

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Hello ladies. Been thinking about the "fat chat" suggestion and thought we might be young and hip if we spelled it "phat" chat! Lol. Just finished 28 Fitbit minutes cutting our front palm tree. Hit 10 k steps 3 times this week and food plan is going well with all the summer veggies, melons and berries. Yum!

    suerontur3 no need to comment, just don't read or visit this thread. We like us just the way we are o:)

    Pip love the Vegas nails. Hope it cools off for you.

    You all are such good company in my day and I thank you for that. It can get pretty lonely.

    Prayers for all. Rosie in So cal
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    I love the diary too ...

    Carol ... Hope the shoulder heals quickly ... Feel better soon.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    italy10548 wrote: »
    Hello ladies. Been thinking about the "fat chat" suggestion and thought we might be young and hip if we spelled it "phat" chat! Lol. Just finished 28 Fitbit minutes cutting our front palm tree. Hit 10 k steps 3 times this week and food plan is going well with all the summer veggies, melons and berries. Yum!

    suerontur3 no need to comment, just don't read or visit this thread. We like us just the way we are o:)

    Pip love the Vegas nails. Hope it cools off for you.

    You all are such good company in my day and I thank you for that. It can get pretty lonely.

    Prayers for all. Rosie in So cal

    going there FOR the HEAT :0)... YEAY FOR YOU HITTING 10k 3 times this week!! you r so cool thinking of "phat" u da bomb!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    My alternate personality just showed up out of nowhere just then. Just trying to protect my peeps.... :)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thanks, Pip... missed my run this morning, and obviously a little cranky...I love the aspects of this thread that go far beyond the weight loss and maintenance aspects. Health is more than that, and the help and support here is amazing.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Heather UK - absolutely gorgeous grandbabies. Thanks for sharing :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    barbiecat - there are things we have taught our bodies to do with time and like you and me we are good the way we eat. we rarely "go out to dinner" and i too avoid the bread, sauces and dressings.i used to drink ALOT and i mean ALOT. i just can't drink the way i used to, i don't drink that much anymore, sometimes i will go months without anything. it's not that important to me anymore. but i don't deny myself either. if i'm in the mood to drink, i will, but i know i will log it as part of my calorie count to, so i do choose wisely

    smiley-happy110.gif I don't drink I used to, but not anymore) , but I have my treats.....when the lavender festival comes, I'll be eating and logging lavender cheesecake ice cream and while I never eat cheese at home, I have it at Mexican restaurants and various special occasions. You and I (and lots of others on this thread) have worked hard to set our eating and exercise plans and boundaries and know how to take brief detours without ending up on another planet.

    <3 I love this thread and the "phat chat" and all my Vitamin F pals.....I hope you'll all keep coming back to inspire, support, and entertain me.....I need you

    <3 Barbie

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    suerontur3 wrote: »
    Omg, this is a complete diary. I can't believe what people post on this, and who the heck has time to read all this!!!!! Not me! When I read books they are books I am interested in. Sorry to offend but seriously!

    Guess we just aren't everyone's cup of tea, eh? lol But it works for us and we enjoy it. We support each other, encourage each other and even kick a little "bootay" when needed.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thanks, Pip... missed my run this morning, and obviously a little cranky...I love the aspects of this thread that go far beyond the weight loss and maintenance aspects. Health is more than that, and the help and support here is amazing.

    Right on!! Oh you have such a way with words. Perhaps you should right a book or two, oh that's right you already have. Loved this Little Pig by the way, Lisa, imagine it was not the easiest to write.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    nite peep-o-roon-knees!!!!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    I have a childhood friend who's interviewing for a teaching job in a town just up the road from ours, so this evening my sweetie and I met him for dinner. When I know I'm going to be eating out I try to plan ahead for a little splurge, so I was able to have a big chef salad for dinner AND a slice of chocolate toffee pie. I'm not willing to give up those little indulgences, and that's why MFP has been so useful for me - I don't have to deny myself but I can still be aware of my intake. It makes the connection between exercise and calories in very, very clear! Everybody's got their own motivations, and here is my confession: I don't exercise for health or stress relief or any of that stuff. I exercise so I can have a margarita now and then, or a beer, or a bowl of ice cream. Or a slice of chocolate toffee pie!

