What is the most thing that helped you lose weight fast?



  • ljmorgi
    ljmorgi Posts: 264 Member
    Well, the fastest I ever lost weight was when I went a few rounds with salmonella, but I don't recommend it.

    Losing weight on PURPOSE--the biggest first step really is to start logging everything and actually measuring it, to get an idea of how many calories you really are taking in.
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    In the beginning, I didn't weigh anything... I'd just find entries that seemed right, often choosing the option that had the highest calories, to help make a buffer. I'd overestimate my intake, underestimate my calorie burns, and figured that would help keep a deficit despite (surely) inaccurate logging... weighing my food seemed like some unattainable mystery task that would consume all my free time and cause me to obsess over food.. I did lose weight this way...

    But as time went on, being more active in general had the effect of making me hungrier on a daily basis.. I wanted to eat more food, so I knew I had to tighten up the logging. I worked on determining a more realistic calorie goal based on my TDEE (rather than the 1200/2lbs a week I'd been working with) and started using the food scale I'd had for years but never put the batteries in.

    I found that, rather than making my life more complicated and taking up an obscene amount of my free time, weighing my self-prepared meals and snacks has made my days easier... it takes very little time at all. And I have the confidence that my logging is more accurate, at least more accurate now then before. I'm able to eat more, while still maintaining a deficit, and it's made all the difference. It also provides this sense of satisfaction... once you start to realize it's all a numbers game, everything just seems simpler.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited May 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    cortesr425 wrote: »
    Salt is detrimental when you have high blood pressure. If you are on the edge of diabetes that is still controllable with food, you need to avoid foods that spike blood sugar. These are bread, pasra, rice, anything with refined flour. I went back to eating parily vegetarian with a 4 ounce meat portion every two weeks. Obtained protein from beans,nuts, and seeds.

    Where did the op say anything about hypertension, (High blood pressure) or diabetes?

    Fruit also has sugar but no flour... As does juice.

    Why does one need to go vegetarian?

    what really helped you lose weight fast ? Tips ? Food ? diet ?

    The OP asked for what helped people personally... this seems to be @cortesr425's answer to that question. Not sure why you're questioning someone on what personally helped them...

    Because eliminating those foods is not needed. Calorie deficit is what is needed. However that is achieved, is a personal choice. They chose to cut out certain food groups to achieve a deficit, but it is not required, and it is not "questioning" to state that.
  • ruggedshutter
    ruggedshutter Posts: 389 Member
    Food scale, seriously. That one tool opened my eyes to what I was eating and how much a serving actually is.
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    edited May 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    cortesr425 wrote: »
    Salt is detrimental when you have high blood pressure. If you are on the edge of diabetes that is still controllable with food, you need to avoid foods that spike blood sugar. These are bread, pasra, rice, anything with refined flour. I went back to eating parily vegetarian with a 4 ounce meat portion every two weeks. Obtained protein from beans,nuts, and seeds.

    Where did the op say anything about hypertension, (High blood pressure) or diabetes?

    Fruit also has sugar but no flour... As does juice.

    Why does one need to go vegetarian?

    what really helped you lose weight fast ? Tips ? Food ? diet ?

    The OP asked for what helped people personally... this seems to be @cortesr425's answer to that question. Not sure why you're questioning someone on what personally helped them...

    Because eliminating those foods is not needed. Calorie deficit is what is needed. However that is achieved, is a personal choice. They chose to cut out certain food groups to achieve a deficit, but it is not required, and it is not "questioning" to state that.

    I agree. @cortesr425's response to the OP's question describes how he/she achieved his/her deficit - ultimately answering the OP's question "What really helped you to lose weight fast?"

    I would guess OP was looking for what routes others specifically followed to achieve their losses, rather than a vague answer of "CICO"... otherwise, why seek answers from a group of people?

    ETA: Not to argue semantics... certainly the way you just responded is not "questioning"... but your previous response had questions... and question marks... so...
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    cortesr425 wrote: »
    Salt is detrimental when you have high blood pressure. If you are on the edge of diabetes that is still controllable with food, you need to avoid foods that spike blood sugar. These are bread, pasra, rice, anything with refined flour. I went back to eating parily vegetarian with a 4 ounce meat portion every two weeks. Obtained protein from beans,nuts, and seeds.

    Where did the op say anything about hypertension, (High blood pressure) or diabetes?

    Fruit also has sugar but no flour... As does juice.

    Why does one need to go vegetarian?

    what really helped you lose weight fast ? Tips ? Food ? diet ?

    The OP asked for what helped people personally... this seems to be @cortesr425's answer to that question. Not sure why you're questioning someone on what personally helped them...

    Because eliminating those foods is not needed. Calorie deficit is what is needed. However that is achieved, is a personal choice. They chose to cut out certain food groups to achieve a deficit, but it is not required, and it is not "questioning" to state that.

    I agree. @cortesr425's response to the OP's question describes how he/she achieved his/her deficit - ultimately answering the OP's question "What really helped you to lose weight fast?"

    I would guess OP was looking for what routes others specifically followed to achieve their losses, rather than a vague answer of "CICO"... otherwise, why seek answers from a group of people?

    ETA: Not to argue semantics... certainly the way you just responded is not "questioning"... but your previous response had questions... and question marks... so...

    Oh please...
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. Log every single thing you eat
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    Upping water intake to match activity and help flush sodium is important to me, too... as I go over my sodium RDA all the time. I have no clue if there's any truth/science to it, but I read somewhere that going over sodium RDA (recommended daily allowance) by just 400mg can cause an up to 4lb fluctuation in weight over the following days, due to water retention.

    Regardless of whether that theory holds any water (buh dum tss), I am aware, thanks to logging, that I have a high sodium intake, so the possibility is enough to keep me swilling the H2O continuously throughout my days. At any rate, my skin glows.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    What helped me lose weight fast?

    Not eating!

    Did it stay off?

  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    A food scale sped up my weight loss astronomically. I was really off on a lot of things beforehand. It also became easier to log everything on one plate instead of using measuring cups. I was more likely to log accurately when I didn't have to dirty up all of the measuring cups with every meal.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member

    Really though, if I lose it fast, it just comes back. Slow and steady.
  • JillianRN527
    JillianRN527 Posts: 109 Member
    Increasing my protein and limiting sugar and pastas/bread. I have no more bloat and it keeps me on track
  • BlueBellaMel
    BlueBellaMel Posts: 2 Member
    ActiDerm rapid shred has really helped me kick start my diet and I am carrying on with My Fitness Pal and Pacer, counting calories and the occasional shred kit to give me an extra boost :-)
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    ActiDerm rapid shred has really helped me kick start my diet and I am carrying on with My Fitness Pal and Pacer, counting calories and the occasional shred kit to give me an extra boost :-)

  • nannyme56
    nannyme56 Posts: 4 Member
    what really helped you lose weight fast ? Tips ? Food ? diet ?
    I am on high protein low carbs most if week and have one day of complex carbs hardly exercise an my weight loss is 2-3lb per week. I have loads too?


  • nannyme56
    nannyme56 Posts: 4 Member
    nannyme56 wrote: »
    what really helped you lose weight fast ? Tips ? Food ? diet ?
    I am on high protein low carbs most if week and have one day of complex carbs hardly exercise an my weight loss is 2-3lb per week. I have loads too?
    loads of energy
