking up most of your calories and you have very little food with decent nutrient value...

    None of that has anything to do with weight loss. "Decent nutrient value" doesn't effect weight loss.

    I believe the OP was asking for suggestions to stop binging on the chocolate and icecream. Which I did.

    The op needs a plan she can stick to for life and telling someone they can't eat foods they love and still lose weight is simply false and could cause them to give up entirely.

    Where did I say she should give them up completely and never eat them again?

    Where did you say in your first post that she could continue to eat them? You implied in your post that she shouldn't eat those things. The issue isn't what she's eating, it's how much. The best way to fix why she is eating too much (if she really is eating too much) is to figure out why. Saying "don't eat those things!" And reinforcing her belief that those foods are bad and forbidden Is not really helpful.

    No I didn't and that's what I asked her. You just can't read, or choose to interpret how you want.

    You clearly don't even get what my issue was with what you said, and I'm tired of explaining it. If I couldn't read I don't think I would be able to type any of this. Haha seriously? Just stop already.
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh man how many trolls can we have in one thread? This is actually funny.

    Everyone does know the name of this app is My FITNESS plan. You guys do notice that the word is FITNESS and not weightloss correct? Yes we all know we can eat 1200 calories of junk food and lose weight. But eating pure junk food with little nutritional value is not a long term weight loss solution. So whom ever said an all ice ream diet is a viable solution why don't you go ahead and try it and let's see how that works out for.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    Bshmerlie wrote: »
    Oh man how many trolls can we have in one thread? This is actually funny.

    Everyone does know the name of this app is My FITNESS plan. You guys do notice that the word is FITNESS and not weightloss correct? Yes we all know we can eat 1200 calories of junk food and lose weight. But eating pure junk food with little nutritional value is not a long term weight loss solution. So whom ever said an all ice ream diet is a viable solution why don't you go ahead and try it and let's see how that works out for.

    Since when are fitness and nutrition the same thing? This is a calorie counting app. I think it is obvious that this site is mainly intended for weight loss. This is also the weight loss section of the forum, incase you haven't noticed...
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    edited May 2015
    Double post*
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    OMG. Your daily intake consists of sugar and hardly any nutrients. You are starving yourself with all that food.

    Find a registered dietician and have them help you develop a food plan.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited May 2015
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    forgtmenot wrote: »
    Yes, yes you are - your diary is terrible!

    Why are you turning to the chocolate/icecream etc?

    I think you need to plan and prepare some meals, with decent protein, good Fats and a variety of fresh vegies and some fruit. Really ask yourself after eating your planned meal if you need the chocolate or icecream. If you're bored, get out and do something.
    There's nothing wrong with eating ice cream as long as it fits into her goals. I eat ice cream a few times a week, but I make it fit into my goals. The issue here isn't what she is eating it's why she is eating over her goal. My guess is her rate of loss is set at something like 2 lbs/week which is setting her calorie goal to 1200 which is probably too low.

    There is nothing wrong with icecream or chocolate, except when it's taking up most of your calories and you have very little food with decent nutrient value...

    None of that has anything to do with weight loss. "Decent nutrient value" doesn't effect weight loss.

    I believe the OP was asking for suggestions to stop binging on the chocolate and icecream. Which I did.

    The op needs a plan she can stick to for life and telling someone they can't eat foods they love and still lose weight is simply false and could cause them to give up entirely.

    Where did I say she should give them up completely and never eat them again?

    Where did you say in your first post that she could continue to eat them? You implied in your post that she shouldn't eat those things. The issue isn't what she's eating, it's how much. The best way to fix why she is eating too much (if she really is eating too much) is to figure out why. Saying "don't eat those things!" And reinforcing her belief that those foods are bad and forbidden Is not really helpful.

    No I didn't and that's what I asked her. You just can't read, or choose to interpret how you want.

    You clearly don't even get what my issue was with what you said, and I'm tired of explaining it. If I couldn't read I don't think I would be able to type any of this. Haha seriously? Just stop already.

    You told me that I told her not to eat chocolate and icecream - i didn't.
    You said she needs to know why she's eating that stuff - which I asked her.
    She asked for suggestions as to ways to stop eating so much - which I gave her.

    You have made your own issues out of what I said. You can clearly read (again, I gave you two options for your misinterpretation) so how about you stop making up your own version of what I said ?
  • choosingequilibrium
    choosingequilibrium Posts: 4 Member
    Concerning the candy bars and frozen yogurt, I know that when I'm working out and eating clean I don't seem to "need" the candy, frozen yogurt and such. But, emotionally when I'm off it seems these foods are my medicine. You mentioned that you recently added these back into your diet. When that happens to me I know it is because I'm feeling out of control of my schedule and keeping everyone happy soon I stop planning my meals and throw up my hands. Are you sure there isn't something pulling you back to that world that you aren't saying "Well, at least I can have this"...of course you can! But, for me it usually means a slippery slope and I need to really add to my vision board or search out what else I'm missing. Which is precisely why I'm here this morning. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts and stories on the message board. It is very thought provoking.
  • aislingbury
    aislingbury Posts: 11 Member
    Can I recommend the documentary 'Fed Up'. It discusses lots of the issues surrounding weight loss including the issue of sugar addiction. Also I just want to add that although people can lose weight with no regard to their nutritional intake that is not a healthy way to live and nor will it help you keep off the weight. A balanced and varied diet is just common sense.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Oh OP. I fear you are going to get lost in the mix of bad responses and arguing.