    After dinner, sweetie and I picked up the dog and took her for an hour-long walk around the lake at the community park. ("No, don't chase the duck. No, not that duck either. Those ducks over there, uh uh. Leave it, leave it, leave it.." And so on.) We had a good time and the rain has really started to bring out the fireflies!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks, Janet....Pig was not easy to write in a lot of ways... But had to be written. Until I killed the old man off, I couldn't move on. Enough said. :neutral:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @Lisa, I can understand that. I am so glad you we able to and that you are now living your enchanted life and sharing it with us. Thank you.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    I have a childhood friend who's interviewing for a teaching job in a town just up the road from ours, so this evening my sweetie and I met him for dinner. When I know I'm going to be eating out I try to plan ahead for a little splurge, so I was able to have a big chef salad for dinner AND a slice of chocolate toffee pie. I'm not willing to give up those little indulgences, and that's why MFP has been so useful for me - I don't have to deny myself but I can still be aware of my intake. It makes the connection between exercise and calories in very, very clear! Everybody's got their own motivations, and here is my confession: I don't exercise for health or stress relief or any of that stuff. I exercise so I can have a margarita now and then, or a beer, or a bowl of ice cream. Or a slice of chocolate toffee pie!

    After dinner, sweetie and I picked up the dog and took her for an hour-long walk around the lake at the community park. ("No, don't chase the duck. No, not that duck either. Those ducks over there, uh uh. Leave it, leave it, leave it.." And so on.) We had a good time and the rain has really started to bring out the fireflies!


    I love you saying that. I always tell my daughters apparently I like eating more than I dislike exercising. Although my body and I have noticed and do appreciate the benefits of the exercise.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited June 2015
    Dear Diary :)

    I am glad I got in on the last posts.... silly comments eh! Made me chuckle, just what I needed after the super crappy day at work. Too much bull *kitten* bickering and sneaky stuff....

    So... I am just going to start over tomorrow.... today I ate it seems a lot... came home - watered plants and moved sprinklers... maybe I wore off the calories I ate ..I don't know.

    We sure could do with some rain. Temperatures hitting +30 and +33 Celsius on the weekend. We have an outdoor wedding to go to so I think I will make sure I have several umbrellas. My DIL is 8 months pregnant and she will just wilt.

    I better go to bed and hopefully wake up with a refreshed attitude, DGS is coming over in the morning.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lets see if I can do any responding tonight… still tired but not as bad…
    I am reading everything, just not typing a response…

    Alison – take care!

    Swimming stories: I love that many others are “retired” Life guards me too… I taught swimming, taught water skiing and coached water polo practice back in high school and college. I loved it! I learned to swim by the time I was 2 (really! my dad – a competitive water polo player taught me the crawl before mom got me to walk across the room) While I did teach kids, my favorite were the private adult lessons… I loved getting an adult to love the water. My favorite story from those times was a woman, pretty heavy set, with kids and she signed them up for lessons and was so afraid, so we got her in lessons too, it took once a week all summer she started too afraid to come into the pool area, but by fall she was comfortable enough to take water aerobics - She had been too afraid of the water to even take a bath…just showers… I am sure there was some serious trauma behind her fear, but as a teen I did not care, I was just going to get her into the water it was a long time but she was motivated, and did it.

    Joyce – take care of you, and hub!

    Yvonne – I like raw veggies better with dip, and have found bolthouse lite dressing, it is refrigerated – and is done with yogurt, so 40 ish calories for 2 Tablespoons and that helps me eat more raw veggies…

    Love stories – So interesting to hear about how many met on line, I have no love story, just sob stories, I was engaged once but when his wife (yes his wife) told me she existed and in fact she was not dead (that was what he told me) and she thought all was fine, I gave her the engagement ring he had given me, which turned out to be her grandmothers and was being saved for their daughter…. What a liar. While I have considered online, I am always too scared of how much you have to share with a complete stranger… of course look at what I do here, and feel safe…hmmmm

    Heather – great pic. I am so jealous of your “train fare” is that on the underground? We are not allowed to drink or eat on the local train transit… it is called Bart here (Bay Area Rapid transit) a glorified train…

    Lisa, Pip and a few others! – thanks. Our defenders!

    Carol – hope your shoulder feels better!

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 18 – missed one just forgot!
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week -
    week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.
    Week 2 – Seattle seeing my Godson graduate from college

    Kim from N. California
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    First..........suerontur.......don't leave mad, just leave........you rude comment was entirely uncalled for and I'm sure with your attitude you would not fit in here. Be gone.

    Now on to my "diary" ......very full unexpected day. My friend, Goldy, managed to break her (R) foot and I spent most of the day driving her to clinic, xray, ortho with another ortho appt. tomorrow, at eight am. Not doing food, eating wasn't "bad" just off kilter. Unplanned lunch out at an unfamiliar place. Had to convince her to take some Advil. My exercise was at the dog park for an hour and a half with Gemma and her doggy friends.

    Lisa......Hey, Princess, beautiful love story.

    Cheri.......Wow, cactus and rose sure "spoke" to me.

    Tere.....Loved your tree story; he sure knew a good thing when he saw it!

    terri......Glad you are having fun. I've also "lost" a car after a concert and wandered a parking lot at midnight looking for it.

    janetr........Cute, cute doggies!

    Beth....... We met in Aug., married in Dec. Yay for getting the van, Boo for the modifications taking so long.

    Katla.......I'm so happy the cream worked; still wish it had a nicer name.

    Kate........My cousin married and moved to Canada also. Good luck.

    Heather........I swear your DGC are the most picture perfect children, always adorable!!!!! I read an article about the top five bars and Quest Coconut Cashew was one of them so I just tried it, not bad. I had never eaten an energy bar before. 170 cals., 20gms protein, 1g. sugar

    Carol.........((((((Hugs))))))) (gentle) to feel better.

    Have read all, sorry can't comment more, off to bed.
    Very tired,

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Got in 10K steps today but went over 60 calories. Had I realized that 4 oz of seaweed salad has 245 cal and an ungodly amount of sodium, I'd've foregone it. <sigh>
    (later) I checked elsewhere about wakame, and found that yes, it does have too much sodium, but not THAT much. So have too much sodium but not a terrifying amount, and am within budget on calories.
    Today's news from Louisiana - at least, that part of it which I wrote.
    A much older story that came up in the same search (mcconnaughey flood alligator)
    4 pages, 5 photos, all by me. (except for "tiptoed," which was edited in for my "a-tiptoe." I might have written "on tiptoe," but that probably would have been less subject to change.)
    Sometimes my job is so much fun I'm amazed that I get paid for it. :)

    Joyce, *tremendous* sympathy for your husband and you.
    I read in Consumer Reports many years back that most of us don't need sports drinks, and a half-and-half mixture of apple juice and water will do the job.
    Just out of curiosity, how tall are you? I got down to a size 16, at about 170 lbs, and was thinking 150 might get me to 14. I used to be 5-7.5, am now 5-5 or 5-6, the latter being what shows up in the dr's records, but i think the little numbers showed 5-5.
    I haven't been a size 12 in lordknowshowlong. I could fit into 12s at about 125-140 lbs.

    Allison - You're welcome. :)
    I seem to recall there are 5 varieties of candy in those bags. IF they're evenly divided, pulling out the Twixes would reduce those 175 pieces by about 35, which would make it roughly 5 weeks worth of candy instead of 6.
    And of course it may not be evenily divided. But if you bring them by the week, at least you'll know when they're running out before the last minute.
    YAY on the mini!

    Debbie Clark - keep at it. :) From your photo, I'd say you're within what - 20, 30, 40 pounds of goal? That alone means loss is slow.

    Lenora - the spitting wasn't drool, just taking a mouthful of water and squirting it out onto someone.
    Yeah, I loved night swimming with the lights on. I remember standing in front of the lights on cool fall or spring nights to savor the warmth.
    Hope your eye feels better Real Soon.
    Boiled egg calories depend on the size. I think larges run about 75.

    Cheri - I envy your weather. It's 9pm and down to 79 in New Orleans.

    Lisa - awwww, both the how-we-met and the photo.

    Hey, Gin! 2 pounds a week for someone so small and so close to goal is a hard row to hoe. But keep logging what you eat and do, and weight *will* come off, even if not as fast as you want.

    Jen - Good on you for finding out what the problem was and reaching a good settlement.

    Yvonne - I generally have to work out veggies for myself, because Larry (who has done most of the cooking since he lost his last job a good few years ago) never thinks to make 'em. I buy lots of the frozen bagged veggies. They're more expensive, but I can tell Larry, "Just cook up a bag of something" and there are my three servings. I'll often have a bag at lunch at work, too.
    I didn't pay enough attention to the nutrition labels and learned ex post facto that the garlic cauliflower, while reasonably low in calories, is unreasonably high in sodium.
    A co-worker whose mother was a nurse in OB-GYN told me that a new mom on the unit told her mother that her baby's name was "Wy-vuh-nee." After a couple repetitions, she askedk the woman to spell it. It was spelled just like yours.
    That'd be so cool if your friend gets a job nearby!

    Tere - funny meeting story! So your guy hadn't asked what he'd be paid beforehand? :)

    JanetR - doggie awe awwwwww

    Larry and I didn't meet on the Internet, but I got onto the 'net because of him. When we started this-here circus, he was still living in the DC area and I was in New Orleans. We may have hastened the demise of the post office's guaranteed speedy delivery, because we used it reguarly and quite often got free deliveries because the previous one hadn't met the time limit.
    Be that as it may, after a while Larry suggested email. As it happened, I got a a $2,000 windfall toward the end of 1983. That got me a Radio Shack Model 100 with the full 32K memroy, stedda the basic ... I think it was 24K - and a very slow printer. The computer came with an introductory free membership to CompuServe. Talk about addictive! I could have bought a used VW with the $6/hour payments over the next few years.

    Renee - wow. Tough road back. Congrats on making it to the gym after such bad injuries!

    Evangelia - great workouts!

    Beth - sounds as if bwc must stand for Beth's Whirlwind Courtship. ;-D
    What a terrifying story about the double dive.

    Mia - yeah, the protein bars with chocolate do make a huge mess on a hot day. I tried putting them in an insulated bag on Monday, but that wasn't proof against a day in a hot car.
    Sushi and SF - I knew there was a reason I liked you. ;-D

    DJanet - the title of my first job with the AP was "news dictationist." It's a job that was obliterated by computers; I started in fall '74, a couple years before the AP bought its first computers. There were a bunch of us. Each sat at a typewriter and wore a headset. The typewriters had a font the size of primer type amd were set to triple space; we typed onto 5-carbon "books".
    When a reporter or PR person called in, the next person up took it and wrote down the news story or news release verbaatim. So, yeah, typewriter attachment is, I think, accurate.

    Heather - Funny, lovely pic of the kids looking at you and your husband looking at the book. :)

    barbie from NW Wash - I often order from the menu, but almost as often get substitutions. Had a lovely salmon filet with double veg instead of veg and potatoes a few weeks back. And the veg was asparagus! Before I went to Baton Rouge on Monday, I looked for restaurants within walking distance, checked menus and called to see if they had wi-fi. I ate at one becuase it was a straight walk from the court, had wi-fi, offered a fish filet with 2 sides, and the choices included green beans and fresh fruit cup.

    Carol in NC: <<sympathy>>

    Sylvia - *great* about the quickly assembled walking group. Oh, owie. <<hugs>> to you as well as the grandbabe.

    I figured out when I started here by going to the weight tracking page and seeing how far back the line went. Of course, I've no forgotten.

    JKDooley - congrats on being halfway to goal!

    peeps - you have a desk job, but you sure as shootin' ain't sedentary!

    Kim - Very cool about learning to swim at 2, and getting the woman who was afraid to bathe to learn to swim.
    And I'll note that by the time Larry came to visit for Mardi Gras, I was 30 and had decided, OK, I was going to be single for the rest of my life.
    (And my father married a really sweet woman about a decade after my mother died.)
    I have, thank Whatever, never been courted by a slimeball like that guy.

    yanniejannie - what a good friend you are!

    JanetM,inNO,Puttering along

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    End of day post. Don't get used to this ladies. Once I am back to work, I know I won't be able to keep up and you'll be wondering where I've gone. ;)

    ☼ I went to a catch-up yoga class this morning and rode my (new) bike there and back. So that was an hour of cycling, huffing and puffing (boy I am out of shape) and an hour of yoga (bliss). I learned a few more stretches at yoga, adding to my repertoire.

    ☼ DH made soup and salad for dinner, but I think I overdid it on the nuts today.

    Tomorrow is another day and I will likely will spend it with DD and the kiddies.

    Goodnight ladies!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did about 42 minutes of Paul Katemi's ASAP Sculpt DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Leslie Sansone's burn Body Fast DVD. While Amanda (jess's friend) is here, I'm trying to do DVD's that aren't as long.

    Mary from MN - wonder how they remove some of the moisture from the sweet potatoes? If you were to remove enough, maybe you wouldn't have to deep fry them. My stomach just says "I don't think so..." whenever I have something deep fried.

    Kim - great job getting rid of the cookies!

    Yes, it's 2a.m. Jessica's friend just got here. I admit it, I did overeat, mainly because it's late and I just wanted something. To be honest, I'm not impressed at all with her exhubby. He didn't once say anything to us like "thank you for letting us stay with you". He does have medical issues. He has a portable dialysis machine and had insulin for his diabetes. She, on the other hand, said over and over "thank you for letting us stay with you". They plan to leave tomorrow to, I guess, drive around. she said they have an appointment at 3 but said they'll probably leave around 10. I'm thinking more to get a feel for the area. she said they want to look in the hickory area (!). I would have thought the Lenoir area since her friend is in Boone, but she said she purposely doesn't want to be too close to her friend since if she was, she'd always be at her friend's house. To me, Charlotte has quite a few jobs, but she said that in the Hickory area there are lots of jobs. Who knows? Maybe she stays in such close contact with her ex because she feels somewhat guilty because of his medical conditions. That and the fact that he's the father of her child.

    katla - I do like the feature that all the posts are now on one thread, not that it gets locked after 500. Guess that's the change that I like the most. I do miss the "member since....."

