Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • gempen96
    gempen96 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to be more active here, had the app for a while and only added food so far...No clue how to really use the app to it's fullest just yet but I'd love to make friends here! 😁
  • Wombay
    Wombay Posts: 21 Member
    Have recently connected with a few great people on here and a really nice vibe going which is working great in helping me come back. Would love to spread that vibe to others, so if you need a friend, shoot me a connection request.
  • Okillhavecake
    Okillhavecake Posts: 4,855 Member
    Active... Add away people
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    1745+ days a streaken, always up for more MOTTO FIT FRIENDS!
  • JustMeJustEm06
    JustMeJustEm06 Posts: 136 Member
    Active with open diary; the good, the bad and shameful! :lol:
    Love spreadin’ encouragement, so add away!
  • Musaniac
    Musaniac Posts: 26 Member
    Add me! :)
  • SARRY562
    SARRY562 Posts: 123 Member
    always looking for new people to help me stay motivated
  • HeatherMRV93
    HeatherMRV93 Posts: 10 Member
  • marktrenkle
    marktrenkle Posts: 1 Member
    Let’s go!
  • Blue_eyed_girl82
    Blue_eyed_girl82 Posts: 74 Member
    I am back again. Schools out and I need to get in shape for new job coming soon. Need all the support!!!
  • Here for friends. Let's make this happen! Feel free to shoot me a friend request, or I'll quote me and I'll send you one! :smiley:
  • PureGreenWater
    PureGreenWater Posts: 4 Member
    Friend me up! Everyone! I have signed up to the Berlin marathon, I have 10 months to train and have been on less than 10 runs in my entire life. I guess if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough! ;)
  • marlonmoran949
    marlonmoran949 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here👍🏻
  • realAlexaD
    realAlexaD Posts: 4 Member
    I'm back! I need friends to tell at me to keep me true.
  • megleighd
    megleighd Posts: 53 Member
    I would like some more friends!
  • Y'all come hold me accountable for the questionable dietary decisions I've been making lately!
  • fox2m406
    fox2m406 Posts: 15 Member
    Back at it again. Hope everyone is keeping up with their goals!
  • ABUhealthy
    ABUhealthy Posts: 23 Member
    ADD ME!
    will be happy to be motivating and motivated
  • carlsoncheyenne
    carlsoncheyenne Posts: 3 Member
    Me! I'd love more friends.