    The advice to reevaluate your goals to make sure they are reasonable (0.5 lbs/week is probably right if you do only have 15 lbs to lose) will likely give you a larger total calorie budget with which to work.

    Once you do that, it will probably be easier to plan your day to fit in primarily nutrient dense, satiating foods, and still budget to have small portions of the sweets and chocolates that you've been binging on. For many people, total restriction is what triggers the need to binge, and if you overcome the mindset that these foods are bad, then it is possible you can be satisfied with eating them in moderation. If you still find they are trigger foods for you, even after trying to work them into an overall balanced day, then yes you may need to restrict them for a time.

    To those arguing whether or not someone said she should only eat ice cream all day, I don't think anyone logical actually suggested that. The comment that you can still eat the things you want and lose weight is usually understood to mean that in the context of an overall balanced diet where one is meeting macro and micro nutrient targets, it is possible to still enjoy things like ice cream, in moderation.
  • TiJoGa
    TiJoGa Posts: 545 Member
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    Ive been eating candy bars and frozen yogurt(chocolate) for the past two weeks.its putting me well over my calorie goal of 1200.any suggestions on how to stop binging like that?I've been on a weight loss journey for four and a half months,and I lost twenty lbs.I don't want to gain any back,but I've been craving chocolate a lot.any suggestions????

    I took a look at your diary just for the last couple days and I can sympathize. I would eat chocolate bars and ice cream all the time if I could do that and stay within my calories. (I can't because a serving always leads to ten with me - I'm not saying no one can...)

    What helped ME, and take what you will from it, was getting the stuff I felt no control over out of the house. It was hard to "waste" that money but my husband's co-workers were pretty happy with the large donation of snacks for the breakroom :)

    At first I thought I couldn't eat any kind of "junk food" but over time I learned that while I'm out of control around mini candy bars, I'm ok with extra dark (83%) lindt squares. I can eat a whole bag of chili Fritos without a second thought but I can easily portion sea salt kettle chips.

    Not everyone will understand me but there are just foods that trigger an uncontrolled spiral that end with me feeling like crap so I just don't have them around.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited May 2015
    TiJoGa wrote: »
    mwebster11 wrote: »
    Ive been eating candy bars and frozen yogurt(chocolate) for the past two weeks.its putting me well over my calorie goal of 1200.any suggestions on how to stop binging like that?I've been on a weight loss journey for four and a half months,and I lost twenty lbs.I don't want to gain any back,but I've been craving chocolate a lot.any suggestions????

    I took a look at your diary just for the last couple days and I can sympathize. I would eat chocolate bars and ice cream all the time if I could do that and stay within my calories. (I can't because a serving always leads to ten with me - I'm not saying no one can...)

    What helped ME, and take what you will from it, was getting the stuff I felt no control over out of the house. It was hard to "waste" that money but my husband's co-workers were pretty happy with the large donation of snacks for the breakroom :)

    At first I thought I couldn't eat any kind of "junk food" but over time I learned that while I'm out of control around mini candy bars, I'm ok with extra dark (83%) lindt squares. I can eat a whole bag of chili Fritos without a second thought but I can easily portion sea salt kettle chips.

    Not everyone will understand me but there are just foods that trigger an uncontrolled spiral that end with me feeling like crap so I just don't have them around.

    This is my recommendation too. Some people are able to have a tub of Icecream in the house and eat just a bit everyday or every other day. Others are well, not. OP I actually really respect your ability to eat that stuff and stay within your calorie goal :laugh: The days you went over, it seems to only have been by a little, and on other days you went over 1200 calories but don't forget you can eat back exercise calories and still be at a deficit.

    Cosign reevaluating the goals to see if you can do more than 1200. And I didn't see your stats posted

    Also I don't think you necessarily have to waste the food. You can always wait till that batch is gone and then make different grocery shopping decisions next time, like buy just the single servings of treats if that'll work for you, etc

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    hgurke wrote: »
    I have better things to do than argue with people who are too stubborn to look things up themselves. If you want to stay misinformed, go ahead. There's lots and lots of information out there, maybe you can do yourself a favor and actually look it up instead of arguing factually wrong information on a myfitnesspal forum thread under the misguided notion that your beliefs are correct.

    I did a brief search. I found a study that said rats prefer saccharin water to cocaine water. I don't blame them, so would I. Maybe this just means rats aren't stupid, or didn't like the way cocaine made them feel. Rats can't talk, so we don't really know.

    Those rats and their taste buds! :tongue: Think they'll ever invent something so we'll know what rats are thinking??

  • milocamolly
    milocamolly Posts: 91 Member
    Op maybe doing subsutitions...cut up a banana, freeze once the banana is frozen put in a blender with cocoa powder. This will give you a chocolate flavor and ice cream flavor without all the calories. I have a huge sweet tooth and this always seems to be the fix for me.