    Welcome everyone new

    Joyce - when Tonia mentioned the karaoke app, I immediately thought of you. I met my husband while working at a fast food place. He worked the night shift and I worked during the day, but our boss was promoted to a manager and we went to a party for him. The thing was, I got so drunk that he came to work the next day and I didn't remember him! Actually, this is the anniversary of the day we met way back when. My heart breaks for Charlie

    Alison - yea you got that iPad mini! So happy for you. Of course the first thing you would download would be MFP! Totally stands to reason

    If Amanda's first appointment isn't until 3, I have a funny feeling that Aiden (the son) is going to want to go in the pool. Well, they will just have to be here. I thought for sure they'd have more than one appointment lined up.

    Debbieclark - you can try varying the type of exercise you do (even tho you are very active, is it very active always doing the same thing?), the amount of time you spend doing it, also the intensity (are you always doing the exercise at the same intensity, try sprinting for a few seconds, then recovering for a few seconds)

    GRITS - dropping the Baby Ruth in the pool reminded me of that movie -- what was it? where they put a baby ruth (or maybe it was a tootsie roll) in the pool. Hilarious. What are you doing? taking lessons from Poop on eyes? We can't have either of you not seeing. Many times I just have a hard boiled egg white in my salad. There's just something about the texture of the eggyolk when it's hard boiled, I don't care for it. But the white...now that's a different story.

    mia - the hosp had a place in the mall where they used to demo healthy cooking. I went quite a few times. There were lots of people who would come and have their lunch there. they gave the calorie counts and sometimes they didn't. I many times suggested to them that they get the program MasterCook which would give all the values, it wasn't real expensive (I think something like $9) but for some reason they never did.

    DJ - not a problem. Someone (and I don't remember who) had a bad itch. I was saying that we read on the internet that one thing to do for itch was to put a hairdryer on the itch (like a mosquioto bite) as hot as you can possibly stand it. That will TEMPORARILY relieve the itch. The reason behind it is that the heat breaks up the histamines. When we were cutting the weeds by the power lines, we got these nasty bug bites. We tried everything, and I do mean everything, to relieve the itch. Then we decided "why not try it, what's the worst that can happen, it probably won't help but why not try?". Well, it really did work!!!!! I do use the weights at the Y, I just don't use them at home. I seem to work more on my legs. A friend of mine who I play mahjongg with is selling her house. She used to live in GA and when she did she had a pool. She wants to give me her float, says it's very expensive, but I want to pay her something for it. I have no idea how expensive it was or what. But I wouldn't feel right just taking it from her.

    Today is NOT going to be a good day. I can tell, and I don't really know why, but I'm stressed. Maybe it's because Jessica told us that she doesn't really trust Andy (Amanda's ex) and I know Vince is on edge about that. Maybe that's part of it.

    Cheri - Vince has said that the next time we move is when the kids put us in the home....lol

    Mia - thanks for the tofu ideas. At least now I know that it's really more of a side than something that goes into a salad.

    Amanda, Aiden and Andy have left. They are going to be looking at places in Claremont and I think looking at the area. They were talking about going in the pool later tonight. I will probably go in now to sun myself and then do my exercises. I don't know why having them here is stressing me out so much, I'm normally not like this with company.

    Beth - so glad to hear those boys are OK

    I'm SURE the stress is related to Amanda, Andy and Aiden being here. I think it has more to do with Andy than anything else. Yes, I'm still indulging, but at least now it's on better-for-you things like cherries and cheese rather than cookies. Update: the came back, did find a place (a trailer), 3bdrms, 2 bath in Claremont. Hope for them that the application goes thru. Well, afterwards, they wanted to go in the pool, no problem, only we hadn't had dinner yet and I was STARVING, and I do mean starving. We went to Subway. It was interesting, I can understand about wanting to save as much money as you can. but I in a way thought they'd say something like "let us buy you dinner for letting us stay at your house", but they didn't. Not that it was anything big. Yet, for Amanda's 6" sub, Andy's 6" sub and Aiden's kids meal it was more expensive than Vince's 12" sub and my 6" sub. I bet a lot of that was because I had water to drink. Well, it's not like we're going to starve to death

    Poop - what nails!

    katekyi - do you microwave your beets?

    Lisa and MNMargaret - WTG!!!! Well said. sue - what do you think the "rules" should be? I may not like something someone says or I may not agree with it, but I've never been offended.

    Michele in NC