fat vs water weight?



  • RodHudson1229
    RodHudson1229 Posts: 65 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hmm I saw a lot of arguing and attacking going on here but really no answer came for the OP. My basic understanding of the two is that water weight is temporary and it will find it's way back. Water weight fluctuates a great deal from day to day. Fat loss which is what we are all after comes from creating a healthy caloric deficit and over time you reduce the amount of fat your body is carrying. So in the begging it's not uncommon to see a quick loss as you do new things to your body such as exercise. I dropped about 6lbs yesterday in sweat and water on a long hike. Today at midday I have regained 4 lbs of that. It's just water fluctuation and you will see a lot of it if you weigh daily. If you weigh weekly it is likely that you will see less fluctuation but it is not to say you won't still be seeing water loss on the day weigh especially if you have a big cardio session just before weigh in. That is my understanding of water vs fat loss. Stay hydrated get plenty of fluids daily and over time you will watch the fat fall away. Remember not all of your fluids have to come from water alone. Fruits and veggies also contain fluids.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,004 Member
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