Thoughts on my eating philosophy?



  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    I don't think I've suggested anywhere to never eat food from a package have I? That would just be unnecessarily restricting, if not impossible!
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Luckily for me, I can grow sausage egg & cheese mcmuffins.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited May 2015
    jgnatca wrote: »
    As an aside, MFP discussions inspired me to go back to my roots when money was scarce, and say, challenge myself to make five meals out of a single chicken. I believe people can eat very well, and at a deficit, on a limited budget.

    Ha ha - that sounds just like something my mum would do! She prides herself on getting at least ten family meals out of the Christmas turkey, for example and refuses to throw anything away. She takes it too far though and extends that philosophy to fruit that's gone mouldy and stale bread.

    Was she by chance Cajun or Creole? :p That was my dad's philosophy growing up. We were nit allowed to throw out any spoiled or moldy food. It was just made into something else. We ate a lot of gumbos and jambalayas, with lots of spices.
    Didn't learn about throwing out bad food until a few years into my marriage...That was a very interesting talk.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Luckily for me, I can grow sausage egg & cheese mcmuffins.

    That work for ya? :D

  • Bhlinebee
    Bhlinebee Posts: 71 Member
    TahoeSki wrote: »
    A simpler version could be I "don't eat fake foods" or I "won't eat foods that have ingredients that sound like chemical weapons". Not a bad philosophy.

    I agree, nothing wrong with it at all. It's basically a "Whole Foods" diet.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    fr3smyl wrote: »

    Was she by chance Cajun or Creole? :p That was my dad's philosophy growing up. We were nit allowed to throw out any spoiled or moldy food. It was just made into something else. We ate a lot of gumbos and jambalayas, with lots of spices.
    Didn't learn about throwing out bad food until a few years into my marriage...That was a very interesting talk.

    No, but her parents were Italian immigrant working people, and she grew up during the Depression/WW2.
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Luckily for me, I can grow sausage egg & cheese mcmuffins.

    That work for ya? :D

    I'd love to see someone growing any one of sodium acetate, fumaric acid, calcium sulfate, niacin, thiamine mononitrate, maltodextrin, calcium propanoate, sodium benzoate, DATEM, or sorbitan monostearate... and that's just SOME of the ingredients in the bun!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,732 Member
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Rayman79 wrote: »
    I think its great.

    Over the past few years I have seen MFP slowly trend from accepting others food choices to becoming more militant about 'macros and calorie counts at the expense of everything else'. In my humble opinion it has gone too far that way.

    I am a flexible dieter, and keeping my macros in check is my main focus, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to eat more natural foods and less processed stuff. Instead of applying your own experience and biases, just applaud people for wanting to improve their eating habits. Again, there are very few restrictions mentioned in the OP's post, it is all sensible and not very restrictive at all!

    If she cant make it work and needs a more flexible eating plan, then let her come back and ask for that advice when its needed.

    ^ This.

    It's *roughly* how I eat regardless. It's not "hard" I actually did it originally more from a standpoint of wanting to support local farmers rather than a "this will make me lose weight!" stand point.

    At the end of the day the majority of this forum concentrates massively on CICO and generally neglects the "wellbeing" and philosophical/belief side of things. The thing is, sometimes that extra little bit of morality behind a reasoning can sometimes make it easier for that "system" to become part of your life rather than something you are just going to try because you've tried everything else and have nothing left to lose...

    I guess I still haven't quite gotten used to the immediate negative reactions any time someone makes a post like OP.

    "Hey! I wish to make some changes to improve my life and help out others!"... followed by "OMG why, CICO noob, you're an idiot"

    Why can't people accept that changes like the one that OP stated aren't a big deal, and if OP decides it isn't working out due to time restrictions or whatever then she's hardly about to hurl herself into a vat of Coca Cola and attempt to drink it all until she explodes...

    At the end of the day, you've no idea what OP's original habits are... perhaps the only significant difference will be coke, not exactly a massive deal to be replacing coke with something else.

    Go for it OP. I hope it works well for you.

    *runs off to find a shakeology person to demean to make up for the support given* that's how this works, right? ;)

    *edited to add* looks like this philosophy is an extension of a restricted diet you are already on. re: digestion issues... It's a roll of the dice. You keep trying things and once you find something that works, you stick to it. You stick to it because if you don't then life becomes thoroughly miserable. I hope you find your holy grail. Try what you like and give yourself whatever 'ideals' you like to try and figure it out. Whatever helps.

    I think I can help you understand... see bolded - the OP didn't bring up this aspect, but most posts of that nature carry the 'morality' vibe. If you're being more moral in the choices you're making and I'm not making the same choices, that must make me...?

    For me this one isn't the case. I'm one of those vegetarian folks who does it for moral/ethical and not for diet. However, I don't think anyone else's morality is on the line if they happen to choose to put meat on their plate. Mine is totally a personal choice and while I care what I put on my plate, I don't give a gosh darn about what other people put on their plates. For most people the food they eat is not a moral choice and there is nothing wrong with that.

    I don't think that's what he was talking about though, at least not in terms of the discussions as they sometimes go on these boards.

