What do you all do to strengthen willpower???



  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    Good, I am glad you are healthier.
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Good, I am glad you are healthier.

    Yes and without having to eliminate certain things or not have them in the house because I'm not filling my day with nothing but cookies and cake and I can also stick to the serving size I planned for.

    That is excellent.
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    Yes, but I hope you can sustain it with your diet.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.

    Because you can lose weight and have sugary foods. You don't need to cut them out of your life completely.

    Some of us have found out that restricting them completely led to cycles of perfect restriction followed by binging followed by more restriction and so on.

    I'm off that rollercoaster.

    Today's sugar consumption? 35 calories of mini chocolate chips stirred into my yogurt and raspberries. A little treat, hardly any calories, fit into a teeny calorie allowance, and I'm perfectly satisfied.

  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.

    Because you can lose weight and have sugary foods. You don't need to cut them out of your life completely.

    Some of us have found out that restricting them completely led to cycles of perfect restriction followed by binging followed by more restriction and so on.

    I'm off that rollercoaster.

    Today's sugar consumption? 35 calories of mini chocolate chips stirred into my yogurt and raspberries. A little treat, hardly any calories, fit into a teeny calorie allowance, and I'm perfectly satisfied.

    Agreed, you don't need to cut them out completely. But they sure are a trigger food for a lot of people.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I am constantly montioring my state of mind. Im honest with and supportive of myself so I dont beat up and dont make excuses. I prefer to intelligently guide myself to the options that give me the best chance of long term succcess and as im broingly analytical and logical I tend to go with my own advice after ive weighed up the options. One of the things about strong willpower is to know when to push, when to be flexible and when to give way. Beating yourself up, getting frustrated or feeling guilty all a waste of time.

    I just tend to laugh at myself if ive made a few rubbish choices and get on with things. No excuses, but no beaing yourself up either. I do have an advantage in that im naturally determined once I set my focus on something and I dont think everyone is like that.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Interesting how someone talks about real moderation and it's crickets in here.

    I guess because most people can moderate their cricket intake.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    You are right, you are opinionated.
    Says the person who claims to know whether I'll be able to maintain my weight.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    So everyone must avoid sugar or they will fail at maitaining their weight loss? Interesting. I guess I'm screwed then.

    No, but he makes it sound like we can eat mostly "processed food" with sugar (crappy foods) and everything will be fine if we have a caloric deficit. I disagree.
    Can you cite so much as a single sentence I wrote that makes it sound like that?

    Yeah, didn't think so.

  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I prefer the term "wantpower". If you WANT something badly enough, you will find a way to attain it. To me, "willing" something to happen is like shutting your eyes tightly, making a wish, and hoping it will magically happen.

    This I REALLY like!!