Question for the ladies!



  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    I think you'll be safe with zumba. DO NOT RUN...girl, you will regret it.

    I'm an avid runner, I run 6 days a week, 3 miles each day, even on my cycle and I don't have any problems. I just always make sure I have a fresh tampon inserted right before my run.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Exercise is fine. Just don't try to put up preserves or bake bread. And stay away from the cow or her milk will go sour.

    Good points.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I dont understand why you shouldn't work out on "heavy" days....? And I wouldn't think you are doing anything that would call for "Added protection"....kinda weird....
  • michellechawner
    Is it 1950 again???

    THANK YOU. And considering I was born in the 80's I still know what you're talking about.

    Yes workout. No one says you can't because you're bleeding. I do recommend tampons though.
  • led2012
    led2012 Posts: 26 Member
    I like to workout when I have my period too. It definitely helps with cramping. I use pads though. I used to only use tampons, and I still use them to sleep in. But I prefer pads; for me, they are more comfortable. I just get the extra long ones, and I don't have to worry about bunching. I can lift weights and run in them. Although I will use a tampon if I'm going on a longer run.
  • rcnrn1
    rcnrn1 Posts: 1
    I am an R.N. and there is really nothing wrong with exercising during that time. Im like the previous lady though. I sure never felt like it. Go ahead.. just take it easy.
  • snowboardandasuitcase
    snowboardandasuitcase Posts: 222 Member
    OP, I apologize for all of the people giving mean responses in here. I think sometimes we all forget that we all started with a lot of questions. You should be ok to exercise that time of month, maybe take it easy until you know how your body will react. Let me suggest some videos to try for some gentle toning: (I don't recommend wearing these pants, though!)

    Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey!

    Thanks so much! And I am not bothered by the mean comments, they are probably just having a bad day. Maybe it's their time of the month LOL

    Hahahahahaha!! :drinker:
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Hi! I know it may feel strange in the beginning, but @ TOM, feel free to workout! In fact, it improves the way you'd feel, and it doesn't matter the rate of your flow. That being said, I think tampons work better b/c they're more likely to stay in place; pads, on the other hand, like to move around...a lot...even when I'm merely walking.

    Right or wrong, I haven't worn a pad in probably 10 yrs... lol

    I sent you a friend request...and anyone else can feel free to add me. I've been here 10 days and am enjoying the motivation and positive views of everyone I've encountered thus far! :-)
  • leannerae40
    leannerae40 Posts: 200 Member
    Some people have experienced a super heavy flow that causes a drop in iron. Low iron combined with heavy exercise can cause more fatigue than normal. Normally though, I would say, push through's a normal occurrence for at least half the population.

    There are options out there that avoid these issues altogether (certain types of contraception) but that is such a personal choice (or a medical one) that you should speak directly to a doctor if you're that concerned. It's definitely not 1950 anymore, you don't have to live with anything you don't want to...we are woman, here us roar!!

    I'm a big fan of tampons by the way...too much movement with pads if you're really going hardcore - even a walk sucks in my opinion with one of those on and I do find that my flow increases with exercise. I also will say that I feel fantastic after working out and would recommend you do something, even if it's less than what you would normally do. 10 minutes of walking is better than nothing.

    Being a woman is a gift, enjoy it!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I don't know why you can't exercise when your flow is heavy...I had/have endometriosis. I've had periods for up to a full four weeks at a time with heavy flow for the majority of that time. I was told that exercise and relaxation techniques would help with my severe cramping. The only time I wasn't allowed to lift more than 10 pounds was the two weeks after my surgery; otherwise, as long as you're up for it, you don't need a doctor's note to work out during your time of the month.

    That said, if you're willing to work out when you've got your period, then I'd recommend either extra-long maxi pad with wings or adult diapers. (Okay, the adult diapers was a joke...although it would probably be quite effective.) I mean, if you've got your period, you're probably not going to be comfortable no matter what you do, so you might as well opt for the most coverage. If you're a tampon person, do a tampon and a pantiliner, just in case. Otherwise, Stayfree makes a fantastic ginormous "overnight" pad that should work, and they're probably among the cheaper brands (find a coupon) since we keep them in my house. I don't actually know because my dad usually buys it, LOL.
  • leanne0605
    leanne0605 Posts: 183 Member
    I exercise during that time of the month. It actually prevents me from cramping at all.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Some people have experienced a super heavy flow that causes a drop in iron. Low iron combined with heavy exercise can cause more fatigue than normal. Normally though, I would say, push through's a normal occurrence for at least half the population.

    There are options out there that avoid these issues altogether (certain types of contraception) but that is such a personal choice (or a medical one) that you should speak directly to a doctor if you're that concerned. It's definitely not 1950 anymore, you don't have to live with anything you don't want to...we are woman, here us roar!!

    I'm a big fan of tampons by the way...too much movement with pads if you're really going hardcore - even a walk sucks in my opinion with one of those on and I do find that my flow increases with exercise. I also will say that I feel fantastic after working out and would recommend you do something, even if it's less than what you would normally do. 10 minutes of walking is better than nothing.

    Being a woman is a gift, enjoy it!

    Holy cow, you are the complete opposite of me. I can't get a tampon to stay in, so they do nothing for me. I had a bad reaction to the pill and will never ever take those things again. And lastly, as a woman who has endometriosis (back after having surgery six months ago), and has spent the last eleven days bleeding and nauseous, being a woman does NOT SEEM LIKE A GIFT. :mad: :explode: :cry: :sad: :huh: :noway: *sigh* two more days of this misery and I should be done.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    After reading other answers, it looks like most people favor tampons. Like I said, I never got the hang of those, and if I work out with one of those, it'll pop out. You just have to figure out what is most comfortable for you. If you have the energy, desire and patience to work out during your TOM, more power to ya...I envy your superhuman strength! Good luck. :smile:
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    Injurys? what like your uterus falling out? No seriously what the hell?

    I exercise on all days of my period and I have a goddamn civil war in there when I have my period.

    LOL civil war, that's funny! I just meant like maybe pulling a muscle or exerting myself too hard during a time when I'm losing so much blood.

    When you have your period, you're not "losing blood" like you would be if you had an actual injury (i.e. stab wound, etc.) Your body "stcoks up" on the blood and tissue all month long and then, once a month, releases it since you're not pregnant and don't need the reserves. It's not like once a month all of the blood vessels in your uterus open up and run free for a week straight! What I'm getting at is that, yes, you're "losing blood," but it's "extra" blood and tissue that your body doesn't need, not fresh blood that's circulating through your body all day, everyday. Because of this, you're not going to hurt yourself by exercising during your period. Unless you have a medical reason or have been told by a doctor that you shouldn't exercise during TOM, you'll be fine!!! Oh, and I typically use pads because tampons make my cramps worse (I have Endo), but I always use a tampon if I'm going to be working out. It's just more comfortable with my yoga pants! :laugh:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I wouldn't. I heard from someone that your ovaries could fall out.
  • bababangarangrang
    bababangarangrang Posts: 23 Member
    I wouldn't. I heard someone that your ovaries could fall out.

    Oh snap! *puts away running shoes* :smile:
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    I wouldn't. I heard someone that your ovaries could fall out.

  • lacecorsetdolly
    lacecorsetdolly Posts: 4 Member
    You won't injure yourself, unless you have a leave and then your pride is injured.

    I usually get cramps prior to my period and I tend to take a rest day on the first, purely for heavy flow purposes.
  • BeLikeBarbi
    I wouldn't. I heard someone that your ovaries could fall out.

    I don't think this is true. Don't believe everything you hear!
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    I always work out during that time of the month. I use tampons. I don't even use pads anymore at all. Tampons stay in place, unless I guess if you're using weights and you squeeze your kegal muscles then it might push it out somewhat and that becomes uncomfortable, so I guess a pad will do.