What do you all do to strengthen willpower???



  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Trigger words. Trigger food. When did people start being so passive about their own lives?

    Just because it isn't an issue for you doesn't mean it's not an issue for others. Stop making sanctimonious judgments about how people live their lives. We're all here because we ate too much--for a huge number of reasons -- including you.
    If "take responsibility for your choices and don't try to blame someone else's words or sugar for your failure to meet your goal" is sanctimonious, I'm fine with that.

    Yeah, I ate too much and didn't move enough. That's not sugar's fault or my parents' fault or the fault of anything anyone ever said. It's my fault and I've taken responsibility for my poor choices and am making better ones. It beats blaming a particular kind of food.

    All kinds of things are issues for people. Some of them involve putting on your big girl or boy pants and accepting you're the one who has to make the effort and you're the one ultimately responsible for your failure or success. Handling the devil sugar is one of those, for almost everyone.

    Yes, and "making the effort" and being "responsible for your failure or success" includes different strategies for different people. If that means completely avoiding certain foods for a while, what's wrong with that as a strategy if it helps?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    Trigger words. Trigger food. When did people start being so passive about their own lives?

    Just because it isn't an issue for you doesn't mean it's not an issue for others. Stop making sanctimonious judgments about how people live their lives. We're all here because we ate too much--for a huge number of reasons -- including you.
    If "take responsibility for your choices and don't try to blame someone else's words or sugar for your failure to meet your goal" is sanctimonious, I'm fine with that.

    Yeah, I ate too much and didn't move enough. That's not sugar's fault or my parents' fault or the fault of anything anyone ever said. It's my fault and I've taken responsibility for my poor choices and am making better ones. It beats blaming a particular kind of food.

    All kinds of things are issues for people. Some of them involve putting on your big girl or boy pants and accepting you're the one who has to make the effort and you're the one ultimately responsible for your failure or success. Handling the devil sugar is one of those, for almost everyone.

    Yes, and "making the effort" and being "responsible for your failure or success" includes different strategies for different people. If that means completely avoiding certain foods for a while, what's wrong with that as a strategy if it helps?
    Show me where I said that was wrong.

  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    I have a big, sugary cake right by my desk right now. And I love cake. Even the word "cake" just sounds amazing to me. I'm resisting it only because I know the sugar isn't going to make me feel better. It isn't going to give me more energy (and if it does, it'll be followed by a hard crash), it'll inhibit my ability to work out at lunch as early as I wanted to, and it'll be an additional 140 calories (per very tiny 1/2 piece) I can't eat in food that will actually keep me full.

    Six months ago, I would've said "screw it, I deserve it" without thinking twice about it. At least today, I'm pausing to consider the pros and cons. That's what is helping me stay away.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I have a big, sugary cake right by my desk right now. And I love cake. Even the word "cake" just sounds amazing to me. I'm resisting it only because I know the sugar isn't going to make me feel better. It isn't going to give me more energy (and if it does, it'll be followed by a hard crash), it'll inhibit my ability to work out at lunch as early as I wanted to, and it'll be an additional 140 calories (per very tiny 1/2 piece) I can't eat in food that will actually keep me full.

    Six months ago, I would've said "screw it, I deserve it" without thinking twice about it. At least today, I'm pausing to consider the pros and cons. That's what is helping me stay away.

    Good for you. I also LOVE cake and it's not that there is anything wrong with cake or the sugar in it, but I can totally understand staying away from it. Moderation is not indeed for everyone. Although I say "everything in moderation" all the time, I still would find it very hard to eat just a tiny slice of cake. I don't get many calories a day so I have to choose wisely. I suppose that's where willpower comes in huh *shrugs*
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    And while eating sugar and still keeping to your calories....it is still not good for you. The way your body digests it is really bad for our systems. Whach Fed Up.....it will change your mind. I never realized until I saw it myself! It's very informative. I honestly believe now a calorie is not just a calorie. Some are good for our bodies and some our not.
    Just my thoughts :smile:
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    And while eating sugar and still keeping to your calories....it is still not good for you. The way your body digests it is really bad for our systems. Whach Fed Up.....it will change your mind. I never realized until I saw it myself! It's very informative. I honestly believe now a calorie is not just a calorie. Some are good for our bodies and some our not.
    Just my thoughts :smile:
    You don't eat fruit?

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    @esaucier17, it's scary to me that a biased "documentary" like Fed Up has the power to change people's minds. I demand better evidence. I suspect five minutes in to a movie like that and I'd have a strong urge to wring the director's neck.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    JSurita2 wrote: »
    I have a big, sugary cake right by my desk right now. And I love cake. Even the word "cake" just sounds amazing to me. I'm resisting it only because I know the sugar isn't going to make me feel better. It isn't going to give me more energy (and if it does, it'll be followed by a hard crash), it'll inhibit my ability to work out at lunch as early as I wanted to, and it'll be an additional 140 calories (per very tiny 1/2 piece) I can't eat in food that will actually keep me full.

    Six months ago, I would've said "screw it, I deserve it" without thinking twice about it. At least today, I'm pausing to consider the pros and cons. That's what is helping me stay away.

    Good for you. I also LOVE cake and it's not that there is anything wrong with cake or the sugar in it, but I can totally understand staying away from it. Moderation is not indeed for everyone. Although I say "everything in moderation" all the time, I still would find it very hard to eat just a tiny slice of cake. I don't get many calories a day so I have to choose wisely. I suppose that's where willpower comes in huh *shrugs*

    I know what you mean. I'm trying to stay good on sugar just because of how it makes me feel, but if I had the calories to spare at the moment, I'd be diving into a bite right now (I only get 1200 today). I mean, it's cake.... chocolate.... and it's within arm's reach.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    The question of the OP was "What do you all do to strengthen willpower???

    Some people have to make this in a "sugar bad good war" again
    On purpose to troll around or not.

    It was about strengthen your will power not if sugar is good for you or not.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Logging calories here helps keep me honest. By "honest" I mean I'm less likely to think things like, "Oh one *little* cookie won't hurt..." If I know the little cookie will put me over my limit, I'm less likely to eat it.

    (I wish I did not have cookies in the house, but I have a skinny teenage boy to feed.)
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    I have very little willpower, so the best I can do is to stuff myself with the healthiest foods I can find, lots of beans and veggies and no sugar added desserts like banana "ice creams" and black bean brownie smoothies, things that are really more meals than treats but still feel like treats. And that helps me stay within my calorie goals so I don't even miss the junky, sugary stuff. If you keep yourself feeling full on healthy stuff you will be less likely to binge on the unhealthy stuff, which has more calories.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Willpower is something you learn. You will never learn it if you always give in. But you'll always give in if you set yourself up for failure by having lots of stuff available that tempt you. If you resist stuff enough, it'll get easier to do. Work up to it gradually.

    On the other hand:
    I used to have a lot more willpower, As I've gotten older I've gotten more relaxed and less obsessive about nearly everything in my life. It's way easier to say "One little cookie won't hurt" than it used to be.

  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    I look at motivational quotes on Pinterest. Doesn't always work. My daughter and husband leave chips around the house, and that is hard for me to resist. If I do grab the bag. I make myself portion out an amount, weigh it and log it before I eat it. At least, that is what I try to do, my willpower is not always the best.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    And any time I want more to eat, I can go for a fast walk to "earn" my snack. I love that MFP lets me see what I need to do to earn the food I want. Also, I don't go under 1200 calories, ever, and usually go over by 200-300 calories, and I always eat back my exercise calories. Very little deprivation, here, and I've lost 25 lbs in 5 months.
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    Another way to get willpower is to look in the mirror and work up some disgust about your fat. I don't think "body acceptance" is necessarily a good thing, excepting extreme cases. You can still love and respect yourself, while hating your excess, harmful fat.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    @esaucier17, it's scary to me that a biased "documentary" like Fed Up has the power to change people's minds. I demand better evidence. I suspect five minutes in to a movie like that and I'd have a strong urge to wring the director's neck.

    Oh there was a lot of evidence. Doctors that had done a lot of tests to prove what they said. I wouldn't believe someone just because it's what they told me....i like to see proof. I don't eat sugar and I eat all natural foods, not processed consistantly for about a week now and I already feel so much better....Inside and Out. I am not telling anyone they should do this but what is working for myself and making me feel so much better :smile:
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    And while eating sugar and still keeping to your calories....it is still not good for you. The way your body digests it is really bad for our systems. Whach Fed Up.....it will change your mind. I never realized until I saw it myself! It's very informative. I honestly believe now a calorie is not just a calorie. Some are good for our bodies and some our not.
    Just my thoughts :smile:
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    I find it funny that fitness pal is for losing weight, but people are very defensive about cutting crappy sugary foods.
    Because it's possible to lose weight while eating crappy, sugary, delicious food.

    Yes, but in the long run, you will not sustain your weight.

    And while eating sugar and still keeping to your calories....it is still not good for you. The way your body digests it is really bad for our systems. Whach Fed Up.....it will change your mind. I never realized until I saw it myself! It's very informative. I honestly believe now a calorie is not just a calorie. Some are good for our bodies and some our not.
    Just my thoughts :smile:

    Sorry but the Fed Up documentary is just a movie that misrepresents how the body works just to push their own agenda. Can you tell me in your own words how the glucose in fruit and the glucose in candy or rice or bread get processed different from each other. Please don't day fiber because fiber doesn't make glucose not be glucose. And please don't say to watch Fed Up because that's not the answer. I want your answer. An actual answer.

    I'm not a doctor or scientist so there is no way I can give you an answer. It's just what I believe and how my body feels when i do not eat sugar or processed foods. Everyone has their own opnion and I was only giving mine.