What do you all do to strengthen willpower???



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited June 2015
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    Oh there was a lot of evidence. Doctors that had done a lot of tests to prove what they said. I wouldn't believe someone just because it's what they told me....i like to see proof...

    It's the quality of the evidence that makes me shudder. You probably don't drink soda either.

    I can show you a beautifully presented video with doctors in lab coats that would convince you that blood transfusions are bad for you. I dare you to tell me what is wrong with their reasoning.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    And while eating sugar and still keeping to your calories....it is still not good for you. The way your body digests it is really bad for our systems. Whach Fed Up.....it will change your mind. I never realized until I saw it myself! It's very informative. I honestly believe now a calorie is not just a calorie. Some are good for our bodies and some our not.
    Just my thoughts :smile:
    You don't eat fruit?

    I eat fruit....in moderation. I don't eat food with ADDED sugar.

    Oh good...then you should be able to explain why they are different then, right?

    Wow...people are so quick to jump on you if they don't agree. I was only stating what I believe and how I feel! But this is what I think about the difference if you must know:

    Fruit contains many benefits compared to refined sugar. Besides being rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, fruit is an excellent source of fiber. The presence of fiber in fruit determines what happens to fruit sugars in your body and how quickly they are broken down in your gastrointestinal tract. Unlike refined sugar, fiber in fruit expands in your gut, making you feel full. Fiber is the biggest secret as to why fruit sugars are not as dangerous as refined sugar, preventing the sugars from being rapidly broken down and stored.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    ...so sugar water with a tablespoon of Metamucil would do about the same thing, right?
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    I have found that imagining the things I crave that are bad for me, covered in something disgusting really helps me! Sounds mad but my habit have changed completely by doing that.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I used to be super strict with my diet but it seems that sugar has gotten the best of me lately (normally only at night) and I feel like I go in zombie mode... How do you guys strengthen your willpower? :)

    I made a decision about what I want to see weight/healthwise and what I'll do to achieve it.

    I agree with others here that any change you make must be one you can CONTINUE to make. If your thought process is "I'm going to completely give up eating (forbidden food here) until I reach (magical weight number here)" then the second you get to (magical weight number here) you're going to binge on (forbidden food). That's assuming you even hold off that long.

    Make small incremental SUSTAINABLE changes that will make you healthier..things like "I will only eat dessert every other day" or "Since I tend to binge on ice cream, I won't keep it in the house but will instead just go buy a scoop when I feel like ice cream" or "I will no longer have a day where I just sit on the couch all day long".

    Over time, those changes will add up. I have lost over 40 pounds since last December and kept it off for the most part (there was a short period of about a month where I stopped coming here and logging and surprise, surprise..when I stopped paying attention, I gained weight).

    I intend to keep on making small changes toward my final goal of 150-170 pounds (depending on body composition).
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited June 2015
    Unlike refined sugar, fiber in fruit expands in your gut, making you feel full. Fiber is the biggest secret as to why fruit sugars are not as dangerous as refined sugar, preventing the sugars from being rapidly broken down and stored.
    So, the reason one sugar isn't like another sugar is because of something that has nothing to do with sugar. Is that your final answer? I mean, you just admitted that the difference wasn't the sugar, right? What if I dip my strawberries in sugar? Is that sugar good, or bad, now? Why?

  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Osiris275 wrote: »
    I have found that imagining the things I crave that are bad for me, covered in something disgusting really helps me! Sounds mad but my habit have changed completely by doing that.

    I think I will try that, next time a cookie calls.

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited June 2015
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ...so sugar water with a tablespoon of Metamucil would do about the same thing, right?
    Oatmeal raisin cookies should be awesome. Plenty of fiber from the oats and sugar from the raisins to go along with the added sugar. That must make the added sugar good, rather than evil. I mean, everyone just eats refined sugar by the spoonful, never with other ingredients that might help make it as magical as sugar in fruit.

  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited June 2015
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ...so sugar water with a tablespoon of Metamucil would do about the same thing, right?
    Oatmeal raisin cookies should be awesome. Plenty of fiber from the oats and sugar from the raisins to go along with the added sugar. That must make the added sugar good, rather than evil. I mean, everyone just eats refined sugar by the spoonful, never with other ingredients that might help make it as magical as sugar in fruit.

    It doesn't quite work out that way although I wish it did. For example...

    Subway oatmeal raisin cookie (1.6oz): sugar 16g; fibre 1g; calories 200
    Blackberries (1.6oz) sugar 2.21g; fibre 2.4g; calories 20

    sugar to fibre ratio in cookie: 16 to 1
    sugar to fibre ratio in fruit: 0.9 to 1
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited June 2015
    jgnatca wrote: »
    ...so sugar water with a tablespoon of Metamucil would do about the same thing, right?
    Oatmeal raisin cookies should be awesome. Plenty of fiber from the oats and sugar from the raisins to go along with the added sugar. That must make the added sugar good, rather than evil. I mean, everyone just eats refined sugar by the spoonful, never with other ingredients that might help make it as magical as sugar in fruit.

    It doesn't quite work out that way although I wish it did. For example...

    Subway oatmeal raisin cookie (1.6oz): sugar 16g; fibre 1g; calories 200
    Blackberries (1.6oz) sugar 2.21g; fibre 2.4g; calories 20

    sugar to fibre ratio in cookie: 16 to 1
    sugar to fibre ratio in fruit: 0.9 to 1
    The ratio of carbs to fiber in raisins is 21.4:1. Does that mean raisins have bad sugar or that they are no longer fruit or that they are a bad fruit?

  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I eat more food. I'm not being sarcastic. Too much of a calories deficit makes me crave everything.
  • carriefeidt
    carriefeidt Posts: 12 Member
    Your brain will always win over your willpower. Make sure you give your body all the nutrients it needs and you will be satisfied. Of course, a good no to sugar at bedtime is discipline. But you should not be starving. What I am guessing is that you have been used to that behavior for a while and your body is asking for it. You know, like a drug.

    Like a drug, yes... And I am working discipline back into my life. When school let out i feel like my status went to 'unchaperoned child at a birthday party' lol!
  • carriefeidt
    carriefeidt Posts: 12 Member
    I watch movies when I walk/run, lift weights, squats and the like. Most of them are either Batman movies or I watch a couple of horror flicks, anything that draws my attention from the actual activity so I can be distracted. Or, I find new music and listen to that on full blast in my earphones--I recently added two albums worth of Disturbed songs in my phone so I can stay distracted. Or i dive into my fantasy land: I pretend I'm Batman's sidekick and he's jiving me to get more fit, stronger--sometimes I kick the air and punch, so I can get the full motivation. Or I drink a coke and then I have all kinds of f*cking energy and I don't know what to do with it! I hope some of this helps you; I never reward myself with cokes or candy; I give myself a session of meditation with yoga or some music, and just give myself an out-of-the-body experience. Sometimes, I eat an apple dipped in caramel. It is wonderful.

    Yes! Hardcore music really gets me going :) I also love to meditate and do yoga because I feel as if I become more mindful. I love your advice!
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    The ratio of carbs to fiber in raisins is 21.4:1. Does that mean raisins have bad sugar or that they are no longer fruit or that they are a bad fruit?

    Do you mean the ratio of sugar to fibre (as that's what we're discussing)? I make it 15.9 to 1, (59g sugar to 3.7g fibre per 100g), so about the same as the cookie, so you'd be much better off sticking to fresh fruit if you don't want to spike your insulin.

    On the other hand if you had a purpose for spiking your insulin at a certain time (i.e. if you were a bodybuilder) then you'd probably want to deliberately eat high GI foods at certain times. There's a good guide to that here:

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    The ratio of carbs to fiber in raisins is 21.4:1. Does that mean raisins have bad sugar or that they are no longer fruit or that they are a bad fruit?

    Do you mean the ratio of sugar to fibre (as that's what we're discussing)? I make it 15.9 to 1, (59g sugar to 3.7g fibre per 100g), so about the same as the cookie, so you'd be much better off sticking to fresh fruit if you don't want to spike your insulin.

    On the other hand if you had a purpose for spiking your insulin at a certain time (i.e. if you were a bodybuilder) then you'd probably want to deliberately eat high GI foods at certain times. There's a good guide to that here:
    Yeah, wrong row on the table. Still, it's odd that you pick a throwaway post rather than any of the others in the thread.

  • deanpearce
    deanpearce Posts: 16 Member
    I've realized that willpower is fleeting and only works in bursts. I found that discipline and repetition have worked best for me. I eat very similarly most days so I have worked out food amounts and substitutions. I got rid of all of the tempting food in the house. I told myself that if I want a snack I have to walk to get it, and only on the weekends at that. I haven't strayed yet because the "walk of shame" to the store makes me reconsider my purchase.

    I also wrote out my rules and stuck them on the wall by the computer. If I feel like slipping or cheating, I read them and refocus myself.

    Someone on Reddit taught me a good trick that I use now. Keeping a packet of unsalted almonds in my pocket. If I am not hungry enough to eat those almonds, I'm not hungry enough to want a snack.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.

    Because you can lose weight and have sugary foods. You don't need to cut them out of your life completely.

    Some of us have found out that restricting them completely led to cycles of perfect restriction followed by binging followed by more restriction and so on.

    I'm off that rollercoaster.

    Today's sugar consumption? 35 calories of mini chocolate chips stirred into my yogurt and raspberries. A little treat, hardly any calories, fit into a teeny calorie allowance, and I'm perfectly satisfied.

    Agreed, you don't need to cut them out completely. But they sure are a trigger food for a lot of people.

    Yes, but contrary to your line of reasoning, that by no means everyone needs to cut out or even reduce sugary foods. Don't extrapolate your issues to everyone else.

    Agree. Not everybody, or even a lot of people, have a problem with "trigger foods." In fact, I would say "trigger foods" is a state of mind. :)

    Cosigned from a deep place of btdt, got the hell over myself

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I used to be super strict with my diet but it seems that sugar has gotten the best of me lately (normally only at night) and I feel like I go in zombie mode... How do you guys strengthen your willpower? :)

    Goals - important goals - other than the number on the scale.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Yes! Hardcore music really gets me going :) I also love to meditate and do yoga because I feel as if I become more mindful. I love your advice!

    The 'witness your thoughts' meditation might be a good technique to try for food impulses/cravings. You've actually just reminded me of it so I'm going to try it myself! I found it very helpful when I quit smoking six years ago and let the thoughts of cigarettes float by like clouds in the sky... :smile:

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    Trigger words. Trigger food. When did people start being so passive about their own lives?

    It does tend to drive me barmy. I've been the victim of a violent crime, one where... yes, there was a time in its aftermath that things "triggered" flashbacks. That's a normal part of recovery. Note the word recovery, it's important.

    It was 35 years ago. I'm no longer his victim at this point, though. And that't the whole thing that does me in about the whole mentality of pleading "trigger". It paints you as a victim of something. Who wants to be a victim? Who wants to stay in a state of perpetual victimhood?

    I really do not get the power people constantly give away. Everyone is so much stronger than they think.