  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    I don't think I've suggested anywhere to never eat food from a package have I? That would just be unnecessarily restricting, if not impossible!

    Isnt that what you are talking about doing anyway?

    I get restricting foods for medical reasons. I dont get it otherwise.
    I get feeling good about trying to eat more whole foods, but personally dont see why I would cut anything out of my diet.
    Cut down, maybe, but altogether? Not for me!
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    How did this become a discussion about morals?!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    How did this become a discussion about morals?!
    The philosophy word maybe?
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    These discussions often take off on tangents, but many times they lead somewhere that's very interesting. I've learned alot in 2 1/2 years. Keep on keeping on. B)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    How did this become a discussion about morals?!

    I think I can help you understand... see bolded - the OP didn't bring up this aspect, but most posts of that nature carry the 'morality' vibe. If you're being more moral in the choices you're making and I'm not making the same choices, that must make me...?

    To be fair, I think if everyone (including me) applied morality to their eating decisions no-one would be overweight (i.e applied the principle that it is wrong to over-consume). So perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing.

    If someone else's stated principle makes another person feel bad, they must have some inner prompting already telling them they're behaving in an unprincipled manner, don't you think?

    On a practical level it would be impossible for the majority of people in the world to grow/kill their own food, so for most of us there's no moral decision to be made on that front. Where I live it might be possible if I got good with a slingshot and developed a taste for urban gull meat and rats.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    I don't think I've suggested anywhere to never eat food from a package have I? That would just be unnecessarily restricting, if not impossible!

    Someone else did and seemed to think that's what you were doing. My post about packaged items was a response to that person (and probably mamapeach's was also).

    I agree that you were clear enough that that's not what you were doing.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member

    I keep meaning to play around with homemade ginger ales. I really love those when restaurants do them. But alas, I'm lazy.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    Rayman79 wrote: »
    I think its great.

    Over the past few years I have seen MFP slowly trend from accepting others food choices to becoming more militant about 'macros and calorie counts at the expense of everything else'. In my humble opinion it has gone too far that way.

    I am a flexible dieter, and keeping my macros in check is my main focus, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to eat more natural foods and less processed stuff. Instead of applying your own experience and biases, just applaud people for wanting to improve their eating habits. Again, there are very few restrictions mentioned in the OP's post, it is all sensible and not very restrictive at all!

    If she cant make it work and needs a more flexible eating plan, then let her come back and ask for that advice when its needed.

    ^ This.

    It's *roughly* how I eat regardless. It's not "hard" I actually did it originally more from a standpoint of wanting to support local farmers rather than a "this will make me lose weight!" stand point.

    At the end of the day the majority of this forum concentrates massively on CICO and generally neglects the "wellbeing" and philosophical/belief side of things. The thing is, sometimes that extra little bit of morality behind a reasoning can sometimes make it easier for that "system" to become part of your life rather than something you are just going to try because you've tried everything else and have nothing left to lose...

    I guess I still haven't quite gotten used to the immediate negative reactions any time someone makes a post like OP.

    "Hey! I wish to make some changes to improve my life and help out others!"... followed by "OMG why, CICO noob, you're an idiot"

    Why can't people accept that changes like the one that OP stated aren't a big deal, and if OP decides it isn't working out due to time restrictions or whatever then she's hardly about to hurl herself into a vat of Coca Cola and attempt to drink it all until she explodes...

    At the end of the day, you've no idea what OP's original habits are... perhaps the only significant difference will be coke, not exactly a massive deal to be replacing coke with something else.

    Go for it OP. I hope it works well for you.

    *runs off to find a shakeology person to demean to make up for the support given* that's how this works, right? ;)

    *edited to add* looks like this philosophy is an extension of a restricted diet you are already on. re: digestion issues... It's a roll of the dice. You keep trying things and once you find something that works, you stick to it. You stick to it because if you don't then life becomes thoroughly miserable. I hope you find your holy grail. Try what you like and give yourself whatever 'ideals' you like to try and figure it out. Whatever helps.

    glad i'm not the only one who sees the animosity every time someone suggests "giving something up" or "making at tiny change"
    It's not the end of the world if someone decides not to eat brownies and Coke, people!!
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I don't do well with unnecessarily restrictive diets. My philosophy: Moderation, variation, and NO unnecessary elimination! I think that this is a healthier approach (especially mentally and for the long term). I don't feel any guilt if I eat something I'm not "supposed" to. I don't "punish" myself if I go off plan or even if I over eat (bachelorette party on Saturday was delicious and I ate well over my calorie goal, but it was one day, I enjoyed it, and now I'm just moving forward).

    Normally, I do make "better" choices during 75-80% of the day (busy filling in my macros and micros), but by the end of the day, I'm having a decadent treat that I can fit within my calorie goals. My liver and kidneys (and yours, too) do a fantastic job of getting rid of the things I don't need (if they aren't working properly, you'd need to go to the hospital immediately, no diet can fix that).

    "Whether or not you can pronounce a food ingredient has absolutely no relevance to its safety."

    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food." - Eric Helms

    Having said that, if it works for you, more power to you! *drinks protein shake* :wink: